
Chapter 26

It was utter pandemonium upon Prospero as the order came down that the thousand sons shall be no more as two legions appeared above it's planet along with the Bucephelus. While a majority of the librarians and Magnus himself was secured at the end of the council of nikea many of its non psyker astartes remained on prospero along with the chief Liberarian as he maintained the wealth of knowledge contained upon the planet.

"How could this be!" Yelled Ahriman as he slamed the door to his office.

"Perhaps this is some terrible illusion cast upon my mind by the warp!" He cried as he cleared his desk of scripts bearing forgotten knowledge in a hurry as he reads the data slate again.

"It is no illusion captain of the first company as your legion is no more." Spoke a showed figure as a astartes sized man stepped out of the shadows covered in a dark cloak.

With a start Ahriman stands up and calls upon the warp but nothing manifests as though he's been cut off from the warp.

"What have you done?" Growled Ahriman

"I assure you I've done nothing as that would be the handy work of the eighth legion with their anti warp technology" drawled the stranger as begain to step closer

"What reason would the Nightlords come here? We've been complaint with all the rules laid out by the emperor. Sure we tend to collect any and all knowledge from any planet we bring into the imperium's fold. And according to what I sense it's not just the eighth that is here." Ranted Ahriman as he slammed his fist into his desk denting it's polished metal

"That would be the Space wolves as they've come to be sure you comply, but they seem to be itching for a reason to start a fight." Replied the stranger

"So this is it for the thousand sons and all that would be left of our name is dust upon empty shelves, a footnote in history" stated Ahriman as he slumped into his chair.

"Ah but does it have to be the end as I could provide you and a few others a chance to escape this censure and maybe even get some revenge" pitched the stranger as he stood in front of Ahriman

"And who are you to offer such a thing as what you suggest is to go rouge and become hunted for the rest of our days" replied Ahriman

"Ah but you'd be free, Free to experiment and gain new knowledge that the emperor himself would forbid. After all your legion is being brought back to terra to be scanned for such knowledge and to be properly indoctrinated in his imperial truth. As for who I am? I'm just one head of many. So what would it be proud son of Prospero?" States the stranger extending a hand as Ahriman merely states at it.

Up in the atmosphere upon the Howling Fury Battle barge of the Space wolves legion:

"My lord an unknown teleport beacon as just been detected on the lower decks." Stated a navel officer to the astartes captain.

"Notify the Jarl of the situation and send two blood claws to the last detected location of the beacon." Stated the space wolf


Hearing no response the astartes turn to where he last heard the human speak from before a power sword removes his head as the chameleon illusion fades revealing astartes in Green scale armor. All across the bridge a similar scene occurred as many lives were snuffed out before any order could be given.

"Bridge secured and comms disabled" whispered the green astartes

"Sweep the ship and eliminate all the space wolves as the other cells should have successfully secured the navigator and his choir. Hydra dominatus " Replied the lead astartes as he wipes his sword on the wolf pelt hanging from the dead space wolfs armor.

"Hydra dominatus" echoed across the bridge as sounds of bolter fire and the screams of death begain on all floors of the barge.

Onboard the Bucephelus:

"Magnus have your sons surrender themselves peacefully as I wish no bloodshed among you and your brothers." Stated the powerful voice of the emperor

"But father we've done no wrong. All we've done is try to find the truth and broaden our knowledge wether it comes from the warp or even xenos history." Pleaded Magnus

"I've trully failed you Magnus if you fail to see that some knowledge comes with a price too high to pay wether that price comes from you or those around you. I shall teach you personally you what lurks in that sunless realm your so curious about. Maybe then you'll realize what you've put at risk in your reckless pursuit of knowledge." Stoiclly replied the emperor

It was just as the emperor finished speaking he froze for a split second that only the three primarch and Constantine Valdor noticed.

"It seems one has already lost faith in my dream for humanity, why Alpharious have you not spared a single thought for my dream for humanity to flourish." The emperor sighed

"It is with a heavy heart my son Konrad thar I must order you to bring your wayward brother to heal and to properly judge the cause of his betrayal but I must ask you bring him before me, Valdor send word to Rogal dorn to manage the crusade while I'm gone and message Horus to meet me upon holy terra we've mutch to discuss" stated the emperor before dismissing everyone to return to their ships and carry out the emperors will.


Hi everyone sorry for the late update, I'm not dead but mother nature sure has tried so while I'm still dealing with some storm damage and insurance adjusters update will be slow. As for the story the opening moves have began with the alpha legion officially going traitor but is it trully as it seems or is something going on in the shadows soon to be revealed