
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urbano
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46 Chs

The Equal Trade's Gala

The gala would be the first time Gwen met the 5 conglomerates and all the 25 small and middle level company owners that were part of Rainier's controversial Equal Trade Law.

News within and outside Galsbourg reported about the law that people said was utopian and insane.

A talk show was held at the U.S, saying, "Of course, this law is amazing for small and middle businesses, but we couldn't comprehend how the five biggest companies in Galsbourg Kingdom could agree. They must promote their rivals in their platforms, and even must invest in their rival's company without getting any shares. The investment was free of tax and became a part of the company's social responsibility. This concept is really pro the people, supportive of small and middle businesses. However, this might only be done in a kingdom where the king holds absolute power. I can't picture it could be possible in democratic countries. The rich would never want to lose their profit like that."

"Ladies and gentlemen, The King and Queen of Galsbourg!"

She and Rainier entered after the announcement. The plan was to mingle, then Rainier would deliver a speech, afterwards they'd have dinner, and there will be some ballroom dance and music performances.

The Prime Minister and Duchess Samantha were there. Lady Yelena was working though, as usual. She said there were more urgent things for a Professor in Ob-Gyn and the CMO of a hospital than an Equal Trade Gala.

The five conglomerates approached the king first, greeting him respectfully, at least for appearance-sake.

"It's nice to finally meet the Queen," Hyacinth Nelson said, bowing at her. "The detective turned queen. Now Cattleya Skincare Brand Ambassador and The Head of Whitfield Institution for Female Cancer Patients. Such a multi-dimensional queen."

That's such a long greeting, Gwen thought. She smiled and shook hands with Hyacinth. "Mrs. Nelson."

"You've met my daughter, Ma'am. The ballerina Julia Thorpe. I am Alexander Thorpe."

"Mr. Thorpe. You daughter is an asset for this kingdom."

Mr. Thorpe beamed with the praise. "Thank you, Your Highness. I will tell her you said so. She'd be delighted. She's preparing for a new performance, very diligent too, since she said you'd watch her."

"I'd love to."

Another man offered his hand, "I'm Julius Torrance, Ma'am, please to meet you."

"How do you do," Gwen greeted.

"I'm glad you're back on your feet, Your Highness," Harry Whitfield exclaimed as they shook hands.

"I've recovered," Gwen replied.

"This is Harvey Bennington," Harry introduced, as the tall, broad-shouldered man behind him stepped forward.

Immediately, Gwen appraised this man. She and her secretary, Kara, had several conversations about him. Gwen couldn't find any gossip about the man on the internet, yet Kara knew a lot of gossips about the elite.

"There are many rumors about Harvey Bennington. They said that he owned an illegal drugs factory in South East Asia."

"A billionaire who owns the biggest pharmacy in Galsbourg has an illegal drug factory abroad?"

"That's the rumor. Some people abroad who were his enemy tend to die not long afterwards, so he might be related to a crime organization outside the kingdom."

"....he'd do the same here if he could."

"Yes, but everything in this country is heavily monitored by the king and the Royal Guards. The NSA's highest officers are the people the king personally chose. They were his friends from the Naval Academy. The king trusts them, and The NSA monitors everyone. It's not easy to perform a criminal act in this kingdom."

At the gala, when Gwen met Harvey Bennington, she had a hunch that all the gossips Kara told her were true.

"Your Majesties," Mr. Bennington greeted them in an exaggerated manner. "The champion for the poor and the maker of laws."

Rainier tensed.

"Do we have a problem, Harvey?"

"Nothing, Your Majesty. I'm merely glad to see you outside a meeting room."

It's clear he meant more than that, but since he didn't start any arguments, Rainier didn't pursue it.

Mark was quick in signaling the waiters to offer wine to them all.

At that precise moment, Walter, the prime minister, received a phone call.

"Your Majesty, if you'd give me a few minutes," he asked.

Rainier left and spoke at the corner with Walter, leaving Gwen alone with Kara, Ingrid and Jeremy.

"There he goes freely after cutting our profit," Mr. Bennington cursed.

"Did you just badmouth the king in front of me?"

Everyone froze at that, including Sally, Kara, Ingrid and Jeremy.

The five conglomerates stared at Gwen in shock.

"The Equal Trade Law was created to diversify the wealth in this kingdom. Did you just insult the king in front of me?"

Harvey Bennington, Hyacinth Nelson and Julius Torrance stared at each other. They heard from Harry Whitfield that the queen was a gentle, docile creature. What really greeted them sounded like a female lion.

Despite her really small figure, Gwen, who was wearing a yellow dress, seemed to be burning like a flame.

"The Equal Trade Law was created for the improvement of this country. Or are you that greedy that you don't want to lose 2.5 percent of your profit? You, who already own so much, Mr. Bennington?"

She didn't know what come into her. It's like she was possessed. But Mr. Bennington said that in front of her, it's impossible that he thought she wouldn't hear it. What, did he think she would just let it pass? She felt insulted.

"It's included in your Company's Social Responsibility and is free of tax. And insulting the king is against the law, Mr. Bennington, unless you want to try staying in prison for three months or pay 300 million of Galsbourg Dollars to the people?"

People began to stare at them.

Mr. Bennington was so astounded. No one had ever scolded him in public so openly like that, not even the king. They got the wrong reports about the queen. She's not a meek woman. She's a fierce warrior that they had to treat carefully.

Considering the situation, Mr. Bennington bowed low. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, I was wrong for speaking like that. It will never happen again. I pledge my loyalty to the king once more."

Gwen lifted her chin.

"I am not a woman of grand words, Sir. I prefer to see real actions. Be careful with your words."

"Your generous advice is my honor."

Gwen smiled sarcastically, before leaving the circle, her staff following her.

Yes, Gwen suddenly exploded in front of the five conglomerates, hahah. No one expected that, even herself.

Thank you so much for following this story and sending me power stones. You really help me a lot.

Comments would make me happy as well.

Also, I have a new story titled The Emperor's Choice, please read it as well. It's set around five hundred years before Tainted Salvation, so it's a historical fiction.

It's gonna be a lot more sweeter than this. Please support me by reading The Emperor's Choice, too! Thank you and see you next time!

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