
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

#5 Again??

"What is going on?!! You..you two are so close and will marry in near future and yet you kept your dating a secret!!" Said Li Ming when he saw the closeness of Tian shi and Xiaobo.

" It is not what..."

" I know you like to keep secrets from me but this much of a big secret. Sister-in law I agree that my brother does not want me to know his secrets but you, I did not expect that you would hide this from me as well" Ming's rants keep on going stopping Xiaobo from speaking.

" SISTER-IN LAW??!! No we just...."

" I would have taken your side after your marriage whenever you and brother had a fight. But now...hmph..I won't. Defend yourself whenever fight happnes." said Li Ming while pouting and trying to make an angry expression.

Tian shi gives a small laugh while Xiaobo sighed seeing the cute antics of Li Ming.

" Why ? Don't agree with me. From my perspective, you both make a good couple, don't you agree?" asked Ming while raising one eyebrow and then after a few minutes he laughed seeing both of them getting embarrassed. Tian shi comes forward.

" You have deep understanding, with a clear mind yet you like to appear as a fool and have a playful nature. You are interesting. Nice to meet you, my name is Xiang Tian shi" said Tian shi while putting her hand forward for a handshake.

" You are flattering me I am not that knowledgeable. But you are ,with a warm personality and an angelic face. I admire you. My name is Li Ming " said Ming while responding to the handshake.

" You should have defended your brother. Why did you said things that make me feel more embarrassed!!?" asked Xiaobo.

" What happened brother? You don't look so well! Oh no! You are as red as a tomato and your face is also hot. Did you by any chance imagined something which you should not have?" asked Ming whispering the last sentence which only Xiaobo was able to hear. That made Xiaobo more red and he looked angrily at Ming and then went to other room.

" Sorry don't mind my brother. He is a little shy to talk to new people. What do you want from here?" asked Ming.

" Hmm...what I want? Do you have any work for me ? Like any work will do? I want to learn how to do business" said Tian shi.

" Huh? ...If I am not wrong, you are daughter of Xiang Feng, right?" asked Ming.

" Yes, what are you asking that?" Asked Tian shi while peeping to see if she can take a glance of what Xiaobo is doing.

" Miss Xiang, your father has a reputable business and everyone knows him. If people know that his daughter is working at our small shop what do you think will happen?" asked Ming.

" Ohh! I did not think of that. You are right. I can't work here as Miss Xiang or else my father might be in trouble or in worst case his reputation in society can be tarnished. Thank you for your advice. I will come again. " said Tian shi while running out of the shop.

Ming was amused by her behaviour and laughed while shaking his head. He then goes to see Xiaobo who was reading a book about how to use swords different formation. But it was clear that he was pretending.

" She is gone ,so stop pretending when you can't even do it. But she said she will be back" said Ming while pouring tea from the teapot.

" How come a girl from a well reputed family is so bold and rude?" asked Xiaobo while looking at Li Ming.

Li Ming laughs and shakes his head.

" Brother, don't you know that you should not judge a person by first experience. And rude and bold? I think she is just joyful natured with a bright personality unlike someone who is cold and always judges everyone." Said Li Ming while looking towards Xiaobo while saying the last sentence.

"You....you are supposed to take my side!! How can you defend a girl who is an outsider?" asked Xiaobo while slamming the book on table .

Li Ming's eyes widen up and he nods repeatedly while gulping the tea that he just had because he was sure that if he said even one more word he will be kicked out of the shop.

Zhang Wei returns and Ming gives him a big hug which Wei shows that he does not like it but he always waits for his little brother's affection.

" Did you take care of Xiaobo for me? You did not tease him too much right " asked Wei.

Ming nods vigorously and gives a big smile.

" How can I even tease such a thick-skinned person. He does not even look at me or spend time with me. All he does is work, work and work, hmph" said Li Ming while folding hands on his chest.

" Ming-er don't you think you are talking like a wife who is complaining about her husband to her brother?" said Xiaobo while trying to control his laughter.

Hearing this Zhang Wei laughed and ruffled Ming's hair who was pouting in anger. Then the trio sits down for a cup of tea and long talking session.

" Xiaobo you take too much load of work which is not good for your health. I need to go on long trips and Ming can't do the work alone. Plus we need someone who can take care of your health as well. I suggest to hire a good woman who is able to handle you as well as business " said Wei.

" Brother, you are not suggesting me to marry right?" asked Xiaobo.

" I know you won't and I know your reason very well. I am telling to hire a helper or you can say an assistant. Tomorrow we can held an interview and those who are interested can come. We will select the most suitable one. Money was never a problem for us. What do you say?" asked Wei.

" Perfect idea, big brother. I like it. I am in for this" said Ming while clapping his hands in tiny.

" Do whatever you want but if she is too nosy or does not perform well, I will remove without any hesitation okay?" inquired Xiaobo with his one eyebrow raised and looking at both of them

The other two nods in agreement and Ming rushed to make a banner for invitation leaving the two to talk.

" Xiaobo, how is your health? What did Mr. Xavier said?" asked Zhang.

Xiaobo sighed and shakes his head but says nothing. He pours another cup of tea for himself .

" You should take care of yourselves. Why are you reckless? And I heard that you caused a problem with royals ? What do you think you were doing?" asked Zhang concerned .

" It is not what you think. Their was other reason for my behaviour. Don't worry . It was my own plan" said Xiaobo.

" Even if it was your own plan but it was executed in the public place in front of many people and you are a businessman Xiaobo. Bad reputation leads to downfall of business" said Zhang.

" Okay,okay I won't repeat it again. Don't worry" said Xiaobo.

In Xiang's mansion,

" Tian shi!! You either go outside and do shopping or just lie on the bed when at home. Aren't you bored?" asked Xiang Feng.

" Banyan...no I mean Father see I would like to do some work ,but if I work or do something then won't people say that Mr. Xiang's daughter is working at small shops. Tell me then what can I do?" asked Tian shi while sulking.

" That's simple. Not many people have seen you and you are recognised as my daughter due to surname so just change it and do what you want. But just don't get into trouble " said Xiang

Tian shi's face lit up and she gives a bright smile and climbs down the bed and jumps in tiny.

" Father, here is the announcement list that are going to be held from tomorrow. Check it and then I will do the rest of the work." Said Xiang Chen while coming inside the room with roll of parchments.

" Announcement list? What is that?" asked Tian shi.

" Father is responsible for the Hua Market, its supplies, products all are ordered to our Father except a few shops who are independent. The announcement list says if any shop wants to advertise about their shops or if they brought something special, or if they want to sell or hire people all those things are in this list. Father has to check whether it is correct or if someone is doing false advertisement. After that I put the advertisements. " said Chen.

" Ohh!! Huh? No .26 is also in this list. What does it says for them?" asked Tian shi who was peeking in the list which was being read by her father.

" It says that they are hiring female assistants and are in need of helpers. Assistants must have knowledge about herbs, medicines and some knowledge about business." Said Xiang Feng.

" This is called perfect timing. Father I am going to go their for work. I will learn about business as well as learn more about human world." Said Tian shi.

" Okay, remember to say a different surname and don't reveal your powers at any cost. If you are in trouble just mind-link us. Okay?" asked Xiang Feng worry evident in his voice.

Tian shi nods and then says a maid to serve her a meal which she just ate two hours ago.

" Sister eat less or else how will you get married. Eat less and work more" said Chen while he himself stole a small piece of cake from the plate. Tian shi gawks at her brother and before he could eat the cake he gulped and put it back with a smile.

" Eat..you should eat..you are so skinny, hahaha I have work, see you later" saying that Xiang Chen sprints outside.

Then Tian shi finishes her second lunch and then studies a little about her herbs. Although she has knowledge about herbs which even humans don't know ,but she needs to read so that she does not reveal information about a herb that does not exist in books.

The next day,

" Wow! That is a long line. Girls are really needy of money" said Li Ming.

" That is not because girls need money, it because they are fans of Xiaobo and want to be with him" said Wei.

" Hmph ,bad girls" said Li Ming while pouting and folding arms on his chest.

"What a good brother you have Xiaobo, he is angry because the girls lined up to see you. He is possessive one" said Zhang quietly to Xiaobo who just came out to see the commotion.

" Possessive my foot, he is angry for a different reason. I know him very well, wait for his reply" said Xiaobo.

" Why are they only fans of my brother who is the first most handsome man in the city, I am the second most handsome, why can't they come for seeing me?" Said Li Ming to himself but loud enough for Wei and Xiaobo to hear.

Xiaobo raises an eyebrow and looks at Wei who is bewildered by the answer given by Ming and just gives a long sigh.

The girls were entering their names and their address which was being noted down by their servants while they were inside the house and looking at the line from the window. Suddenly Tian shi pops in front of window which startles all three of them.

" Hi!! I am back as I said. " said Tian shi while waving at the trio.

" You!! Again? " said Xiaobo while frowning

Li Ming gave a big smile and Zhang Wei was just confused as to what is going on.