

"That's the basic rundown of the first round sir," Meiwa Explained.

"Ah yes I see thank you," Kenja replied.

"This Manjiro fellow seems interesting, a purple energy you say?" Suna voiced.

"Yes," Meiwa replied, "I've never seen anything like it he gained tremendous strength, it was sort of like."

As Meiwa was talking to the two lords a knock interrupted him.

"Come on in," Kenja said smoking his cigarette.

A man with pale blonde hair that stuck out of every direction walked in, he had grey eyes and carried around a gloomy facial expression. He wore nothing but a white T-Shirt, and a dark blue jacket which he wore only on his right side. He also wore plain black trousers and shoes.

He threw a scroll towards Kenja who caught it with his free hand.

"Long time since I've been in here, did you more your desk around old man?" The man looked around the office, "Last time I was in here I was around 14."

He then set his eyes towards Meiwa, "Hmmm is that you Meiwa?" The man asked.

"Uh yes," Meiwa replied.

"Oh come on it's me remember?" The man looked as Meiwa still confused, "remember when we were little and those sorcerers picked on you, and I kicked their ass?"

"No way!" Meiwa shouted, "Jiyu!"

"That's right," Kenja interrupted, "Meiwa can you give us a minute?"

"Sure thing," Meiwa replied as he left the room.

"You've finally shown your face," Kenja spoke as he read the scroll, "Not much has changed from the research you did last time."

"Unfortunately," Jiyu replied.

"Something the matter?" Kenja asked.

Jiyu stared towards the ceiling with a blank expression.

"How's the kid?" He asked.

"He's progressed tremendously, actually Meiwa was here to tell us about the first stage of the games in which he passed," Kenja announced.

Jiyu's blank expression turned into a smile.

"Well, that's…."

"However It seems that the purple energy we saw years ago has returned," Kenja said as he interrupts Jiyu.

"I see," Jiyu says as he turns around to exit the office.

"Leaving again?" Kenja asked, "Maybe you should stay awhile, you know catch up with your childhood friends, there all A rank sorcerers now even Kami."

"I have no business with them, especially with that power-driven maniac," Jiyu replied.

"He's changed Jiyu."

"Yeah Yeah, maybe I will I just need to research a nearby demon then I will return, and meet with them," Jiyu says as he's twisting the door handle.

As he opens the door he doesn't exit. He turns around and makes a hand sign.

"Cursed Art, Reverse Teleportation"

A dead guard appeared on top of Kenja's desk.

"It looks like some man killed the guard guarding the village gate, by the looks of it, it was no demon," Jiyu said as he left the office.

"May I ask who that was?" Suna asked.

"I've been the leader of this village for a while now, I've seen many young and good-hearted sorcerers come and go, like this man laying on my desk right now. During my time as a leader of this village, I decided to become a teacher a sensei to a group of 3 sorcerers. So they could protect others from death, that brat who walked in here was one of them alongside Kami."

"Ah, the years just fly by don't they?" Kenja said as he inhales and exhales his cigarette. "In his years as a sorcerer, he's only killed a few demons, in which it was for a specific purpose."

"A specific purpose?" Suna said confusedly.

"Yes to figure out how and why demons exist, you see that fellow if peace ever graces this world he will be responsible for it, he's my student his name is Jiyujin Kamakura."

Elsewhere in the village sat Team Kami who celebrate their victory in the first round.

"I'm stuffed!" Yelled Manjiro, "I look just like a hippo or how Lavender looks without no makeup!"

"You jerk!" Lavender shouts as she punched Manjiros head down towards the table breaking it.

"Now we've gotta pay for the broken table," Shita says as he eats his mint ice cream."

As team Kami leaves the restaurant Manjiro sees a familiar face exiting a convenience store across the road.

His face becomes piping hot with anger as he crosses the road.

"Hey isn't your house that way Manjiro?" Lavender says as she sees Manjiro walking in the wrong direction.

Manjiro ignores Lavender and crosses the road.

"Hey, you!" Manjiro shouts.

The boy turns around shaking and sweating.

"Yes.." The boy replied.

"Aren't you that jerk face who stole that kill from in that alleyway?" Manjiro asked, "What's your name?"

"Miyamoto," He says nervously.

"Listen here Miyamoto, you almost got us eliminated from the games. You looked pretty fast, so fight me right here right now!"