

We arived at the brewery at about 9 o'clock and piled out of the car.

"Everybody remember be careful and back each other up. This is a level five demon we will need to work as a team." Apollo said as the crowd stood silently. After he finished everyone nodded and headed inside.

Inside looked like usual as we walked around looking for the demon. The air was thick with tension. Everyone was walking slowly and carefully as we approach a turn.

As we rounded the corner we spotted it. A giant red and black demon with long curly brown horns. "Ok everybody time to shine." Apollo whispered to the group.

Then we started to attack. Charlotte shoots the demon with a bullet full of Holy water. Artemis and Ares send flying arrows with poison on their glowing tips. Matthew takes out a sword and runs towards the demon being careful to not get in anyone's way.

Altogether the most impressive attack was Apollos he walked up a little closer and said something in another language as his eyes started to glow and a beam of light came from the sky and hit the demon. The demon was almost finished with those attacks so I figured I would finish it off with my own attack. I raised up my devil scythe and launched my self towards the demon. At last second my scythe lit on fire. I hit the demon it burst into flames and died.

"Success." Apollo yelled and then he whispered so Quietly no one could hear, "his powers are starting to show this could be bad ,but for now I will hold off on telling him. If I tell him it will cause him more trouble than he is ready for I shall wait until he is fully awakened."

Then we marched out got in the car and left back to the exorcism agency. As we got back everyone calmed down. We got back Apollo said that we were done for the day and told everyone to go home.

sorry for being gone for so long I was really busy during the last few months but now I should be able to continue on my regular schedule for a while so I will be updating every weekend with at least one update.

readalwayscreators' thoughts