
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs



Despite the amateurish motions his swing carried a lot of force. But his opponent were someone who spend his entire life in battlefields. He parried and bonked him in the head.

"Owww! That wasn't necessary, Sir Galad!"

Knight laughed.

"One of the things you need to learn is how getting hit feels Hero. Now don't stop. Hah! Hah!"

Hero blocked Galad's attacks. Despite his young age he were good at reading his opponents attacks.

"During a battle you must focus all of your attention to your foe! Any mistakes can lead to defeat!"

Hero got bonked in the head again.

"What are you thinking?"

Despite asking this kind of question Galad kept attacking.

"I saw red haired woman in my dream, again."

He answered as he parried and counter attacked.

"So, any idea who she is?"

Galad dodged by turning his body.

"I don't know. I feel like she is an important person to me."

Hero followed him, trying to catch him.

"Ohoh! A lover, perhaps!"

Galad took advantage of Hero's hastiness and got him in the stomach.

"No, I don't think so. She is older than me."

Hero quickly gained his composure and took a more defensive stance.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter! My beloved Glinda is 8 years older than me! When I first told her that I wanted to marry her I only came to her chest!"

"Now, I messed up." Hero thought to himself. When he started to speak about his wife he talked for hours without stopping.


Both men bowed. Hero thought: "Thank the Godness. I am not going to have to listen to his stories again."

"You can raise your heads."

Hero's eyes met with Princess's. She shyly averted her eyes, just for a second.

"I see that you are training hard."

"To protect this world it is only thing I could do."

Princess smiled.

"You must be hungry after all that training. I brought some tea and cake with me. I planned on enjoying them outside. Would you want to join me?"

"I have to meet with some weapon suppliers. If you be kind to allow me…"

Sensing Princess's intentions Galad quickly found an excuse.

"Of course Sir Galad. I understand that you are a busy man."

Galad quickly left but not before winking to Hero. Hero didn't said anything. Hero sat down opposite of Princess after washing and cleaning himself. After watching Hero devour cake hungrily Princess spoke:

"It must be hard. Training everyday."

Hero shallowed.

"It is quite fun actually. Moving around, learning. I think I started to understand how sword aura works."


"Yes. I can show you after eating if you want."

"Yes, I think I want to see it."

Normally, learning sword aura took 10 to 15 years of training. For Hero who were summoned 6 months ago to learn it was a sign of serious talent. "He is really the Hero Godness summoned." Princess thought.

"I heard that you will be going to an expedition in three months. Will you be okay?"

"Yes. I can't really learn to fight if I just swung a wooden sword here all day, can I ?"

Despite Princess's worried tone Hero looked nonchalant.

"But you will be in danger. You can get wounded or even die."

Hero looked at her eyes directly.

"Princess, I understand you worries. However, I was summoned here to fight and protect this world. For me that's normal. Now, if you allow me I need to burn what I ate."

Hero stood up.


Princess screamed. It was something she never did. Loyalty had to carry a sense of weight. Screaming like this was opposite of everything she were taught.

"You always talk like this. You always talk like getting hurt, being wounded and dying is a normal thing! It is not! Why are you like this!"

"I am sorry Princess. What is considered normal is different for a Hero and Princess."

He left without looking behind him. He felt that if he looked behind and saw her crying face his will would falter. He still remembered the day he were summoned. When he first woke up he were in a temple. A temple carved from marble and other kind stones. He wondered where he were. He wondered where he came from. He wondered who he were. He didn't had any answers. He started to walk. When he reached the end of the temple he saw a woman, clad in full armor. She held shield and spear in her hands. She were beautiful. She were more beautiful than any woman he ever seen. No, there were one. A red haired woman. He tried to remember her. A sharp headache struck him. He fell to his kness due intense pain.


Woman called him. He lifted his head and looked at her.

"I need your help. My name is Athena. I am Goddess of War. I chose you to be my representative."


"There is a world in danger. If not interfered with all the life in that planet will come to end."

Hero looked at his hands.

"How? How can I save an entire planet?"

"I will guide you. Give you strength. Will you accept?"

He thought about it.

"I don't remember anything. Who I am?"

"You are the Hero I have chosen. You are the one that will save the world."

"Is that who I am?"


"I accept."

The moment he finished his sentence he opened his eyes in a different place. He were still in a temple but a different one. He were surrounded by a lot of people.

"Hero. My name is Anastasia Yolende, First Princess of Kingdom Olendreia. I am here due prophecy told to us by our Goddess. We are here to help and guide you."

He looked the girl talking to him. She were well-groomed. From her hair to clothes. Hero stood up.

"I was… I am sent here by Athena. For saving and protecting this world."

There were a lot of gasps. From that day on he were trained in everything kingdom could offer by best teachers. And now he rode a horse riding. While it is called an expedition what he were about to do was going to an Adventurer Guild, join it and rose to A rank. While hiding his identity as a Hero. The reason he had to due it was even though Kingdom of Olendreia was a kingdom worshipped Athena some higher ups weren't believed that he were the hero she sent. So he needed to prove himself. He were given 5 years to climb to A rank. To fulfill his purpose he rode his horse to sunset.