
Not wanting to obey

~After Wang yibo had break fast~

~Xiao zhan came~

Xiao zhan : Young master?

Wang yibo:....


Xiao zhan : Ummm.... Young master....??

Wang yibo:...


[Xiao zhan : damn. He okay??? Should I go and have a check on him..]

~Xiao zhan walks up to Wang yibo~

Xiao zhan : Young master.

Wang yibo:....

~ Taps his shoulder ~

Wang yibo: Damn. What????

Xiao zhan:... Uhhh are you done eating your breakfast.

Wang yibo :why don't you just come and look at it your self? What's the point in asking me?

Xiao zhan: I am sorry....

~Takes plates in front of him. Goes and places them in the sink. And comes back to take the glass~

~Xiao zhan takes the glass but falls and all the juice spills on Wang yibo~

Xiao zhan:Omg!! I am so sorry!!

Wang yibo : WTF!! IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!

Xiao zhan: please take your robe off and give it to. So I can wash it.

~Wang yibo were all teary~

Xiao zhan:... Are you OK??? I am really sorry I didn't mean it. It's just I sli-

~Wang yibo started dripping tears~

Xiao zhan: Young master I am really sorry. Please don't cry. Please give it to me so I can wash or it would get stained.


~Wang yibo pushed Xiao zhan to the side and ran to this room~


[ Xiao zhan:... What? Why was he crying. Did it get in his eyes? I can't just him like this. I should get check on him]

~Xiao zhan went over to his room~

~Xiao zhan knocking at his door~

Xiao zhan :Young master?? Are you okay??


Xiao zhan: young master please let me help me!! Please I can't just leave you alone! It's my joke to help you! I am just like your older brother. Please tell me what is wrong??


Xiao zhan:... Young master. I am really sorry. I don't know what made you so upset?

~Wang yibo opened the door with red eyes~

Wang yibo : you want to know?

Xiao zhan:Ummm.. Yes young master I can't just let you cry.

Wang yibo : well it's from my mom! Now it's f***ing ruined!

Xiao zhan : I am so sorry Young master! But please let me have a look at it I maybe can fix it.

Wang yibo: go have a look.

~Wang yibo wipped his tears and Xiao zhan went in his room to have a look at the robe~

Xiao zhan: it still can be fixed young master. No need to worry. Now you shouldn't cry anymore.

Wang yibo: really it can be fixed??

Xiao zhan: Ofc course. I have a son that makes his clothes look like dirt but I some how get it cleaned.

Wang yibo : wait. You are married. And have a son!?! Aren't you like 23?

Xiao zhan : no no. I am not even dating anyone. He is just my adopted son. I found him in a playground and he did not have anyone so I decided to adopt him last year. He just turned 4 years last month.

Wang yibo : cool. Are you gonna wash the robe now or not?

Xiao zhan : oh I am sorry young master I forgot. I will go and wash it and please go start gettin ready your father wanted you go to the wang _____ company today.

~ Wang yibo rolled his eyes. And Xiao zhan went to wash his clothes~

~On Xiao zhan side~


[Xiao zhan: I should be more careful around here I never know what is Givin from whom.

I feel so guilty...]

~Xiao zhan started hand washing the robe~

~after 15 minutes ~


[Xiao zhan: Nice. I did it it's all clean. I should just leave it to dry. And go check if wang yibo is ready.]

~ Xiao zhan placed the robe on a rob but didn't use the dryer. He went to Wang yibo room. ~

~Xiao zhan started knocking~

Wang yibo : Come in.

~Xiao zhan came in. Wang yibo was doing push ups. ~

Xiao zhan: Young master. I told you to get ready why aren't you ready?

Wang yibo: Maybe because i don't want to. That's why.

Xiao zhan: But young master it's your father's order. You have to go.

Wang yibo : I don't care what that old hag say's

Xiao zhan : Young master. You should talk like that about your father it's not nice.

Wang yibo: First of you tell me are you hear to take care of me or discipline me?

Xiao zhan:.. I actually was told to do that.

Wang yibo: Well just forget what they said. I am not going and that's my final decision. No one can change my mind.

Xiao zhan: Young master I am gonna go and iron a suit of your's. Because you have a very important meeting to attend. You can't miss it. I would drive you there if you want to.

Wang yibo : What do you mean drive me there. I can drive my self and you will have to come with me. You come with me everywhere I want to or have to go. Actually "forced to".

Xiao zhan: okay Young master at least you are going I am down to come with you. It's not a big deal then.

Wang yibo : I don't want to wear a suit. I will pick a outfit for myself. I hate suits. I only wear them on special occasions.

Xiao zhan: okay young master. And young master do you want lunch?

Wang yibo : uhh. No maybe yes. I don't know.

Xiao zhan : I understand. Do you want anything?

Wang yibo : yes!

Xiao zhan: what is that?

Wang yibo : peace.

Xiao zhan: alright than I will leave. Please hurry and get ready.

Wang yibo : yeah yeah now get out.

~Xiao zhan left~