
Demon Manjiro

"His power it's outstanding, his presence, his aura it definitely surpasses Koneko's," Sozo remarked. "But so does mine."

"That voice I heard earlier," Sozo thought to himself he then spoke and shouted out loud. "Is that you Shu-"

Before Sozo could finish Manjiro appeared in front of him in his demon state throwing a punch in which Sozo blocked.

However, it was no ordinary punch as the force of the punch sent Sozo flying past the city of Toro.

"His punches are way more powerful than before, even his speed everything about him has changed."

"Behind me," Sozo said as he blocked Manjiro's kicks.

Sozo then extends his nails piercing Manjiro's heart and liver.

But again, Manjiro instantly heals himself and strikes Sozo with a knee to the face, sending Sozo flying in the air.

Trying not to lose consciousness Sozo thinks to himself. "He's definitely using his powers"

As Sozo looks to the ground he realizes that Manjiro isn't there.

He then gets struck from the back of the neck, in which he gets sent crashing towards the ground.

In a crater, Sozo says "Get him, my children."

As all the D rank demons populating Toro surround Manjiro they rush at him.

But with a single flash of his aura, he disintegrates the demons.

Manjiro, done disintegrating the demons looks around and sees a beam of Magma heading towards him.

He then in a blink of an eye jumps over it. He then points at Sozo with his index finger, which causes a weird type of purple energy to blast out.

Sozo quickly realizing what was happening, shoots another beam of magma which cancels out Manjiros.

"He definitely didn't have that sort of attack in his arsenal before," Sozo thought to himself. "If I didn't know what that attack was I could've died."

Manjiro then lifts his finger again, causing the purple energy to form into a ball touching his fingertips.

Sozo knowing he can't let Manjiro fire the blast dashes towards him and kicks Manjiro's arm causing the blast to release into the sky.

The blast explodes causing a tornado in which parts of Toro city were destroyed.

"That much destruction came from a blast from his finger?" Sozo thought to himself. "I'm almost out of energy, I'm not used to this form yet."

Sozo then puts his hands together, in a split second magma starts approaching Manjiro from all directions.

The Magma surrounds Manjiro's body burning him.

"Seal," Says Sozo as the Magma surrounding Manjiro's body hardens trapping him.

Sozo knowing he has the opportunity to attack rushes towards Manjiro as he is still trapped.

"Nows my chance, if he's a demon he shouldn't be able to regenerate if I cut his head off."

As Sozo approaches Manjiro he lengthens his nails in order to swipe his head off. But as he comes near Manjiro he is greeted with an unexpected headbutt which sends him backward with a bleeding forehead.

Manjiro then powers up breaking through the magma and then quickly dashes towards Sozo using flash step and hits him with a straight kick into the chin.

"He's using the technique he used before with this demon form?"

Sozo then forms a scythe made up of magma and throws it at Manjiro, which he easily catches it.

Manjiro starts opening his mouth to talk but an unfamiliar voice is heard "Magma powers huh, is he that brat who tried to attack me after I blinded his siblings?"

"It doesn't matter anyone who tries to hurt my vessel shall die," He then points out two fingers getting ready to blast his purple-colored attack.

"Damn!, I don't have enough time to react," Says Sozo as the blast is released heading right towards him.

As the dust settles Manjiro stands there still in his demon state.

"You're a rough one," Says the unknown voice

Sozo stood there back in his 2 tail form nearly disintegrated.

"I'm not done…Yet," Says Sozo as he's bleeding out.

"I tried to show you mercy," Says the unknown voice. "But your face really pisses me off."

Manjiro's aura starts glowing brighter and brighter equalling and rivaling that of the sun. He then puts his hands together.

"You told this boy that you're a God?" The unknown voice goes on. "Don't make me laugh."

"Demon Art, 1000 blades"

In an instant Sozo gets cut into 1000 pieces, as his head slides of his body, he takes a last look at Manjiro.

"His aura it's so bright," Sozo goes on. "It's making my eyes squint."

"It looks like… I couldn't truly gaze into the sun, but I hope at least the person who kills me can, Manjiro I hope eventually you can truly gaze into the sun," As Sozo closes his eyes his head hits the floor.

"Now shall I go kill the other brat," Says the unknown voice as he looks at Shita still on the floor.

As he walks towards Shita he feels a strange presence.

"What the-" Before he could finish his sentence there stood Kami close lining Manjiro knocking him out.

"Guess I made it in time" Said Kami. "Destroying that planet really was the only thing I thought of good thing it worked."

He made his way towards Sozo who's body started disintegrating and touched his head.

"Manjiro really beat him huh?"

"Now I guess the mission is complete" As he calls over an owl.

"Tell Kenja to not bother sending any sorcerers to handle the D ranks, but tell him to send over a medical team we got three injured badly," As Kami says this the owl flies away towards the village.

"He's gonna kill me," Kami said as he looks at his students all laying on the ground with a proud smile on his face.