
It ends now...

"Is it really you?" Phillip got excited as he hugged Shedrach.

"You guys came for me" Shedrach said as he was pleased

"Yeah we did but Phillip talked me into it" Cynthia said

"Trust me, I'm really not what you think I am. I can explain everything to you" Shedrach said

"There's no need to explain, we believe in you" Phillip said as he pats his shoulder

"Well there's no time now, you need to leave this state and flee to another state" Cynthia cuts the moment.

"Why? And I have no place to go" Shedrach said

"Oh God we didn't think of that, where will he really go?" Phillip asked

"We have to think of something, we can't let them take him" Cynthia said

"Who is going to take me?" Shedrach asked

"The government is after you and what I mean is that the whole State Militaries are after you. They want to execute you" Phillip replied

"Why? Am I really wanted?" Shedrach asked

"Well this is not the time and place to discuss that, we need to leave" Cynthia said as she holds Shedrach by his hand and walked down the narrow passage going to Uncle Ben's house.

Dr Gabriel was running down the street as he noticed two cops running after him. He wasn't sure of what was going on and decided to stop to know why the cops were after him. The cops didn't say a word as they approached him and pinned him down to the floor trying to handcuffed him.

"What the hell is going on? " Dr Gabriel asked as they pulled him up to his feet while his hands were handcuffed at his back. A black Toyota car drove by and stopped at their spot as a man dressed in black suit wearing sunglasses came out from the car and approached Dr Gabriel.

"So you've been in possession of the wanted murderer" The man said as he carefully take off his glasses.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?" Dr Gabriel got furious as he asked

"Sorry, let me introduce myself, I'm inspector Frank , the inspector general of the police department" Inspector Frank said as he raised his hand to shake him but Dr Gabriel declined

"Who's the murderer you are referring to?" Dr Gabriel asked

"I believe his name is Shedrach, I know he's not with you now but the police and army are in search of him all round this town. He can't hide anymore" Inspector Frank said

"He's not a murderer, he's just a child that needs a guardian" Dr Gabriel said

"Hmmm you sounded just like my daughter. A normal human can't have power and he's considered a threat to this society" Inspector Frank said

"What do you know, you know nothing about him" Dr Gabriel said and that moment he stepped on one of the officers feet and hit the other at his groin as he quickly escaped with his hands still cuffed at the back.

"You can't run very far" Inspector Frank said as he mounted into his car and zoomed off.

Phillip welcomed Shedrach into his uncle's house as Cynthia came in after.

"Is this your uncle's house?" Shedrach asked

"Yeah" Phillip replied

"It's huge!" Shedrach said as he looked around

"So where is he going to go?" Cynthia asked as she sat on the couch.

"Guys hold on, I need to get to my parents first, I haven't seen them for like six weeks now" Shedrach said

"You can't meet them" Cynthia said

"Why can't I?" Shedrach asked

"Shedrach, your parents are kept in custody until you return but you can't go back" Phillip said

"My parents are in prison?! , I need to get to them now" Shedrach exclaimed

"Shedrach Listen!! If you go back there, you'll eventually be killed. The government are not planning on isolating you" Cynthia said

"I can't just stand and do nothing" Shedrach said as they heard someone knocking on the door.

"It must be my uncle, he went to get something" Phillip said as he went to get the door. He opened the door and was surprised to see his uncle's neighbor who weren't in good terms.

"Mariam! What brings you here?" Phillip asked as he observed three soldiers standing at the extreme end of the street.

"Where is him?" She went straight and asked

"Where is who? What are you talking about?" Phillip asked

"I know you have him here, I saw you brought him here with a girl" Mariam said

"What do you think you are doing?" Phillip whispered

"Well the government is ready to pay huge sum of money for anyone who finds that monster" Mariam said

"He's not a monster and he's not here" Phillip said as he quickly jammed the door.

"What happened? Who's that?" Shedrach asked as he saw Phillip coming back and seemed worried.

"They are here, you need to leave now" Phillip said as he pushed Shedrach to the back door

"Who's here?" Cynthia asked

"The army, they know he's here" Phillip replied

"What?.. how did they find out?" Cynthia asked

"Enough of the questions, Shedrach you have to leave now" Phillip said

"Where am I going to go now?" Shedrach asked

"I don't know, just go anywhere and don't let them get you" Phillip said. Shedrach wasn't pleased that he had to run and leave them just like the way he did when his parents instructed him to go but he had no choice and he ran out through the back door going to the next street.

The army came in and raided the house and they noticed he had escaped as Phillip and Cynthia were taken custody by the police. Shedrach was running and avoiding the police and army anytime he sees them around. He came running towards an estate and he ran into the estate hoping to find a place to hide but he came across four police cars coming towards him as they were aligned moving with great speed. He tried running back but he saw seven policemen coming after him on bikes. Shedrach looked around and noticed that he has been trapped.

"This ends now" Shedrach said to himself as he created massive waves causing all the vehicles to stumble and fall. The seven policemen quickly get up and ran after him before he cause another waves. Shedrach fought with all of them with the martial art Master Daniel taught him. He used his powers together with his fighting skills to beat all the policemen that wasn't holding weapon. Those holding guns tried to shoot him as Shedrach created another massive waves pushing all the policemen away. The waves caused many street lights to fall as it was about to fall on one of the policemen. With one jump, Shedrach created waves that boost him up 20 feet in the air pushing the officer out of the way.

All other policemen quickly came after him and tased him multiple times until Shedrach lost his energy as he struggled and became weak. They took him into their vehicle, handcuffed him and drove off. Just as they were going, Shedrach used his powers again and the waves the pushed the cop at his right side out of the vehicle breaking the side door. He did the same to the one at his left using his feet as the two side doors were broken out from the vehicle.

The cop who was at the front immediately pointed his gun at Shedrach as the other cop kept on driving. Shedrach kicked the gun out of his hand and hit his head with the cuff on his hands, he stood up and wrapped his arms around the cop's neck who was driving and choked him with the cuffs. The cop driving lose control as he steered and hit the brake causing the car to stumble as it lands on it's back. All the cops inside lose consciousness and were severely wounded but Shedrach came out with a cut at his forehead which healed immediately as he steps forward.

Shedrach has already been surrounded by policemen with their vehicles pointing guns at him and soldiers in a position to shoot as they held their rifles. An armor tank was also brought in the scene just in case. Inspector Frank came into the scene holding a megaphone as he speaks with it.

"Surrender now, you're already surrounded. There's no way to escape this time" Inspector Frank spoke with the megaphone

"I haven't done anything, please let me go" Shedrach spoke out

"If you don't comply, you'll be killed on sight" Inspector Frank said

"What about my parents?" Shedrach asked

"I'll deal with them once I'm done with you, now put your hands in the air and go on your knees" Inspector Frank said. Shedrach was burning inside as inspector Frank talked about his parents in that manner and his eyes changed color immediately but Shedrach raised his hands and was about kneeling down ,Inspector Frank saw his eyes and gave the order to shoot.

The gun was shot but surprisingly Dr Gabriel had stepped in and take the shot instead of Shedrach. Dr Gabriel fell on his knees as his hands were still cuffed at his back, blood was gushing out from his chest and mouth as he laid down on the floor. Shedrach ran to him and shouted his name as cried bitterly. He took his head up and placed his hand on his chest to stop him from bleeding.

"Listen to me Shedrach" Dr Gabriel tried to get Shedrach's attention

"Stop talking, you'll be fine I promise" Shedrach cried

"I'm sorry for what I did to you but I've always believed in my works and I also believe in you" Dr Gabriel said with a fainting tone

"Please don't say anything, just hang on" Shedrach said as he tries to stop his bleeding.

"Stop running and fight" Dr Gabriel said as he gave up his spirit. Shedrach screamed and cried bitterly, his mood changed and this time he got furious filled with so much rage. His eyes changed to dark silver as his veins popped up and his hands were vibrating. He stood up and was ready to do the unspeakable. Inspector Frank noticed his rage and instructed all his men to shoot altogether and also using the armor tank to fire at him. As all the armories were being shot at him, Shedrach gave up all his energy as he screamed releasing massive tons of waves pushing all the bullets, cars , trucks including the armor tank away as the waves blew out. It was like as if a missile as been launched, all the policemen and armies were all killed by waves as earthquakes struck the scene causing many of their death and buildings, skyscrapers, towers, all crumbled to the ground. The waves was covered 50 miles away bringing the destruction of Edward town but Cynthia and Phillip were already taken out of the town by the cops before the waves could reach them but they had a mere headache and concussion because of the energy released.

Would Shedrach ever be considered a monster forever?...