

Walking into the door that Victoria had rushed out from, post-hearing the sudden noise in her store, she led them down a stair that went down into the ground.

Elaborately crafted and distinctly made, the underground passage was much more comfortable than Sar'har thought, unlike the caves the orcs of her tribe used. As Victoria led the way, Gates thought about his actions tonight once more. He was strong, yes, but the number of individuals able to beat him into the earth still outweighed the odds of him being able to injure them.

His entire motive for getting Yusuf, the orc, and Rosalia, who was a pleasant surprise, was that he needed to create an organization of strong individuals, no, powerful. Using his power, he could become something else, something more; his strength would be sufficient enough for what was to come. But seeing as it was still far away, the immediate things here and now were what mattered.