
Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

That year, The first time Jiang Xu saw Zhou Qingyue, he instantly fell for this girl with twin ponytails who had the sweetest smile. For her sake, Jiang Xu did a lot. He knew she liked bubble tea, so he saved his breakfast money to buy it for her. She loved small trinkets, so he tricked his parents into giving him extra money under the pretext of buying textbooks. Alternatively, he used the money he saved up during New Year. Whenever Zhou Qingyue was on cleaning duty, he would help her clean up. If she struggled with homework, Jiang Xu would stay up late, devising the best study methods for her. She wanted the latest phone. So Jiang Xu would spend weekends playing online games at the internet cafe, leveraging his skills to farm gold. After a while, he had made more than two thousand yuan and bought her a new phone with it. All he got in return was a lukewarm thank you. Countless confessions were rejected with the excuse that she wanted to focus on her studies. He believed that if he showered her with enough sincerity, he would eventually touch her heart. After they graduated from university, she said she wanted to start a business. So Jiang Xu gave her the two million yuan his parents had given him for a house, in secret. She became successful, only for him to see her nestled in the arms of another man. Devastated, Jiang Xu experienced reincarnation. This time, he swore not to make the same mistakes. He only then discovered, there was a treasure girl in his class. Her father was destined to become the richest man in China. But currently, her family is quite poor. Jiang Xu to her father: "Father-in-law, as you know, I've been without a spouse since childhood."

Peace every year · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
540 Chs

Chapter 136 Wang Xiaoyuan: You're not giving me that kind of website, are you?

Translator: 549690339

Despite his own worries, Lin Nan did not know how Jiang Xu planned to advertise.

However, he still remained outwardly calm, "You guys have nothing to worry about, the boss will handle everything."

"Eh, look at our backend dashboard, our website traffic is skyrocketing," Wang Xiaowen suddenly exclaimed.

The others immediately opened their backend dashboard.

The site's original single-digit visitor count had suddenly increased to over two hundred.

And it was growing rapidly.

Ten minutes later, the website's visitor count surpassed ten thousand.

For a site that had just gone online and without any investment in marketing, this was quite impressive.

Xu Kun let out a surprised shout, "Look, we have our first paying customer."

The others quickly checked the backend dashboard.

Indeed, someone had made a purchase.

Even though the transaction was only five yuan, it was enough to elicit excitement from everyone.

Lin Nan then said, "Let's start work now, focusing mainly on novels with a high click-through rate. If you find any bad reviews, delete them immediately."

Now that the website had just begun operating, they were left to act as both customer service and review moderators.

Lin Nan glanced towards the location of Jiang Xu's office.

A sense of curiosity welled up within him.

Just how did this young boss plan to advertise?

Prior to this, he had been kept completely in the dark about the whole thing.

Jiang Xu checked the related data on the website's backend dashboard.

Website visits: 10899.

Novel views: naturally "Martial Universe" was in first place.

Views: 10895.

Registered users: 1562.

For guests, they could only access the first ten chapters of a book.

All the users seemed to have entered the website through this book.

After passing the ten thousand visitor count, the increase slowed.

Jiang Xu didn't post any more threads.

It wouldn't be very useful in the short term, and it might even arouse suspicions from some people.

Now, he just needed to see how many of these users could be converted into paying customers.

The number of registered users was still too low.

Jiang Xu decided to give Wang Xiaoyuan a call.

She answered the phone.

There was some noise on Wang Xiaoyuan's end.

It took a moment for it to quiet down.

She hummed, "What a rare guest, you're actually reaching out to me, tell me, what's the matter?"

She couldn't believe that Jiang Xu would bother her without a reason.

Jiang Xu was a little angry, "Is that what you think of me?

Can't I just miss you, and give you a call?"

Wang Xiaoyuan retorted, "If there's nothing, I'm hanging up."

"Wait." Jiang Xu was speechless, "Actually, I wanted to ask if you could help me post some website links on your university group?"

A university group typically contained dozens of people.

If the two threads Jiang Xu posted could be circulated there, they could bring a significant boost in traffic to the website.

In the initial stage, having ten thousand registered accounts and one thousand paying accounts would be awesome.

And then he could just wait for the word to spread gradually.

After all, he had witnessed the power of "Martial Universe" in his previous life.

During its serialization, it was the first novel on this site to reach over a billion clicks.

The novel's forum page was the first to reach a million followers, which was quite a peak at the time.

The total views on the mobile reading site exceeded 3.2 billion, consistently holding the top spot on the list.

The "popularity index" surpassed 3.04 million.

The highest search index was 1.09 million, and the average annual search index was 440,000.

Other novels only reached a maximum search index of 330,000.

On the PC-end search index, "Martial Universe" reached a high of 1.34 million.

This record was held for ten years without being broken.

This really demonstrated the incredible popularity of this book.

With just a bit of time for word to spread, this book could easily attract a large user base to the website.

"What kind of link?" Wang Xiaoyuan asked with guarded caution, "It's not that kind of website, is it? Show me first."

Jiang Xu: "..."

"You're overthinking this," Jiang Xu replied, exasperated, "Actually, I just started my own novel website and need to drum up some publicity..."

"What?" Wang Xiaoyuan sounded a few notches more surprised, "You have started your own company?!"

Jiang Xu chuckled, "Just a small venture."

Wang Xiaoyuan was pleasantly surprised.

She had thought it was already impressive enough when Jiang Xu was selling box lunches.

Who would have thought she had underestimated him.

After recomposing herself, Wang Xiaoyuan replied, "Send the link to my QQ first, I will make a decision after reviewing it."

Jiang Xu chuckled, "Thank you, Sister Xiaoyuan, I'll invite you to dinner when I'm free."

Wang Xiaoyuan: "Enough, gotta go."

After ending the call, Jiang Xu sent links to the two threads to Wang Xiaoyuan.

He wasn't sure how effective it would be, but at least it added one more channel for promotion.


He accessed the twenty-some reader groups he had joined in the past month.

Yes, those were groups led by writers from the other site.

Looking at these groups, with as little as one to two hundred members, and as much as five to six hundred members,

Jiang Xu mumbled, "I'll just take a bite, just one little bite..."

He drafted a message: "Guys, I came across an interesting thread, everyone go in and take a look!"

He also pasted the two links, copied it, and started pasting into each group.

In each group, he posted it three times.

Soon enough, Jiang Xu received messages saying he'd been kicked out by administrators.

Indeed, within less than ten minutes, all the groups he had joined had kicked him out.

There should be some results from these actions.

However, he still wasn't entirely sure how effective it was.

After getting all these tasks out of the way, Jiang Xu stretched lazily.

He walked over to An Nuonuo.

She typed slowly.

In over two hours, she had written around two thousand words.

He gently tapped her head, "Take a break, go buy some lunch for everyone."

It was almost noon.

These past few days of working overtime, Jiang Xu had taken the liberty to order lunch for them.

It wasn't much, but it helped to build rapport with the team.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

An Nuonuo saved the chapter she had just finished and then stood up to leave.


Wang Xiaoyuan looked over the two thread links that Jiang Xu had sent.

She remained silent for a long time.

Finally, she muttered to herself, "This kid is really something."

She never could have come up with this kind of marketing technique.

She opened her university classmates' group chat and sent over the two links.

Her accompanying message read: "Haha, I found something interesting, everyone check it out."

Wang Xiaoyuan was quite popular within the group.

She was beautiful, had a good personality, and even had money.

When she sent a message, many people gathered to support her.

And among them were a few brown-nosers.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Xiaoyuan also privately messaged one of her best female friends.

'I remember you have a cousin at our university, isn't she a sophmore and also the chairperson of the Student Association? Could you help me contact her? I need a favor.'


An Nuonuo returned with lunch quickly.

Everyone sat together, and after finishing their meals they each took a little break.

Jiang Xu brought An Nuonuo back to his office.

After sitting down, he opened the website's backend dashboard.

Once he saw the backend data for the website, Jiang Xu's heart skipped a beat...