
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

At The Elementary School

Gwen was offered to choose between five different schools to visit, and for her first school visit, she decided to choose a public elementary school in the middle of Broadstower, where children from the middle and lower class went.

The students were all so happy to see her, and performed songs and dances for her at their school hall. Afterwards, she was told to come forward and deliver a speech.

"When I was in elementary school, I hated to listen to the speeches of my headmaster, so I think I shouldn't speak too long today. I'm a new queen, and this is my first month of official duties. The king told me to choose to see the people I wanted to see the most. I visited the hospital, because I want to encourage them to get better sooner, and my second most important visit this month is this, to see all of you at this school."

"You are all still very young, but this is the best age to learn a lot, have a lot of fun, and grow up healthy. If you are healthy and happy in your elementary school, you will grow up to be a healthy person, physically and mentally, and you will shape the future of this kingdom."

"I want you all to try and explore many things, to find what you're good at, what you're passionate about. After you find it, learn to be better at it. A person who pursues his or her passion will achieve a lot and be a blessing to his or her environment."

"Study well, be healthy and happy. If you need my help, you can email me through the email at my official Instagram's bio. I wish you all the best!"

Next, The Queen joined the coloring competition, where she had to color a printed picture with class 3-1. Once she's done, she took a picture with the class, holding her own colored drawing.

After that, Gwen was scheduled to have lunch at the cafeteria with all the students of the school, she waited in line like everyone else, and was given the same food tray and menu like them all.

She sat with the students of class 5-5. The meal consisted of mashed potatoes, stir-fried beef, corn fritters, soup, and some canned melons. The drink was iced tea.

Gwen took a sip of her iced tea, but suddenly coughed up, and threw up blood.

"Your Highness!!!" Ingrid, Sally and Kara screamed.

Gwen suddenly couldn't breathe.

She tried to stand up, and said, "I'm sorry," to the kids. She looked to Sally, wanting to ask for help, but vomited more blood, and passed out.

All the students who saw it screamed. Some even began crying.

"Everybody step aside!" Ingrid said out loud. She checked Gwen's pulse. Her heart was still beating, just too slow.

She spoke to her in-ear. "The queen is down, possibly poisoned. We're taking her to the Broadstower Royal Hospital."

The guards carried Gwen to the car, which was readied at the cafeteria's entrance after the announcement from Ingrid.

Luckily, it was five minutes away from the hospital.

"The King has been notified, he's on his way to the hospital."

Ingrid put a siren on top of Gwen's car and Jeremy drove it as quickly as he could, as the other guards made sure with the traffic police to clear the road on the way to the hospital.

Aunt Yelena or Professor Yelena Hansen, Rainier's aunt, was waiting at the ER's entrance for Gwen.

"Vomited blood after drinking the tea," Ingrid reported, "We brought the object."

"It will go straight to the lab, bring her inside."

Rainier had called his aunt, wanting her to be there when Gwen was examined.

When Rainier arrived to the ER, he saw the front of Gwen's suit was full of blood, and he nearly went mad with the fear that she'd die.

"Is she going to make it?" he asked frantically to Yelena.

"Step aside, we're working on her."

"Is she poisoned?"

"From the symptoms, yes."

"Please save her!"

"I'm trying to, stand on a safe distance, Your Highness, don't block our way."

Yelena did her best with her fellow doctors.

Meanwhile, the news and press had started reporting that Queen Gwen vomited blood then passed out during her visit to the elementary school. Samantha was texted by Rainier, "Gwen. Royal Hospital's ER."

She went straight from her own hospital, listening to the news in her car's radio.

In the ER, Gwen suddenly had a seizure.

"It's a cardiac arrest!"

"Get the CPR Machine!" Yelena yelled.

She tried to resuscitate Gwen thrice. Her heartbeat stopped for a few seconds.

"Come on, Queen. Come back. You're too young to go!" Yelena said.

On the third try of the machine, her heartbeat returned.

"She's back!"

Rainier had to sit down on a chair, which Jake got for him, as Samantha was given access.

"How is she?"

"Just survived a cardiac arrest," a doctor informed her. Even in an emergency situation, it was reflex to answer to a Royal Hansen.

Samantha was clutching her own side, having ran all the way there.

"Dr. Bernard is on the phone."

A nurse put it on Yelena's ear. Dr. Bernard was a Professor on Toxicology. "It's poison, confirmed, not in the tea, but on the glass."

Rainier and Samantha were informed. Rainier's face became murderous, while Sam became pale.

"Find who did it!" Rainier yelled.

Samantha made the sign of the cross and began praying, as Jake and Ingrid talked to Professor Bernard on the phone.

Yelena gave her a shot of stimulant, and Gwen responded well, her heartbeat became a little stronger. They then proceeded to do gastric suction, or practically sucking her stomach's content of the poison and everything else.

During the procedure, Rainier fought the nurses that told him to leave the room. He was punching the male nurses, until Yelena screamed at her, "GET OUT!!! I'M TRYING TO SAVE MY PATIENT!!!"

"Let's go, Ray. Aunt Yelena will do her best with the other doctors."

Rainier finally walked out with Samantha.

Aunt Yelena was the Royal Doctor. When it's not her expertise and another doctor had to treat the Royal Family, she had to still witness everything and make sure nothing wrong was done. However, she could do gastric suction, and performed it on Gwen.

Thankfully, her condition improved after the suction, and became stable, though critical. She was given a bag of IV with the most important medicine, and was conscious after she finished it.

She woke up to see Rainier, Samantha and Yelena staring anxiously at her.

"Gwen?" Rainier called.

"What--happened?" she asked.

"Someone poisoned you at the school cafeteria," Samantha replied.

Gwen then remembered vomiting blood.

"Poor children," she whispered, thinking how she vomited blood all over the cafeteria table.

"Her vitals are weak, but stable," Aunt Yelena said.

"Thank you, Gwen. Thank you for not leaving," Rainer rasped, tears filling his eyes.


"Go back to sleep. I'll be here."

Once she drifted back to sleep, Yelena said, "She's going to make it. Just rest here for a week so we can take care of her better."

Rainier kissed Gwen's hand and put it on his forehead, finally feeling like he could breathe again.

"Who the hell did this to her??? At an elementary school, too!"

"I don't know who, but I'm going to find that guy, and execute him!" Rainier vowed.

Yelena and Samantha looked at each other. They both thought the same thing. Was it the separatists again?

It's time for Rainier's hater to start attacking for real. Thank you for reading this story. Please support this with commenting and voting with your power stones. It will help me a lot.

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