

On a sunny morning, Erick was busy struggling with his laptop while enjoying a cup of coffee. Then a spy who was sent by Erick to investigate Kirana came to give a report. He said that he had searched for population data on Kirana's behalf but he did not get any results.

"Looks like he's not registered in the civil registry," said the spy man.

"What? There's no way for she to hold a magic festival if she doesn't have an ID", shouted Erick who was displeased with the report he had just received from the spy.

"Or maybe she is registered with another identity?", said the spy.

But Erick said it couldn't happen because when he was Devan's resource person, she filled out a form with Kirana's name. If she uses another identity on her ID card, of course, she will write the name according to that identity.

"There's only one possibility, she's not human, and she uses magic to trick people", said Erick.