
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

#18 'THE' reason

"What is your guess? Will the demon come? Is it really some demon or just another human? " Asked Lian.

"How will it be when we will get married for real! When that day will arrive? But what about my identity? "

"Xiao... Xiao.. What are you thinking? "

"Huh?... Nothing"

"Tell me do you have anyone who can be a suspect in your mind? " Asked Lian.

Xiaobo shakes his head with big doe eyes. Lian is used to seeing Xiao as a boy but seeing him as a girl is a little odd for her. So seeing him makes her giggle.

"What happened? Do I look funny? " Said Xiao while pouting trying to make Lian laugh more.

"No, it's just that you are a girl now and it feels weird. "

"Ohh. Well the effect will last only for 3 more hours. Before that it will be better if we catch the culprit" Said Xiaobo.

Their was strong wind blowing that cause the wooden windows to open up and cold breeze was entering in. Xiaobo goes to close the window when he saw a big silhouette of a person. Well to be exact not a person. Because the shadow had long nails and ears popped out from the head. It was the kidnapper. And it was demon. Xiaobo was about to warn Lian about this when red mist spread in the room and within seconds Xiao fainted. As Lian cradled Xiaobo's unconscious form, a shiver ran down her spine as the red mist engulfed the room, rendering them both unconscious within seconds. When Lian awoke, the mist had dissipated, leaving an eerie calm.If one did not pay attention to the mist, they would think they just dozed off for one minute. Panic set in as she realized Xiao had been kidnapped right before eyes

Outside, Ming and Ning were on guard, unaware of the unfolding tragedy. Lian rushed to them, her face etched with worry, and the trio quickly grasped the severity of the situation. Ming, with a sense of urgency, launched a rocket into the night sky .As Ming attempted to leave, Lian and Ning blocked his path, demanding answers.

"Tell us. First tell us why did you launch a rocket? And where are you headed to? Did you already had planned if Xiao was kidnapped? Or you knew he will be kidnapped? " Asked Lian with her breaking voice as she was on the verge of crying as she failed to protect him.

The rocket was launched as a signal to Wei brother that something happened to Xiaobo. And we both decided to have a back up plan if something like this happened! It was all Xiaobo's plan. He said that if we are kidnapped we need to leave a trail behind so that the others can find us. We had this small cross-bow in our wrists. The arrows are small like needles and are very strong. He told that if we are conscious so while being kidnapped, throw the arrows on the trees to make the way. And if we are unconscious then if we don't shoot for 5 minutes then the arrows will automatically start falling. So either way the road to kidnapper's den will be made. So i was going to see where the needles are. " Said Ming in one breath as he does not want to delay even one minute.

"But where will you find the needles? There are many houses and trees are also not much in this village" Asked Ning.

"Obviously outside the city. Do you think a demon would live in a city along with all the girls that he kidnapped. He is for sure living outside the city so we need to hurry up. The horses are ready at the backside in the stable. Let's go" Yelled Ming while already running outside to go towards the stable.

The other two also followed him. They got on their horses and headed straight out of the city. After 15 minutes they reached in the woods. There they slowed down and started watching for the needles that might be either in tree or fallen on ground.Here Lian covertly used her powers to detect the hidden needles. She was sending her energy to all the trees. As she sends energy she can detect any foreign substance present on the trees and small plants. She quickly scans the surrounding trees and finds the small thing in the West side . When she senses more in that area she finds a lead. Lian yells and tells the other two to follow her. Ming and Ning also sees the shiny small thing stuck at the trees. They sped up with Lian leading them.The discovery led them deeper into the dark forest, where growls warned them of impending danger. After reaching a distance, Ning tells the two to stop immediately. They notice a growling sound. The three got off their horses and went behind the bushes.

They see a black shadow taking Xiao on his shoulder and enters a big cave. Ming, Ning and Lian see each other with their original forms as the transformation ended. But due to darkness it is difficult to see each other. Hence the shadow or whatever demon he is, unable to tell whether Xiao is a girl or a boy.

The three on tiptoes entered the cave and the scenario made them stop their breaths. All the girls that were kidnapped where tied up and blood was dripping from their arms and was getting collected in a bowl right under the arm. In the middle an ice coffin was placed. The cave was also much colder than the outside temperature. Lian saw Xiaobo lying behind the coffin. She quickly puts his head on her lap trying to wake him up. The black shadow or the kidnapper was no where to be seen.

"Is he okay? Any injury to him? " Asked Ming in a worried tone.

Lian shakes her head and was lightly tapping his cheeks to wake up him. After a few minutes, he woke up. But was still not aware of his surroundings.

"Lian? ..... Where are we? " Whisper asked Xiaobo while sitting up.

"The kidnapper's den. "

"Let's go from here now. " Said Ming.

"What about the other girls? " Inquired Lian and Xiaobo in unison.

"We know his place, we can come to find him again with more people. It's dangerous to stay here any longer. " Said Ming.

Ning also nods her head. Lian and Xiao look at each other and they also nod their head. Four of them were all ready to go outside when they saw the same black shadow at the entrance.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here in my den? " Roared the black shadow.

It was neither a human nor looking like a demon. Just a tall black shadow with back smoke emitting.

"Hey, black duck!! Are you shamed of yourself!! Why are you hiding your face? " Loudly asks Xiao while coming in front.

Lian and the others woden their eyes upon hearing this. He was provoking the shadow, does he have a death wish?

"Pesky brat!! How dare you insult me? Are you done with your life? "

"My poor soul will soon die due to my illness. No need for a black duck to kill me. Just tell me what you are doing here or else... " Xiaobo was thinking how to threaten him.

"What!! Did cat got your tongue? Brat your are no match for me in terms of strength but you have a big mouth to speak"

Then only he saw that the blood that was dripping from the arms of girls was slowly flowing through a channel and was going inside the coffin.

"I.... I will destroy this coffin if you don't tell me what you are doing"

"Hearing this the shadow's back smoke increases and he was nearing them. He attacks them with a ball of black smoke and was to hit Xiao who was near coffin. Lian and Ming together and pulled him away.

The black shadow grew more furious, launching attacks with extraordinary speed. The four struggled to evade, but one aimed at Lian rebounded as if an invisible wall shielded her. The missed strike veered towards the ice coffin. Sensing the danger, the black shadow halted its assault and swiftly moved to shield the coffin. Seizing the opportunity, Ming and Ning prepared to counterattack, but Xiao intervened, restraining Ning, while Lian stepped in front of Ming to prevent his assault.

Why are you stopping us?" asked Ming and Ning in unison.

"Because we want to understand the reason, the motive behind his wrongdoings. We can't pass judgment without hearing his side," said Xiaobo.

"Besides, he's protecting someone significant to him. I believe the person in the coffin is the key to his kidnappings and misdeeds," added Lian.

"But that doesn't excuse his actions. He committed a crime, ruining the lives of those girls and leaving them haunted," argued Ning.

"I know what I did was wrong, but I don't regret it. These are the girls who drove a wedge between me and my lover," confessed the black shadow.

In the aftermath, the mysterious figure bore the impact, visibly weakened as the dark shroud dissipated. A breathtaking revelation unfolded with the emergence of two grand fox ears and a sweeping tail.

As the last wisps of shadow lifted, a captivating figure stood before them – a man adorned in a striking white and orange silk robe, his features etched with a mesmerizing allure. Long face, almond-shaped turquoise eyes, and a cascade of white hair framing fox ears on his head.

Ming's voice echoed with a touch of awe, "The privileges of being a demon are quite something. Despite his millennia of existence, he radiates a charm more enchanting than a mere 22-year-old." "This handsomeness," the demon murmured with a touch of melancholy, "it's a dual-edged sword for me. I am a fox demon, and within this allure lies a poignant tale of love." He carefully lifted the lid of the coffin, revealing the resting place of his cherished Ya Li.

There, within the quiet confines of the casket, lay a figure of ethereal beauty. Her innocent countenance, frozen in eternity, wore a serene smile on her pale, nearly ghostly lips.

Ning, his expression etched with the weight of guilt, couldn't help but inquire, "What tragedy has befallen her?" The air hung heavy with the sorrowful narrative unraveling before them.

" She goes by the name Ya Li, and I'm Fu Lin. Embracing my human form, I learned to hide my fox ears and tone down my demonic vibes. Roaming the human world, I soaked in their way of life—eating, living, and blending in. Demons, being quick learners, helped me fit in seamlessly, and no one suspected a thing.

During my travels, I stumbled upon a special encounter—the lovely girl who caught my eye from the start. The more I got to know her, the deeper my feelings grew. Everywhere I went, I became known not for my deeds, but for the captivating charm of my appearance.

In this romantic journey, I didn't just discover the ins and outs of being human; I found a connection that went beyond worlds, a love story etched in the stars.

Everywhere I ventured, fame swiftly embraced me, all thanks to the spellbinding charm that adorned my appearance. Girls, enchanted by my looks, willingly offered their assistance for any cause. Little did they know, my focus wasn't on them but on the one who held the key to my heart—Ya Li.

In this inadvertent pursuit of information about Ya Li, I found myself caught in a web of misunderstanding. The girls, thinking I wanted to engage with them and merely using Ya Li as an excuse, unwittingly played into my unintentional ruse. My heart, however, beat solely for Ya Li, and in my single-minded devotion, I failed to grasp their misinterpretation.

Each day, I trailed her steps as she went about her routine—buying groceries and attending to daily errands. My world revolved around her, oblivious to the unintended consequences of my actions, as the tapestry of our romantic journey unfolded in the ordinary moments of her life.

Then after following for 5 days ,she changed her daily track and went in an alley. I also followed her. And their was no one. Where did she disappear.

I can't use my powers to detect life presence, so I turned back and was about to go when I was hit by small rocks on my both legs and I fell down. And a body jumped on my back.

"Who are you? And why are you following me from five days? What do you want? "

"She is Ya Li. I can recognise her voice even among hundred voices

" I mean no harm; curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself trailing your steps," I confessed earnestly, trying to dispel any misgivings.

In response, she quirked an eyebrow, a skeptical look in her eyes. "Who follows a girl just out of curiosity? And if you have something to say, why not just confront me?"

Taking a deep breath, I whispered, "I do have something to say." In that moment, she remained seated behind me, her hands holding mine.

Her tone shifted, a mix of curiosity and amusement as she goaded me, "Alright, spill. What business are we talking about?"

Summoning the courage, I confessed with a touch of humor, "I want something from you." Her eyes focused on me, awaiting an answer.

"Now we're talking business, are we?" she exclaimed, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

With a soft smile, I finally laid my cards on the table, "I want to be friends with you. I desire friendship from you. Can you give me that? Can you be my friend?" The air hung with anticipation, a blend of romance and a touch of lighthearted comedy, as the words lingered between us, waiting for her response.

"What—what? What did you say?" she asked me, her words accompanied by a subtle stutter.

" I said I want to be friends with you, get to know you better. Can I?" I inquired, my eyes closed tight in a habit that I've developed for moments of uncertainty or lack of confidence.

Hearing my words, Ya Li became flustered and swiftly moved from my back. As I saw her, I crafted a puppy face – a skill I happened to excel at to make myself a little more appealing.Our eyes met, and she blinked with red-tinged cheeks. Before she could make her quick getaway, I acted on impulse and caught her sleeves with two fingers.

"You didn't give me an answer," I gently reminded her.

Her response came with a playful determination, "I need to see whether you can be my friend or not! Let's meet every day, but not in the village. Come to the small fountain on the east side." The words hung in the air, an invitation to a friendship that held the promise of new beginnings.

With an ear-to-ear grin, I watched as Ya Li swiftly retreated, leaving me there with a goofy smile plastered on my face. From that day onward, our lives intertwined as we met at our secret hideout, a place where time seemed to stand still.

Sometimes, I'd bring along a little something to eat, and in a heartwarming twist, Ya Li surprised me with delicious baked cakes one memorable day. Their taste lingered in my memory, a testament to the sweetness of our growing connection.

As the days unfolded, I sensed the mutual feelings blossoming between us. In a tender moment, I decided to express my emotions in a tangible form. Plucking a few strands of fox hair from my tail, I meticulously crafted a beautiful bracelet with shades of orange and white – a symbol of our unique bond. Each day, as we met at our small sanctuary, the bracelet adorned her wrist, a silent testament to a love story written in the simplest, most heartfelt moments.

Ummm... Here's a little something, a friendship gift for you," I stammered, my gaze fixed on the cascading waterfall, but my hand extended towards Ya Li. In response, her delightful giggles echoed, embracing my endearing awkwardness as she accepted the pearly bracelet.

"Is it truly just a friendship gift?" she inquired, her words weaving a curious melody.

Caught off guard, I turned my head abruptly towards her, surprise painted on my face.

"I... This... I want... this is..." My attempts at coherence faltered.

"What, Lin-er? I'm not understanding a thing. Say it clearly," she encouraged, her eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and anticipation. In that moment, as the waterfall hummed in the background, I found myself navigating the delicate terrain of my emotions, ready to express sentiments that transcended the simplicity of a friendship gift.

"I love you," I confessed, my eyes shut, and my heart laid bare as I knelt before her. The air hung heavy with anticipation as she stared at me for what felt like an eternity. Doubts crept in – had I misunderstood her feelings?

In that suspended moment, something feather-soft brushed against my lips. Opening my eyes, I found Ya Li in close proximity, her lips barely a breath away. A tender smile graced her face, and I could feel the warmth of her response.

"I love you too," she whispered, her cheeks flushed with a delicate hue. Time may have passed, but the memory of that moment remains etched in my heart. It feels like I proposed to her just yesterday, the simplicity of those words forever binding us in a romantic journey that transcends the confines of time.

Only 10 days had passed, and she was gone. Taken from me by the ruthless hands of those who couldn't fathom my choice – choosing her over them. The motive? Nothing more than jealousy. The family of those who couldn't bear to see me love her. Are humans truly so feeble-minded that they resort to killing simply because of love? We hadn't committed any crime under the king's law, yet she was mercilessly taken away.

I pleaded with them, promising to sever all ties, never to talk or see her again just on the cost of her life, but their hearts were cold, deaf to reason. And so, she was lost to me.

It's why I seek to retrieve her, to breathe life back into her. The cost? Their blood. No, I don't regret my decision. In the face of such injustice, any means to reclaim her seem justified.

As I shared this heart-wrenching tale, the room fell silent. The others listened, understanding the cruelty humans were capable of. Yes, humans kill each other for reasons so trivial. They act without thinking, blind to the profound impact their actions have on others' lives. Cowards, blaming others for their deeds, leaving behind a wake of pain and despair. The sadness of this tale echoed in the quiet, underscoring the harsh reality of human frailty.

The weight of the somber story settled in the room, casting a palpable tension. The four humans exchanged uncertain glances, caught in a web of dilemmas. What to do next? The air hung heavy with anticipation, each heartbeat echoing the uncertainty that gripped the moment.

The flickering candlelight danced on their faces, highlighting the shadows that etched lines of concern. Eyes darted between them, searching for answers that seemed elusive. What will happen now? The room held its breath, as if waiting for some revelation to unfold.

The storyteller's gaze remained fixed, filled with determination. The silence stretched, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. The echo of the tragic tale lingered, wrapping the room in an eerie suspense. In the quietude, the four humans grappled with decisions that could alter the course of their lives.

As the seconds ticked away, the tension heightened, leaving the room suspended in an atmosphere of uncertainty. It was a tableau of conflicting emotions, a narrative where the climax was yet to reveal itself, leaving everyone on the edge of their seats, wondering what fate had in store for these characters entangled in the complexities of their own making.