

"Fight you?" Miyamoto asked.

"Hold on Manjiro don't you think that's a bit reckless?" Lavender questioned as she walked towards Manjiro.

As she was making her way towards Manjiro, Shita's arm intercepted her.

"What's the big deal?"

"It a good opportunity to study our opponent, by him fighting Manjiro it can show his strength and weaknesses," Shita goes on, "Sometimes his hot temper can be a useful tool."

"You heard me, didn't you? Yea I want to fight," Manjiro says with certainty.

"As you wish… but I warn you it won't end with you standing," Miyamoto says in a nervous tone.

They both get into a fighting stance and rush towards each other, clashing their fists together. Then letting go simultaneously causes them both to get pushed back.

Manjiro rushes back in but this time is met with a kick to the chin sending him flying into the air, Miyamoto appears behind him landing another kick on the back of Manjiros head sending him crashing towards the ground.

"He put cursed energy into that kick?" Shita questioned, "Or was it raw strength?"

Manjiro gets back up and touches the back of his head to see if he was bleeding.

"From the two encounters, I've had with him he's faster and stronger than me."

Manjiro runs towards Miyamoto for the third time.

"He may be faster than my raw speed but let's see how he matches against my flash step."

Manjiro swings his fist and then disappears from Miyamoto's eyesight. He then appears behind him.

"I got behind him it's over!" Manjiro thinks to himself.

"Flash step huh?" Miyamoto says as he appears behind Manjiro.

"How the hell did he do that?" Shita thinks to himself, "Don't tell me he also has flash step!"

"Damn it when the hell did he learn that move, I thought Kami sensei made that move," Manjiro says as he sees Miyamoto appear behind him.

Miyamoto punches Manjiro in the face causing his nose to break along with other bones.

Manjiro takes a knee as he tries to stop his nose from bleeding.

"I told this would end with you not standing," Miyamoto says nervously, "I'm sorry for the damage."

Miyamoto takes a bow and looks towards Shita and Lavender.

"Tell me something, where did you learn that technique?" Asked Shita.

"My teacher Hado taught me," Miyamoto went on, "You think Kami was the only person who knew that technique? After all, he didn't even make it, it was my teacher Hado who did."

"I assumed it was just Kami sensei?" Lavender whispered.

"Those punches and kicks you threw they were laced with cursed energy right?" Shita asked.

"Correct," Miyamoto replied.

Miyamoto turns back to Manjiro whose still on his knees, still dripping blood from his nose.

"If you can't beat me how could you possibly beat Unmei?" Miyamoto asks Manjiro.

"Unmei…?" Manjiro replies.

"My fellow squad member, he's already taken on a C rank demon mission by himself, the best part is he hasn't even shown his element I don't even know what it is."

"Even you would struggle with Unmei, Shita," Miyamoto says as he walks away, "See you all in the next round."

Three minutes after Miyamoto had left there was an awkward silence between the three members of Team Kami. The awkwardness was broken by Lavender who shouted.

"Unmei is my cousin!"

"Your cousin?" Shita replied.

"Well yeah but not blood related, he's my dad's brother's adopted son," She voiced.

"He's quite skilled."

Manjiro got up from his knees and ignored Shita and Lavender's conversation.

"I'm going home," Manjiro says in a calm tone.

"Maybe you should visit the hospital?" Lavender responds.

Manjiro turns around with the blood dripping down his face, with a smile.

"No I'm fine, I'm happy that there's a bunch of strong guys around."

He then runs away.

"Honestly what an idiot," Lavender thought to herself.

As Manjiro is running towards his apartment still with a broken nose, he bumps into a mysterious person who's wearing a black robe with a hood on disguising their face.

"My bad," Manjiro says.

The mysterious person looks at Manjiro and notices his beat-up face, using their left hand they make a circular motion which causes all of Manjiros injuries to heal. They then walk away without uttering a single word.

In the hospital, Kenja waited for doctors to come up for the conclusion of the death of the sorcerer who guarded the gate.

"It seems he was hit with some sort of sorcerer technique, this wasn't a work of a demon," A doctor told Kenja.

"So Jiyu was right after all," Kenja thought to himself.

"His partner who was also guarding the gate was burnt to a crisp, so he or she uses a fire element eh?"

Kenja called over his assistant.

"I want all sorcerers to be on high alert an intruder a dangerous one at that hast entered the village, I want you to pull as many sorcerers who aren't taking mission right now and put them on guarding duty."

"As you wish," The assistant said as she left the hospital.

"Isn't that a little overboard?" Suna says calmly.

"It might be but I can't risk the lives of civilians and young sorcerers, especially with the games going on," Kenja replies.

"As expected from the king of sorcery," Suna voices.

"Ahhhh I'm so bored," Kami says as he's laying on his bed.

"How long has it been since I've been on house arrest?" Kami asks shouting out of his window.

"Around a week," A sorcerer replies, "Stop complaining I don't like looking over you either."

"I wonder how my students are doing," Kami thinks to himself, "He's returned as well that Jiyu even if it was for mere 30 minutes."

"He probably thought he could come into this village without me noticing, too bad for him once I see somebody's cursed energy they can't hide from me."

Kami gets up from his bed and closes his window and puts down his blinds, and goes towards his dresser table mirror. He then takes off the bandages that cover his eyes.

"Uh yes, Jiyu you cannot hide from me."