
79 - Demonic?

There was a huge red-painted skull on the wall. Ariel recognized it in an instant, and she didn't look the happiest as she frowned.

However, before dealing with it, she needed to deal with everyone who was unconscious, beaten up, and tied up. The rest could wait.

'Lucian was right... There was something down here, but why didn't they see anything when they entered?'

Ariel didn't understand everything but she knew that she needed to bring everyone back up. She quickly tried to wake all of them up...but there was no use. They were all lost in their mind.

"Ah...fuck. Will I have to bring them up one by one?"

Ariel dismissed this thought as she started going up with one person. All she needed was the proof that she had found those who had disappeared.

She took the first person she saw and picked her up.