
Short Prologue

"What happened to the man who got everything he wished for?... He lived happily ever after" - Willy Wonka

Vahn L. was a lively young boy who dreamed of adventures, far outweighing his dreary life. In an effort to escape reality, he often read books and watched movies to experience what he never could have. His young mind romanticizing the adventures he witnessed, Dancing to the ballad of his very own imagination.

Due to his unfortunate upbringing, he lost alot of the magic he previously felt, leaving him with a pessimistic view on life. But what if that all could change? What if he had a second chance?

 An adventure awaits, all he must do is accept it. 

Well, writing a story is not as easy as I remember. I can only hope to make a story that is as satsifying to read, as it will be to make. Perhaps I may get constructive critism so i might be the best I can be?

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