
Chapter 15 - Maia Bleake

Wearing nothing but the see through dress the Emperor's Right Hand commanded she wear since she'd become his servant, Maia ran with all her might away from Ku Yong. Night had long fallen and temperatures were the lowest they'd been thus far in the year. Scantily clad and shoeless, Maia found herself shivering as her sweat turned to ice. Still, she ran.

Her owner, Elsin Boul, needed only drop his guard for a brief moment to give her the opportunity she'd watched and waited for intently since her enslavement. Upon the road from Maide into Ku Yong, the Emperor's Right Hand allowed Maia's chain link leash to slip from his grasp. With no guards around to stop her, she immediately took to the pavement.

Rocks and glass tore through the skin of her feet as she desperately and frantically ran west, straight towards the Echen Forest. She knew she would not live another day should she be caught by the Ku Yong Imperial Army that, she was sure, Boul would send after her. So ignoring the pain, she pressed forward.

It wasn't until she was already a few kilometers into Echen Forest that Maia finally slowed her pace. She took a moment to breathe in heavily, absorbing the first free breath of air she'd taken since she was taken from her home on the Crescent Isles. She was almost giddy with relief. It had taken time but finally she was free of the monster that called himself Elsin Boul.

Her excitement was short lived however, when Maia realized she was unfamiliar with her surroundings. She may have been free, but she was free only to wonder aimlessly through foreign land. Still, she would not risk losing her freedom again. So, with no other way to go, she decided to trek deeper into the forest.

The early morning sun provided enough light to guide her steps. Only the wildlife in her surroundings kept her company. Despite not knowing where she would go, Maia silently celebrated. Never again would she have to answer to the Emperor's right hand. No longer would she be forced to perform sexual acts on the boy whenever he needed release. Freedom was never so sweet.

She'd managed to trek several kilometers past the forest line. She hoped she'd been running south, or at least south west. Her only hope to truly escape was to leave Seras. I'll walk until I reach the harbor colonies, she had planned. Then I'll work there until I have enough money to book passage on a ship to Caline. It was a simple plan, but it was all she needed to know she'd never have to return to Ku Yong.

It had taken quite some time, allowing her to cover a great deal of land before, finally, fatigue and hunger became things she could no longer ignore. She may very well have been searching for days to satisfy her hunger, or a place to safely rest her head for when night fell, had she not stumbled across a camp, made by the hands of someone she felt must've been some kind of survival expert.

The fire next to a makeshift shelter had gone out, still the wood was hot and smoking. Someone was here recently. She proceeded with caution. There was no telling who had made this camp. Fear that a Ku Yongi soldier might find her made her pace her every step and breath. It wasn't until she found the shoeprints belonging the camp's maker that she relaxed.

She did not know how, but she was able to track their every move, from the moment they entered the clearing, to the moment they left. She even found signs of a battle between the person and a large hooved animal. The faint scent of pork resonated around Maia, making her salivate at the thought of a slice of pig. The pig carcass was no where to be found however, leaving Maia vastly disappointed and still hungry. She sat beneath the leaf canopy another had built and left, and heaved a deep sigh.

Bad as her predicament was in her eyes, she was nonetheless glad to be free.

I'll rest here for a while, then continue to the Harbor Colonies out west. Resolute, she prepared for the continuation of her journey.

Some hours had slipped by before she noticed she had dozed off. The night sky was tinged with red, and the winds had become still as water. Waking, she stretched her body, and let out a loud yawn. The sound that came out of her mouth however did not sound like a yawn. At least, not a yawn of a human.

Her body felt strange to her, as if she had been reduced to the crawling stage of life. Sitting up from her prostrate state felt unnatural, and uncomfortable. She looked down and around herself, calmly at first. Then again, hysterically and repetitively.

She was covered in grey and white fur, her hands and feet had become paws the size of fryer pans, and at the base of her spine was a long appendage she was sure was a tail. When she went to let out a terrified scream, she was shocked to hear herself howl instead.

Am i..? She could not continue the thought. It was crazy to her that she even considered it. Clearly I'm dreaming. She rationalized. A very.. lucid dream. What other explanation could there be? After all, humans don't just become animals in their sleep. Right..?

Maia's ears snapped up when the crunch of a twig underfoot alerted her to the presence of another. She did not know if her new face was capable of it, but she frowned nonetheless. Any man who might see her would probably assume her a hostile beast and attempt to attack immediately. Even more so if the man happened to be the creator and owner of the camo she'd stumbled across while still in human form.

The footsteps steadily grew closer, as Maia prepared to either fight or run. She found herself glad of her new form for a brief moment. Only because no Ku Yongi soldier would recognize her as the escaped servant of the Emperor's Right Hand.

Suddenly, whatever had been on the approach, was no longer moving. Maia perked up her ears, listening intently for any sign of the existence of anyone or thing. She received only the rustling of leaves and the hoot of night owls lurking within them.

Still, she did not find herself content. Concern rose greater within her. Maybe I should leave. She thought wistfully. The locale was extremely convenient, and provided shelter when she needed it, but fear that she may have intruded on another's territory made her newly grown fur stand on edge.

She turned to leave and came face to face with a crouching man. He was well built with brown skin and dark red hair flowing past his shoulders. He was dressed in plain clothes one could find anywhere in any Ku Yongi shop, and with her new eyes, she could see deep scarring, brightly colored, forming a ring around his neck.

In his hand the man held a weapon made of rock and wood. Despite it's make, it was a weapon that would kill in the right hands. The man was poised to attack. Without thought as to what she was doing, Maia dove her head to the ground and rolled onto her back.

The man sprang back, leaping several maters away from her in a single bound. His posture, however, was no longer that of one prepared for a fight. He did not speak but his eyes bore his intent entirely. He was now curious. Maia had made the correct move to avoid a fight, and she was relieved for it.

The man cautiously approached Maia. Perhaps wary that she might be pretending her harmlessness. She did not dare move to quickly. Carefully, she rolled onto her belly, her head to the ground and placed her paws beneath her chin. It was difficult to do, as she was not accustomed to moving in her canine body. She managed reposition herself, however, with some effort. Though she did look fairly clumsy doing so.

As the man grew closer to her, he slowly reached out his hand, palm up towards her. Maia lifted her head and tilted it to the side. What does he expect me to do? She may have had the body of one, but she was not the wolf she seemed. Animal behavior was a somewhat foreign concept to her. Hoping it would not seem strange. She went with her instincts, and after slowly standing to her feet, she closed the distance between herself and the man.

Upon reaching him, Maia touched her nose to his hand, and sniffed.. They looked rough, and scarred. He had either been him for quite some time, or he had lived his life a warrior. There was no warmth between their touch. His hand was cold and hard. The stench of blood was heavy on him. She tried not to, but she flinched at the smell, her fur briefly stood on end.

Maia felt the man's body tighten, but he made no move to harm her or escape. She pressed forward, leaning he head into his hand, and despite how strange it felt to assume the role of an animal she allowed him to stroke her fur. It was a pleasing sensation. Something she would've described as orgasmic. Had she been human, his touch would've made her face turn bright red.

Finally, the man seemed to know she was no threat to him. He relaxed, and made his way to sit beneath the makeshift canopy that had become her shelter for a day. He remained silent as she followed, and sat next to him, resting her head in his lap. There, he continued the stroke the fur behind her ears. The two remained this way for quite some time, giving the moon time to rise high above their heads.

The man had not made a sound from the moment she heard a twig snap beneath his feet. It was not until Maia's stomach rumbled deep and heavy that he made a noise from his throat that resembled a chuckle. Maia stood and lowered her head. She did not know how to ask the man for food. It seemed silly that a wolf would not know how to hunt for itself.

Oddly the man seemed to understand her need. Or perhaps he himself was hungry. Whatever his reason, he stood and brandished his knife. He gestured for Maia to follow, and somehow, without making a sound, walked into the deeper woods of Echen Forest. She did as bid, and followed his steps, attempting to reach the same level of quiet the man has managed. She was not successful in her endeavor.

Maia's newfound companion walked for ten or so, silent and focused, his eyes never leaving the ground. Suddenly, he stopped short, bringing them both to an abrupt halt. To her left, Maia heard movement, the sound of hooves against the cold ground, and bushes rustling as they were run through. Maia snapped her neck in the direction of the noise and spotted two deer and a large buck attempting to escape the presence of the man and the beast beside him.

Almost instinctually, Maia moved forward, ready to attack the animal. She was stopped, however, by the man she accompanied. She stuck out his hand in front of her, cautioning patience. The man then, taking his makeshift knife, he pulled back his arm, and with all his might threw the weapon in the direction of the deer.

The was a low thud, followed by the wail of a wounded animal. In the night, Maia could see all too clearly how the buck flipped over itself, its feet cresting high into the air then down again in an instant. The animal realized this was no small wound that he could run and lick when he thought himself safe. So, defeated, the buck laid onto its side, panting heavily until its death.

Maia and her companion quickly made their way to their catch, Maia running almost excitedly. The man examined his kill. Maia pondered his every move, fascination raising her brows. It was almost enticing, watching the man comb over every part of the animal's body. Once he'd finished checking for whatever it was he was searching for, the man picked the carcass of the animal up onto his shoulders.

Gesturing for Maia to follow him once again, the man made his way back to his camp, Maia close on his heels. Once they were back at the camp, the man for whom she had no name set the deer down, and taking two rocks he had stored by his canopy, he lit a fire inside a fire pit Maia was sure was another piece of the man's handy work.

Maia felt gravitated towards the warmth of the fire. As the man went to work, skinning and butchering the deer carcass for its meat, she quietly laid near the flames, allowing the heat to warm her skin beneath newly grown thick grey fur. Despite a few off putting features, the man was easy to find comfort around. Perhaps it was animal instinct or intuition, but Maia knew this man was not like the man who had wrapped her in chains.

I wish knew why I became a wolf. Or at least how to turn back. The man skewered three large chunks of the deer's hide onto stakes he made from stripping strong but thin branches of their bark as Maia let out a frustrated huff. There was little sound to warn her of his approach, so when a cold hard hand touched her neck, Maia's body reacted faster than her mind, and suddenly she was ten feet away from the man.

She looked to him, and saw him clutching one hand in the other. The hand being clutched bled profusely. Maia let out an apologetic yelp. She had not meant to harm him, but in her surprise she had bitten into his hand, tearing his skin and exposing bone.

Her head low, Maia approached the man. Though she was not sure if she could be of help, guilt made her want to at the very least comfort the man. Her advance was halted however, by surprise. As she watched, in merely a few moments, the man's hand was restored to its original condition.

The man was no stranger to his rapid healing. There was no surprise on his face. He did not stare in wonder at the miracle that should've put him in awe. He merely raised his hand, seemingly assuring Maia that he was uninjured. The man was more concerned about her mentally than his own physical health.

This man is strange.. Maia could not help but find him disconcerting. What man, after all, could heal at such a rapid rate? Why did no sound come from his mouth, even as he was attacked by claws and teeth sharp as razors. Why did she still feel safe around him, despite her unease?

Brief moments passed as she watched the man approach her again, slowly and steadily. He had no intentions of startling her again. His every movement was deliberate and calculated. He reached his hand out once again, and placed it behind her ears. A pleasured groan rumbled through her body, and once again, Maia and her newfound companion comforted one another beneath the makeshift canopy that had become her shelter.

The campfire the man lit began to crackle as juice flowed from their catch into the flames, and before long, they each tore into chunks of meat seasoned only by the smoke of the flames. As she consumed her share of the meat, somewhere in the back of her mind, Maia wondered if she might've preferred her meal raw. Her instincts and to some extent her thought process had become something foreign to her upon her transformation from woman to beast. She was, nonetheless, grateful to be fed.

The aroma of smoke and meat filled Maia's lungs and the air around her. She had devoured a large piece of venison, and now, satisfied and fatigued, Maia found herself yawning wide and long, and ultimately resting her head in the lap of her newfound companion. The man stroked her fur once again, encouraging her to quickly doze off.

She may well have fallen asleep beneath the canopy that protected her from nature, had it not been for the loud, ear piercing shriek that suddenly echoed through the Echen Forest. Somehow, Maia understood this noise. It was a cry of hunger. But even more so, it was a battle cry. Whatever it was, it was prepared to fight for its next meal.

It's coming for us. The man jumped up, startling Maia further, and brandished his makeshift knife. His brows formed sharp lines of focus on his face. His stance was that of a man prepared to fight. It seemed to Maia that he at the very least understood they were in danger.

A gust of wind cane from the south, powerful enough to send Maia and the man several meters backwards. Both remained on their feet, though Maia stumbled over her paws causing her to nearly trip and fall. She found herself sending and unintentional glance in the man's direction. She was relieved to see he remained focused on the threat to the south, and had not seen her embarrassment.

She too, returned her focus on the beast that had warned them of its presence.

Giant wings flapped in the distance, sending another torrent of wind towards Maia and her colleague. Maia looked to the man to see his arms crossed in front of him, guarding his face from any projectile that might fly in his direction.

Is it me or does he seem… relaxed? Though he was clearly prepared to face a powerful opponent, his solemn, yet confident face made Maia believe that the man believed to have the situation under his control. We don't even know what's coming for us.

Maia's tail fell between her hind legs. Her ears flattened onto her head and for a brief moment, she turned her head to the east and considered leaving the man to fight whatever beast the forest held on his own.

No, Maia shook her head. She gave the man another glance. There was no fear on his face. The confidence he exuded relieved her doubt. Whatever it is, he'll beat it. She readied herself, prepared to fight by his side. Another gust of air sent her companion and herself back another meter, and above the treetops, the source of the winds and roars revealed itself.

The beast was six meters long from its head to the tip of its tail. Its scales were a myriad of brown and dark green, which somehow, despite their dark colors shone bright in the morning sun. Its wings at least as wide as its body was long, held talons at the final cresting, and in the back of its head were twelve horns, forming two long rows along its neck.

It's a Kairu Lizard. Maia knew the animal to be indigenous to the Echen Forest from her studies as a child. But so far as she knew, the Kairu Lizard did not grow more than half a meter, nor were they known to have wings. Still, she thought, noting the differences between the animal she knew, and the beast before her.

As she began to wonder how it could've grown to its size, the beast let out a roar that shook the ground around them. Then with a flap of its wings, sent a torrent of wind that threatened to rip large trees from their roots.

Hard as she tried to stand her ground, Maia found herself blown away by the lizard's wind. She flew quite some distance. She kept her eyes on her companion as she flew through the trees until he was no longer within sight. It looked to her as if he might've come after her, had the enormous winged Kairu Lizard not mounted an attack on him, forcing him to defend himself with only his makeshift knife.

Before she could safely land on the ground, her flight was interrupted by a large tree. She collided with it, her lower back taking most of the damage. The pain of such a hit immediately put her into a deep slumber.