
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

16# Real Reason?

Xiaobo, Lian, Ming along with Ning attended Yan Mu's wedding. Ning came along saying that she needed to see the wedding difference and for safety reasons also.

There was no problem at the wedding. No suspicious person, nothing odd. And the wedding took place peacefully. The group came back with relief in mind but worry was instilled on face.

"What do you think about this? One bride gets kidnapped but not the other one, even if the wedding happened on the same day. Why? "

"It's simple. What's there to think about? " Asked Lian.

Everyone was still confused about the thing but Lian seems like she is crystal clear about it.

"How come? "

"Because the kidnapper can't be in two places at one time"

This sentence lighted up a bulb in Ning's mind. She smiled brightly and clapped her hands in tiny.

"Lian!! You are so smart. You are right. The person can't be at two places at the same time. So I just need to check the list of people entering and the one missing from the list of Sheng's wedding is the kidnapper"

"But they take note of only the ones who came with gifts as they make a record of it. But what about other people? "Asked Xiao thinking that the idea was very good.

" The person must be someone important. They must have noted the name " Said Lian.

"Oh? Why so? "

"The person attended the wedding and stayed till late at night as the kidnapping happened after the wedding. So this person was surely noted or at least noticed by others.

" That's right. Wow! Lian, you are quick-witted. I like that. " Said Xiao while giving a big smile. Hearing this Lian's ears got red and she gave a shy smile.

"I will quickly ask my colleague to check this information out. We can go back to Yan's mansion to check out the people who are from the morning and are still present. "

They verified the list and all the people who attended the wedding were gone. None of them left. While they were asking they saw an old lady sitting on a bench instructing other girls to decorate the bedroom of the married couple.

"Old grandma, what is your work here? You should be resting not working" Asked Ning. The other three also nodded.

"Aigoo, it's nothing. Just working to get myself a meal. " Said the old lady with a smile.

"But where is your family? Shouldn't they take care of you? "

"My only son doesn't want to see my face. My other two daughters want to help but their husbands threaten them. They say they don't want an old hag dying on them. So I don't worry them"

Sadness spread along the faces of the girls while the boys felt angry about how can children do this to their mothers.

Then they went out to ask others anything that they found suspicious. But to no avail, they cannot pinpoint a suspicious person. The night came and all were in the hallway waiting to see whether the kidnapper had come or not. Yan Mu himself was a good fighter. He was beside her bride ready to attack even at the slightest noise. The bride was a little afraid but her husband was beside her and she trusted him. It was past midnight. All the kidnappings happened exactly at midnight.

" Does this mean that no kidnapping today? Whisper asked Lian.

"Don't know for sure. But I think we alerted the kidnapper. Will we stay here for the whole night? " Answered Ming

"The kidnapper can come at any time. And I don't want any risk" Said Zhao Ning. Xiaobo also nodded at her statement.

A lady servant came shouting from the backyard.


Hearing this a commotion was caused. Xiaobo along with Ming ran towards the backyard trying to catch the kidnapper, Lian and Ning went towards the newly wedded couple's room to check whether the bride was okay or not.

"Are you okay? Did anyone come? "

"I am okay. No one came here. But I heard someone was kidnapped. How come? " Asked the bride with a terrified look on her face.

"We also don't know. Our friends went to check about that. "

Xiaobo and Ming came catching their breath. Ning looked expectantly at them but they shook their head in disappointment.

" Not even a glimpse. We don't even know who got kidnapped unless the lady servant told us that it was Miss Li Xiu." Said Xiaobo.

" She is my SISTER. Are you sure that she was kidnapped? It was supposed to be me? Why would she be kidnapped? " Cried the bride in shock.

"What!!? Your sister? This can't be. Why would the kidnapper kidnap the bride's sister instead of the bride? " Asked Ning to herself.

"I think.... we started in the wrong direction. Maybe the brides were not ....his target?? " Said Lian but it sounded more like a question to herself.

"What is going on? No clue, no pattern, no reason for kidnapping, and still a kidnapping case is added.

What will the four do now?

The next day the four were having a very serious meeting.

" We need to do something about this. Till now, three kidnappings have taken place. This is not good. " Said Lian worriedly.

"And I think I know the solution. We need to have a fake wedding. And invite all the people that we knew came to Yan Mu's wedding. I am sure the person came yesterday. Let's have another fake wedding"

"Idea is good but for a fake wedding, we need bride and bridegroom. Where we will find one? " Asked Lian.

"Aren't they here in front of me? " Asked Ming with an eyebrow raised.

"Who? Us? Really? Even the kidnapper will know it is fake. Don't joke around" Said Ning.

"It is not a bad idea. Just we need to change something. Then even your parents won't be able to differentiate you" Said Xiaobo.

"Huh? How? " Asked the other three all together.

What is Xiaobo's plan? And a wedding between the two couples?!! Even if fake? What will happen