
The new Emperor Zenumus Varis Gadfraye

In the wake of the emperor's passing, Zenumus Varis Gadfraye stepped into the role destined for him—the new emperor of the empire. His ascension had been a foregone conclusion; he was the natural successor to his father's throne. 

Angus, harboring no ambition for the imperial seat, had readily accepted his elder brother's claim, a decision supported by their sister. The bond among the three siblings had weathered the storm of grief, providing solace throughout the sombre funeral proceedings.

With the imperial house standing resolute, the final rites for the fallen emperor were concluded. 

However, a looming challenge overshadowed the mourning—a tear in the veil that separated the magical and human planes. Zenumus, now the emperor, found himself at the forefront of a predicament that demanded immediate attention.