
Always Love You

Kirana is still looking for the Prince Lingga paintings. She looked for it very hastily because she could not wait to see it, but she could not find it. Then she asked Tama to look the paintings for her.

"You're the one who painted it, you have to find it for me", said Kirana.

"I don't know where it is, I'm already dead at that time, Hmmm.. I think someone who knows where the painting is maybe..."

Then Tama and Kirana turned to Devan.

"Ghandi", shouted Kirana and Tama.

"Oops, I'm the laziest at this point. Not in the past, not in the present, you both always make me trouble" said Devan.

Finally Devan helped find the paintings, and Devan found them very easily.

"What is this? So look them with your eyes, not your mouth" said Devan.

"Oh, van, your talk like my mother", replied Tama.

"Yes,, you can find it quickly, you must be the one who keeps it here for your master", said Kirana.