
192. Meet Rendra

Rendra stared at Rissa flabbergasted. He froze for two seconds, holding the receiver between his cheek and shoulder: one hand holding the cellphone and the other on the keyboard.

Rendra blinked and then shook his head quickly. "Okay. I'll call you again. Thank you, Sir. Good morning." Then he hung up the phone and put the cellphone on the table.

The man stood with his mouth slightly open. "Rissa. You are really in Bandung," said Rendra in amazement.

"Yeah, here I am. How are you, Ren?" asked Rissa with a smile.

Rendra smirked, then heaved a sigh as if relieved of something.

"I'm not good. I think I'm going crazy. You almost made me lose my job!" Rendra held his head with both hands.

"Really? What have I done?" asked Rissa with a confuse feeling.

Rendra pressed his forehead with one hand. "Actually, Mr. William had no intention of firing me; it is just that Mr. William was so furious looking for you."