
Taken down for spirity

What would you do, if the first time you booted up into a VR Cyberspace Universe, you got the most Overpowered weapon? This is a system story where Everyone has a system! Except the main character, who has the Most OP System that he gets from his weapon! WPC#166 entrant Ken Ouroboros was a disaster child. From the moment he was born, he set everything and anything he touched into absolute chaos. Known for hating rules and cockily challenging authority, Ken was on the brink of being sent to jail for his brazen misdemeanors. But when a man gives him access to Cyberscape, a game set 1000 years in the future where thousands of online players fight over a large galaxy, he gets the most powerful weapon the "Cyberblade Plasma" from a loot box at level 1! However this comes with a huge price. On his first time playing the game 10,000 players invade his world to try and steal the weapon! The missile barreled through the air, blasting a hot trail of fuel behind it. As it sped towards Ken, it made an ark in the sky that added another flash of neon to the already vibrant city. As the missile came within a few feet of hitting him, Ken closed his eyes. “Focus….” He popped his eyes back open, raising his blade to meet the speeding missile head on. Positioning his blade in the center of its diameter he indented his blade into its tip. After penetrating an inch deep, he swiveled the blade around the edge of the inside of the missile barely cutting into its surface. Sweeping his blade around, he slashed the missile’s exhaust and thrusted it to the side. “Hehe Juicy” Ken gagged BOOOOOOOOOM!!!! The missile drifted off into the distance exploding into a section of cars far behind him. “That's impossible,” Wei Chen said, dropping to his knees. “He manually deflected the missile… That's not possible! he would have to have gone around the entire infrastructure, chamber of explosives and exhaust in the blink of an eye… That's simply not possible!” “You there!” Wei Chen yelled “Are you smurfing! What in the hell was that! No… you’re hacking! Even a Max level player couldn’t do that! What the hell are you?” The Image I used as my cover is not mine, if you would like me to take it down please contact me.

Gaburieru · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6: Cyber Date Part 1

"Excuse me miss, it's been almost an hour now, would you like me to move you to the bar?" A waitress asked a young woman at the top of a restaurant. From where she and the woman sat, the view of the entire city was encapsulated in the background.

The young woman was dressed in black, skin tight leather pants and jacket that highlighted her busty chest and curvaceous waist. Her jacket was open, displaying a girth of cleavage bursting out from her tank top she was wearing underneath.

Adjusting her yellow sunglasses that matched her bleach blond hair, the woman looked up at the waitress from her holographic pad.

"No I'll be just fine thank you" She said "I can hear a groaning hovercycle that sounds like it's getting closer and closer, my date will be here soon."

"But mam we are over 10,000 feet in the air you shouldn't be able to hear any..."


Spinning around, the waitress watched as a spiky headed teen drove over the side of the building levitating above them.

Turning his vehicle in midair, he spun it landing perfectly on a spire in the center of the restaurant's roof.

Without wasting a breath, he jumped down from the top, landing in his seat next to his date.

"Juicy" Ken said, winking at the woman.

The woman shook head rolling her eyes at him.

"It's been a while Maya, was your chest always sticking out like that?" Ken asked leaning over the table

"Tsk! I'd ask you if your thing was always sticking out of your pants, but we both know the answer to that" Maya said, smacking Ken on the head.

"Sorry to interrupt" The waitress said "But what can I get you guys to drink?" She asked

"I'll take your finest tequila straight" Maya answered

"And for you?" The waitress asked

"Give me a mango smoothie!" Ken yelled.

"Sir? Are you sure you don't want an alcoho"

"Please" Maya said "Just get him a smoothie… Do you really wanna see a guy like him drunk?"

"Heh what's that supposed to mean!" Ken sneered

"Look Ken, I called you here for a reason, for one why did you get this game, and for two how the hell did you get that sword?"

"Well to answer your first question, some weird old guy gave me the game for free! Console and everything! So I thought why not? And as for the sword, I was just lucky I guess."

"Luck doesn't begin to describe it! What exactly did this old man say?"

He said "I've become too old for this game kid, how about it? Come over to my basement and try it out. If you like it the game is yours!"

"What! So you're in an old man's basement right now!" Maya exclaimed

"Yeh… what's the big deal?"

"Geez you're an idiot!" Maya said, shaking her head. "You don't think this old man has you playing this game for an ulterior motive?"


An aircraft carrying a man and a horde of soldiers hovered above them.

"K.O!" "The name is Shen Wei Zao! I've come from the far lands of…"

"Ulterior motive? What reason would an old man have to trick a kid into playing a game?" Ken asked

"I have no idea! But one thing I do know! If I was an old man, you'd be the last person I would want over my house! Something definitely up here."

"And now I have finally come to….Hey! Are you two listening to me?"

"Maya" Ken said "You think too much, let's just sit back and enjoy our drinks!"

"Open fire!" Shen ordered his soldiers

Ken drew his cyberblade blocking the attacks from Shen's soldiers without even looking at him.

"Yeh your right…" Maya said "It's been a rough week at work I need to take a load off" She said taking a gulp of her Tequila.

"What! He's blocking my attacks without even looking at me! What the hell! I didn't want to have to but let's launch a missile!" Shen said

"Sorry to bug you, I know you're off duty," Ken said "But do you mind dealing with our little friend up there?"

"You can't do anything by yourself can you?" Maya said standing up. "Tsk! Another commando class with an aircraft and soldiers, people just don't want to fight with their own skill anymore" Maya said.


A missile was launched flying through the air towards their table.

"Typical" Maya sighed "You didn't even bother to hover over my class did you?" She asked

Maya touched the side of her glasses aiming directly at the missile. After a flash went off from her sunglasses the missile changed direction aiming back at Shen.

[Name: Maya, Crimson Viper]

[Rank: Bronze]

[Class: Lvl 30 Engineer, Lvl 30 Hacker]

[Main hand: Hacking console (Lvl 30)]

[Off hand: Atlas(T.C.A) (Lvl 30) ]

[Health: 6482]

[Guild: Megabusters]

[Spheres: Autohack(non player) Fast Hack(non player) HyperScanner(player)]

"What! A Hacker class? That's impossible! You have to be level 60 to be a hacker! This world should be capped at 30!"


The aircraft exploded along with Shen and his soldiers.

"What!" Ken said "Why didn't I get any exp from that!" Ken remarked

"You have to do damage to get exp, no Juicy for you!" Maya laughed

"Wait what was that about classes and level caps?"

"What do you care about? You're going to forget everything I say anyway" Maya said

"Yeh that's true but I want to know! You've always been good at explaining things, Sometimes I just like hearing you talk" Ken said

"Stupid" Maya said blushing

"I have no idea why but for some reason you invited 10,000 random players to this world. One by one their popping up fighting with each other as well as interrupting candle lit dinners all in an efforts to get that blade"

"The max level cap for this planet is 30. Meaning anyone over the level thirty can't enter, also anyone over level 30 cannot gain experience here."

"Wait that makes no sense…what level are you?" Ken asked

"60" Maya said. "I'm a level 60 Hacker".

"Then how are you in this world?"

"A level reducing item, Zephyr's Tiara, automatically reduces your skills HP and abilities to the level of your world. With this anyone can come here."

"Wait a minute… so you mean I invited level 99! Players here! Oh man that's gonna be a pain in the ass!"

"You've got no idea Ken! Rumor has it that every major guild in the game is on their way here!" Maya exclaimed

"Is this weapon really that op?" Ken said waving around his sword."

"That's what I came here to tell you!" Maya said. "Right now the item listing price of the Cyber blade is one billoin dollars!" She exclaimed

"Wait you mean like in game currency right? Wow I'm guessing that would take a long time to build up, man people are really amped up about this video game." Ken said

"Ken..." Maya said "The in game prices in cyberdollars, are the same as real world currency!" Maya exclaimed

"Waittt WHATTTTT!!!" Ken yelled

"Ken! Right now your waving around a billoin dollar sword! And once you get it to Max level who knows it could be several times that price!" Maya yelled

Ken fell back into his chair, as his eyes spun in circles. Little dollar signs appeared in his pupils as drool ran from his mouth.

"Kennn! Ken!" Maya yelled. She grabbed his shoulders, shaking him as hard as she could.

"Juicyyyyy..." Ken said as he passed out from the shock of Maya's statement.