
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

#28 Unraveling Secrets Amidst Grief"

While the boys were busy kidnapping and having a "friendly" conversation with Elder Lee, the girls were gathered at Mia's house, preparing for their own investigation.

"We need to check all the statements of the villagers that Xiaobo and I collected to see if they match," said Ning, her voice resolute.

"I'll help you with that. There are so many, you'll definitely need assistance," Jing offered, rolling up her sleeves and preparing to dive into the task.

"Lian, could you go through those heavy books on the shelves? They might contain crucial clues, and you're the only one among us who enjoys reading," Ning asked, nodding toward the towering bookshelf.

"Great, I was just about to ask if I should start reading those books," Lian replied, her eyes lighting up at the prospect.

"Why would you need to ask me for that?" Ning looked puzzled.

"I don't know. Maybe I thought it might be against your detective rules," Lian shrugged with a playful smile.

"No, Lian. You can do whatever you want. I won't restrict you," Ning reassured her with a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"I know, but I prefer to work while maintaining the rules," Lian said with a gentle smile. She then moved toward the bookshelf, her fingers brushing over the spines of the thick volumes.

As Lian settled down with a book, Jing and Ning spread out the statements across the large table. The room was soon filled with the sound of rustling papers and the occasional turning of a book page. Each girl was engrossed in her task, the air around them humming with a quiet determination.

Ning glanced at the meticulous notes Lian had started to jot down from the books, feeling a sense of relief that they were covering all possible angles. Jing, beside her, was already cross-referencing the statements, her brows furrowed in concentration.

The atmosphere in Mia's house was one of focused diligence, each girl playing her part in unraveling the mystery. It was a testament to their teamwork and dedication, each contributing their unique strengths to the investigation.

An hour passed, and Lian was still immersed in her work, surrounded by many books spread out on the table.

"Our work is done. Did you find anything, Lian?" Cui Jing asked, stretching her arms.

Lian looked up, a hint of frustration in her eyes. "No, I haven't found anything that can help us with more clues," she replied.

The other two sighed in unison. Cui Jing suggested, "Let's take a break and then read more books together."

The others agreed. As Lian was putting the books back on the shelves, she almost tripped. She grabbed the bookshelf tightly, causing the books on one side to cascade to the floor.

Lian steadied herself, then sighed at the new mess. But then she noticed something peculiar: all the books had fallen to one side except for one large green book. It remained perfectly in place behind a long row of other books. Curious, she removed the surrounding books and discovered that the green "book" was actually a small safe.

"Lian called out excitedly, "Cui Jing, Zhang Ning, come here!"

The others hurried over, their eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the safe among the books. To their astonishment, the safe was unlocked. Carefully, they opened it and found Dr. Mia's diary inside.

"This could be exactly what we need," Ning said, her voice tinged with hope.

Lian nodded, holding the diary with reverence. "Let's see what secrets it holds."

#### April 15 ###

It's been a year since our parents passed away. Chen Ye and I are still adjusting to life without them. The house feels emptier, but we find comfort in each other's company.

#### May 3 ###

Today, something extraordinary happened. Chen Ye met Elder Zhang's only daughter, Fu Zhang, for the first time. I saw the look in his eyes; he was completely smitten. It's rare to see him so taken by someone.

#### May 10 ####

Chen Ye can't stop talking about Fu Zhang. He's like a different person—more animated and full of life. It's clear that he's fallen in love with her. I can't blame him; Fu Zhang is kind and beautiful.

#### June 1 ####

Elder Zhang and I have always had a good relationship. We meet frequently to discuss village matters and enjoy each other's company. It's nice to have someone to talk to who understands the responsibilities we carry.

#### June 15 ###

I noticed something interesting today. During my visit to Elder Zhang's house, Fu Zhang and Chen Ye kept exchanging glances. There's definitely something between them. I smiled to myself, knowing that young love is blossoming.

#### July 5, ####

Chen Ye finally confided in me about his feelings for Fu Zhang. He's worried because of our family's situation and whether Elder Zhang would approve. I assured him that love often finds a way, and that Elder Zhang is a reasonable woman.

#### July 20, ####

Fu Zhang and Chen Ye have started exchanging secret letters. It's adorable to see my brother so excited and nervous. They pass notes whenever they can, hiding them in places only they know. It reminds me of stories from romance novels.

#### August 10,####

Their secret letters have become a regular thing now. Chen Ye's mood has improved significantly. He spends hours writing and then anxiously waits for a reply. Fu Zhang feels the same way about him; it's clear in her letters. I'm happy for them and hope their relationship can flourish openly someday.

#### August 15, ####

Today, my brother complained of discomfort in his chest. I immediately felt a surge of worry and checked on him. There's an uncurable disease spreading rapidly in our village—Crimson Fever. It begins with a high fever, followed by night-long bouts of bloody vomiting, and usually ends in death by morning. The very thought of it makes my blood run cold.

#### August 17, ###

The fear of Crimson Fever hangs over the village like a dark cloud. Elder Lee, Elder Zhang, and I have been tirelessly searching for a cure. We've tried various herbs, potions, and treatments, but nothing seems to work. The disease is relentless and merciless.

#### August 20, ###

My worst fear has come true. Chen Ye now has the telltale signs of Crimson Fever. His chest pain has worsened, and he's developed a high fever. The sight of him in such a state is unbearable. He was supposed to join the army in a month—a dream he's had for so long. Now, that dream is slipping away.

#### August 21, ###

Chen Ye's condition is deteriorating. He's growing weaker by the hour. Elder Zhang and I are doing everything we can to make him comfortable. Fu Zhang came by to see him, her eyes filled with tears. She held his hand and whispered words of love and encouragement. It's heartbreaking to see them like this.

#### August 22, ###

Another sleepless night, another battle lost. The vomiting started around midnight, and it was worse than I imagined. Chen Ye is fighting with everything he has, but I can see the fear in his eyes. I'm terrified of losing him. Elder Lee brought a new remedy he discovered, but we can only hope it will help.

#### August 23, ###

Chen Ye's fever shows no signs of breaking. We're running out of time and options. Fu Zhang stayed with him all night, refusing to leave his side. Elder Zhang and I are desperate, trying anything and everything. The village is in mourning as more succumb to Crimson Fever. I can't bear the thought of losing my brother.

#### August 24, ###

Today, we had a breakthrough. Elder Lee found a manuscript detailing a rare treatment used centuries ago for a similar disease. We're gathering the ingredients now, but it feels like a race against time. Chen Ye is hanging on by a thread. I pray that this remedy works and that we can save him—and everyone else suffering.

#### August 25, ###

We administered the treatment to Chen Ye. Now, all we can do is wait and hope. The village is quiet tonight, as if holding its breath. I stay by my brother's side, holding his hand, whispering stories from our childhood. I refuse to let him go without a fight.

#### August 26, ###

The medicine did not work. Instead it caused a severe siee effect.Chen Ye's condition has worsened, and now he's started to experience hallucinations. His eyes are glazed, and he speaks of things that aren't there. My heart breaks a little more each time he looks at me with fear and confusion.

#### August 27, ###

Elder Zhang came to our house today, tears streaming down his face. Her daughter, Fu Zhang, has caught the disease. The agony in her eyes was unbearable. She begged me for the medicine, convinced it would save her. But I knew it was futile. The medicine was not correct. How could I give her something that would only bring false hope and more suffering?

I made an excuse, telling Elder Zhang that I didn't have any more of the medicine and that I would need a few days to make another batch. The lie tasted bitter on my tongue, but it was necessary.

#### August 28, ###

I spoke to Chen Ye about Fu Zhang. In a rare moment of clarity, he pleaded with me not to give her the false medicine. He doesn't want her to wander the village as a mad girl, lost in hallucinations and excruciating pain. His voice broke as he asked me to let her die only from Crimson Fever, without the added torment of madness. I promised him I would honor his wish.

#### August 29, ###

Chen Ye's hallucinations have become more frequent and severe. Sometimes he speaks nonsense, and other times he doesn't even recognize me. In his somber moments, he sits quietly, tormented by the knowledge of his fate. He can't escape from this madness, and it's tearing me apart to see him suffer so.

#### August 30, ###

Today was particularly hard. Chen Ye spoke to me as if I were a stranger, then cried out in terror at visions only he could see. He begged for the pain in his head to stop, clutching at his temples. It's excruciating to watch him like this. I can't imagine Fu Zhang going through the same torment. Chen Ye is right; it's better for her to be spared this madness, even if it means letting the Crimson Fever take its course.

#### August 31, ###

I sat by Chen Ye's side all night, holding his hand and whispering comforting words. He drifts in and out of reality, sometimes speaking of our childhood, sometimes uttering incoherent phrases. His grip on reality is slipping, and I fear it won't be long now. The village is eerily silent, as if everyone is waiting for the inevitable.

#### September 1###

Chen Ye's condition continues to deteriorate. He is weaker, his voice barely more than a whisper. I stay with him, refusing to leave his side. Elder Zhang hasn't returned, and I know it's only a matter of time before Fu Zhang's condition worsens as well. My heart is heavy with grief and helplessness.

#### September 2###

Chen Ye's hallucinations have become a constant. He often speaks to people who aren't there, and sometimes he looks at me with a vacant expression. When he is lucid, he begs me to ensure Fu Zhang doesn't suffer the same fate. I hold him close, promising once more that I will do everything I can to honor his wish. The days are long and filled with sorrow, but I remain by his side, hoping for a miracle that I know will never come.

#### September 5###

Elder Zhang has been visiting me daily, each time with more anger and desperation. She threatens me, demands the medicine, but I can't give it to her. I promised Chen Ye I wouldn't let Fu Zhang's life become a nightmare. I tolerate Elder Zhang's rudeness and threats because I know the truth—that the medicine would only make things worse.

#### September 7###

Today was especially hard. Elder Zhang struck me in her rage, yelling that I'm heartless for withholding the cure. I stood silently, bearing her blows and insults. My own brother has gone completely mad, and I had to create an underground basement away from the village, accessible through a hidden path from our house. I can't keep him here with me; the villagers would surely demand his death, fearing the spread of Crimson Fever. His life is a nightmare, but he's still my brother, my only family left. How can I lose him when I've already lost him mentally?

#### September 10###

Tragedy struck today. Fu Zhang succumbed to the Crimson Fever. Her fragile body couldn't hold on any longer. Elder Zhang was inconsolable, her cries of grief echoing through the village. I felt a deep guilt, knowing she blames me. But then I returned home to find Chen Ye, laughing like a child, oblivious to his surroundings. He hasn't been eating or sleeping properly, lost in his madness. The sight was too much to bear. I broke down, crying more bitterly than I ever have, overwhelmed by the absurdity and cruelty of our situation.

#### September 12###

Elder Zhang hasn't come to our house since Fu Zhang's death. The silence is eerie, but it gives me some relief. Chen Ye's condition remains the same. I visit him in the basement daily, bringing food he barely touches, and talking to him even though he hardly responds. The loneliness is suffocating, but I can't abandon him. Despite his madness, he's still my brother. Every day, I pray for a miracle, hoping against hope that something will change.

#### September 15###

The village is quieter now. The fever has claimed many lives, and the fear lingers. I continue my routine, tending to Chen Ye, avoiding the accusing eyes of the villagers. Elder Zhang's absence is a constant reminder of Fu Zhang's death and the burden of my promise to Chen Ye. Each day is a struggle, but I hold on, driven by love and duty. I don't know how much longer I can bear this, but I must. For Chen Ye, and for the memory of our parents.

#### September 20###

After five days of silence, Elder Zhang visited me again today. She brought a few saplings for my garden. I was stunned by her unexpected kindness. She had never spoken to me without anger, and now she was giving me a gift. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I thanked her profusely, asking for forgiveness for not being able to save her daughter. To my surprise, she hugged me. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of connection, a reassurance that I wasn't entirely alone in this big, empty world.

#### September 22###

Chen Ye's condition has worsened significantly. He no longer remembers who I am. He drifts in and out of lucidity, but those moments are fleeting. He doesn't know that his beloved Fu Zhang has long since passed. Seeing him like this is a constant heartache.

#### September 25###

Elder Zhang visited again today. She brought a new food recipe she had created and offered to share it with me. Her gesture of goodwill filled me with a mix of relief and guilt. I decided that today, I would confess to her about the medicine and show her Chen Ye's condition.

Lian turned to next page but found it empty. She looked at others and understood. This was the last entry made by Dr. Mia before she was killed.

While Lian, Ning, and Jing were engrossed in reading the diary, the boys burst into the room.

"Xiaobo, Xiang, Ming, you're here! Did you find anything from Elder Lee or Elder Zhang?" Jing asked eagerly.

The boys shook their heads. "Not much," replied Xiaobo. "What about you?"

"Lian found a hidden diary," Ning said, holding up the worn journal. "From this, we know exactly what happened and who killed Dr. Mia."

The boys looked surprised and excited. "What did you find out?" Ming asked, leaning in closer.

The boys also read the whole diary. After reading carefully, the boys sighed at the pitiful life of Dr. Mia and her brother.

"It was Elder Zhang," Ning explained. "She gave Dr. Mia saplings of different plants. I'm sure one of those saplings contained the poisonous plant Nightshade Thistle."

Xiang's face filled with worry. "What about her brother? We should find him. He must have been alone for two days. Who knows if he's okay or not."

Lian nodded, closing the diary. "We need to check on him immediately. He's been through so much already."

The group hurried to find the connecting path mentioned in the diary, carefully searching Mia's house for any hidden entrances or clues. Ming and Xiang, however, were having a harder time staying focused.

"Watch this," Xiang said, demonstrating his supposed detective skills by tapping walls and floorboards. Ming, not wanting to be outdone, tried to mimic him but with exaggerated movements.

"Look, I think I've found something!" Ming declared dramatically, leaning against a wall. Nothing happened.

Xiang laughed. "Nice try, Ming. Maybe you should leave the detecting to the experts."

Not to be discouraged, Ming continued his antics. He jumped up, trying to grab a high shelf, but miscalculated and landed awkwardly, stumbling backward. He lost his balance and fell straight into the firewood pile by the fireplace. The dry logs shifted and scattered, and in a cloud of soot and ashes, Ming emerged, completely blackened from head to toe.

The others turned at the commotion, bursting into laughter at the sight of Ming covered in soot.

"Ming, I think you've discovered the art of camouflage!" Xiaobo teased.

Ming tried to brush the soot off, but only succeeded in spreading it further. "Very funny," he muttered, grinning despite himself.

Jing giggled, "Maybe your new detective name should be 'Sootman'."

Ning, still laughing, shook her head. "Alright, Sootman, let's get back to finding the path."

Amidst their laughter, Lian's sharp eyes noticed something. "Wait, everyone, look!" she pointed at a displaced piece of firewood that had revealed a trapdoor beneath the fireplace.

The group gathered around, their excitement renewed. Ming, still chuckling at his own mishap, helped lift the trapdoor, revealing a narrow staircase descending into darkness.

"Guess Ming's antics actually helped," Xiang said, clapping him on the back, leaving a handprint of soot.

"Let's go," Ning said, leading the way down the stairs. "We need to find Chen Ye."

The group descended the stairs, the weight of their mission replacing their laughter, ready to uncover the final piece of the puzzle.

The group carefully descended the narrow staircase revealed by the trapdoor. The air grew cooler and more damp as they ventured deeper. They reached the bottom and found a long, dimly lit path stretching ahead of them.

"Stay close," Xiang whispered, leading the way with Xiaobo right behind him.

The path seemed endless, with the sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls. The air was thick with moisture and the smell of earth. As they walked, they could hear faint, indistinguishable sounds coming from ahead.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached a heavy wooden door. It creaked ominously as Ning pushed it open. Inside, the dim light from the hallway spilled into the room, revealing Chen Ye in a miserable state. He was huddled in a corner, his clothes tattered and his eyes wild with confusion and fear.

"Chen Ye," Lian called softly, stepping forward.

He didn't respond at first, his eyes darting around the room as if seeing ghosts. When he finally focused on the group, there was no recognition in his gaze.

"We need to get him out of here," Jing said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Xiang and Ming gently helped Chen Ye to his feet. He was weak and disoriented, but he didn't resist. They led him back through the path, supporting his weight as he stumbled along.

When they finally emerged into the light of Mia's house, Chen Ye squinted, disoriented by the sudden brightness. They settled him on a chair and brought him food and water.

Chen Ye tore into the food with a desperate hunger, eating like a wild animal. He gulped down the water, spilling some in his haste. The group watched with a mix of relief and sorrow, knowing how much he had suffered.

"Easy, Chen Ye," Ning said softly, gently taking the water jug to refill it. "There's plenty more. Take your time."

As he ate, a bit of clarity returned to his eyes, though his condition was still dire. The group exchanged worried glances, realizing how much care and time it would take for Chen Ye to recover, if recovery was even possible.

"We'll take care of you," Lian promised, her voice steady with determination. "You're safe now."

Chen Ye looked at her, a flicker of recognition crossing his features before it vanished again. The group stayed close, offering comfort and support, ready to do whatever it took to help him heal from his ordeal.

As Chen Ye slowly regained some semblance of composure, the group surrounded him protectively, relieved to have found him alive but deeply concerned for his fragile state. They exchanged glances filled with both relief and apprehension, knowing their journey was far from over.

Just as they began discussing their next steps, the heavy silence was shattered by a sudden noise from the doorway. Elder Zhang stood there, her face contorted with rage and disbelief. Her eyes fell upon Chen Ye, and she froze momentarily, as if processing the sight before her.

"You!" she screamed, pointing a trembling finger at Chen Ye and then at the group. "You have defied the natural order! My Fu Zhang is dead, and yet here he stands, a mockery of everything we hold dear!"

Ning stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "Elder Zhang, we have uncovered the truth. Dr. Mia's death was not an accident. She was poisoned, and we know you were involved."

Her voice cracked with emotion as tears streaked down her face, blending with the fury in her eyes. She seized a nearby lamp, swinging it wildly as if to ward off an unseen menace.

"You think you can uncover the truth? You think justice is yours to deliver?" she continued, her words a mix of anguish and accusation. "You have brought nothing but chaos and disgrace upon us!"

In a flash, chaos erupted. Ming and Xiang moved to shield Chen Ye, while Jing and Lian attempted to restrain Elder Zhang. The struggle was fierce, the room echoing with shouts and the clatter of furniture. Elder Zhang fought with desperate strength, driven by a mix of fear and rage.

Amidst the melee, Ning managed to grab a nearby chair and held it defensively, keeping Elder Zhang at bay. "Stop, Elder Zhang! This won't solve anything!" she pleaded, trying to reason with the woman.

But Elder Zhang's eyes blazed with unchecked fury. "You will pay for this!" she shrieked, breaking free from Lian's grasp. With a swift and unexpected move, she lunged toward the fireplace, where a poker lay forgotten in the ashes.

The room fell silent for a heartbeat as everyone watched in horror. Elder Zhang wielded the poker like a weapon, her intent unmistakable.

In that moment of peril, uncertainty hung heavy in the air. Would they survive this sudden betrayal? Would the truth about Dr. Mia's death ever be fully revealed, or would it be buried with them?

The scene froze in suspense, the outcome uncertain as the group braced themselves against the impending threat, determined to protect Chen Ye and themselves from Elder Zhang's desperate assault.