
Tales of Akebulun

Cali a indifferent self made billionaire and genius travels to another world during his exploration in his previous. Thinking that the world was only a primitive world before he saw a massive tiger being hauled into the village. Eyes shining he goes on to awaken the Devourer’s bloodline. Accompany Cali as he tries to devour the world and explore this new land.

Delano_Carson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

As the sun rose over the horizon showcasing a vast land filled with trees, mountains, valleys, lakes and oceans. A giant yellow bird creature the size of a truck, with bone spikes running from its head to tail glides over a forest screeching loudly.

As it screeches a giant mouth with two spike like teeth could be seen rising from the forest as it tries to swallow it. It shrieks and tries to fly away only for the mouth to close and swallow it whole.

The mouth falling back down to show a giant green snake 25m long and 10m wide with a slight bulging stomach retracting it's neck as it wraps around a green mountain and quickly disappears from view.

Deep within a forest filled with strange and terrifying roars of unknown creatures, in an open field filled with mud and wooden huts assembled in a circle. Starting from the entrance to the end of the middle of the circle stood a giant hut compared to the others.

Around the hut the elderly, adults, children, and babies in animal skin clothings could be seen talking as they tried to peer into the hut.

At the entrance of the hut a group of burly adult men in animal skin are talking whilst staring at a group of children ranging from eleven to thirteen and an old man with plaited hair standing in front them before a giant four legged pot filled with a greenish red liquid, herbs, plants and parts of various animals standing before them .

The old man threw various plants and animal parts into the pot as he mumbled in an unintelligible language. As the the group of children stood and watched with various expressions on their faces. Some with fear, some arrogance and some with fake looks of bravery, with one standing at the back with a look of indifference and a hint of anticipation.

The boy had a head full of curly hair, deep caramel brown skin and a fit and lean body and looked to be about 11 years old.

As they all stared at the old man waiting, the old man finally came to a halt before turning to the group of children saying.

"Go into the awakening liquid in groups of five".

At the sound of his voice the people outside broke out into chattering.

" How many will awaken this time ."

"I wonder who are going to awaken their meridians".

"I wonder if we're going to have anyone with two meridian genius".

"Hahahaha, how could that be we haven't had one for years".

"Hey you never know".

As they chattered on a group of children trying to out do themselves quickly marched into the liquid with proud expressions on their faces only for it to change the next moment into loud cries as their faced grimaced in pain as they cried loudly.

The old man staring at them shouted.

"Shut up and use the breathing technique to absorb the awakening liquid and activate your meridian or you'll have to wait for another year".

At the sound of his voice some of the children immediately tried to control themselves and concentrate to initiate the breathing technique to absorb the liquid, whilst the rest continued to wail in pain only to be taken out by the old man the next moment and sent out the hut as they continue wailing. Only to be chastised by their parents and the tribesmen outside. With the remaining few awakening one meridian.

As the tribesmen around went on saying.

"One awakened meridians".

"Haha, my son awakened a meridian our family going to have a spiritist".

" Only one awakened meridians again this year".

"I wonder if there will be any talented genius who would awaken two".

This went until the last group of children consisting of the indifferent looking boy went into the liquid. As they went in their faces grimaced in pain as they wailed loudly in pain. With the indifferent one grimacing for a moment before initiating his breathing technique to absorb the liquid. Winning the stares and admiration of the old man and the people around.

As time went by a glowing ball the size of a peanut could be seen in the stomachs of those who were able to initiate their breathing technique as the others were taken out. As the liquid almost dried up a second glowing light could be seen glowing lightly bringing shock to the old man and the burly men as they shouted

" Two meridian awakening".