

Orochimaru was a little surprised by this situation. He knew that being weak is a sin in the ninja world, but he experienced it the first time. The people who were living peacefully were killed for no reason.

It was his first time seeing innocent die. Orochimaru may act cold and indifferent for life but he can not accept the killing of innocent.

He was not angry at the culprits for killing them. But he felt strong disgust, disgust towards weakness. If the villagers were strong then they would not be massacred, if they were strong they can live a happy life.

Maybe that's why Madara said 'Weakness disgusts me'.

Not only to tell others but also himself that weakness is a sin thus he must become stronger.

Orochimaru always wanted strength. Because without strength he could not see the height of the world, not control his destiny, not live his life without being a puppet.

Puppet of strong.

Puppet of god.

Puppet of life.

He wants to be strong enough to decide his fate.

Everyone has a ninja way. Orochimaru also had one but he never told anyone

From the day he took the road of an assassin a killer.

He kept in mind to kill anyone on his path

If the enemy comes, kill

if god comes, kill

if the world comes, kill

This was his ninja way.

If he has decided to become a killer he would kill the one who becomes an obstacle in the path.


When Orochimaru arrived at the village the people already opened eyes to stare at him with killing intent but waited for the person who may be their leader to complete his prayers.

Although they stared at Orochimaru intently he still acted with a cool mind and analyzed the situation. He could see that 2 persons in the group have genin level strength with the help of his truth sight talent.

And the 2 people have low chunnin class strength. And he was not able to see leaders' strength.

These symbols and scythe at the group's hand and this scene certainly point that they may be Jashinist according to Orochimaru's memory.

Orochimaru attacked immediately as he knows that they are lunatics and will attack him at any time to sacrifice to their-called god. So, he was ready to take initiative and kill some people immediately to make the fight easy.

Not wasting time Orochimaru made ram seal and zoomed at them at fast speed

<Body flicker jutsu>


The leader swung a scythe sideways at the space which met the purple kunai


But Orochimaru already slid his kunai along with the edge of the blade. As soon as the kunai was going to strike the leader he spun using the blade as leverage and kicked the [follower no. 1] with chakra-covered foot using spin at its maximum.

<Spin kick>


The follower was sent flying through sheer momentum generated by spin.


Orochimaru swung with kunai to stop the attack of the 2nd follower and used the momentum to recoil and escape the blade of the 3rd follower.

< NAA: acceleration>



Unexpectedly the speed of Orochimaru's recoil increased and he cut the head of [follower no.1] who was still stunned by this spin kick and was not able to respond to the attack.

< kunai drills>

He threw the kunai using spin at the [follower 5th] and [follower 6th] running towards him.



They tried to dodge the kunai but the speed was very high as Orochimaru used a high amount of chakra to spin the kunai at high speed.

The kunai ripped through the heart of [follower 4] and [follower 5]

Finally, there was silence between them.

The whole event seemed long but it occurs under 10 seconds.

Orochimaru was able to determine the exact strength of the people present, the leader physical strength is mid chunnin, [follower 2]

and [follower 3] had low chunnin strength and [follower 4] and [follower 5] has mid genin strength.

If it was one on one he could win this fight surely, but a group can make it very difficult. Thus he killed the three people immediately at the expense of high chakra consumption.

He was able to kill the [follower 5] as he was reckless and Orochimaru used the chance to deliver a kick while applying kick using spin at full speed at expense of his 20% chakra and used a surprise attack of sudden acceleration using the recoil of attack to cut [follower no. 1] head.

And then used kunai drill using spin at high-speed using 10% chakra.

As for immortality, Orochimaru confirmed the death of the enemy he killed otherwise he would've cut the followers into many pieces.

Maybe they have little healing which he saw himself when the injury of the kick was healing at a visible rate. But they are not truly immortal.

Now that only two people are remaining Orochimaru is sure to win.

The leader did not look fazed by the death of his companions but instead laughed maniacally and said" Hahaha! Lord Jashin will be very happy if I sacrifice a strong and young person like you"

The leader and [follower no.3] ran toward him to attack him but Orochimaru didn't move as if waiting for them to attack.

Orochimaru covered the thumb and finger in chakra and snapped his thumb and finger together.

<Kotadama illusion arts: balance disruption>