
Tainted Blood By Ahikx

I need an alibi. And only one man's testimony can save me from going to jail for murder. But he has conditions. One of them is for me to marry him. Well its not like I have a choice. I thought I could grow to love him. But I didn't expect him to be the villain of my story. There's something bigger than us coming our way and it won't stop until it destroys everything we love. _______ Marriage of Convenience Boy Obsessed Hate to love Mystery Fictional Fantasy. _______ The story world has been tweaked to compliment the plot. The author does not intend any harm to any culture, religion or anyone's beliefs. Content Warning: Alphahole MMC, Dub-Con, blood, gore, violence, mature language and Explicit content.

ahikx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Gun or Knife?


There's blood everywhere.

I hate messy.

But looking at Erna covered in blood is a sight I will never forget.

She looks half dead with those lifeless eyes and blood dripping down the sides of her face.

I didn't intend for that masterpiece to be created. But coincidences are a sweet thing.

And this is the first time I don't mind the mess.

Better yet, I want to capture the moment and frame it for my room so that I can live in a fantasy of my own.

But fantasies often get shattered to the ground and I don't want that.

I would rather have her like that in reality. I would rather have her blood on my hands as I smell its disgusting lineage.

"What the fuck?" Erna's shrill voice reaches me and I jolt out of my trance.

"Its me." I answer the question she really wanted to ask.

She turns around to face me and her eyes widen in shock. Obviously she didn't expect me to show up. Hell, even I didn't expect myself to show up. But when the men I had on her tail told me about the man trying to take her and her not doing anything to him, made me intervene. Guess, the fight from earlier drained her energy.

"Well, what are you doing here?" The way she says it makes me think that she is not happy to get help.

"Helping you out." I tell her, nonchalantly.

"By blowing up his hand?" She raises a brow and motions to the gun in my hand.

I shrug and say, "He was going to touch my future wife."

"And your future wife can protect herself. She doesn't need your assistance." she says with a tone that suggests that retorts aren't welcome.

"Fine, then why didn't you raise a hand yourself?" I ask mockingly.

"Because I didn't want to." she says and I raise a brow.

"You are telling me, Scarlet doesn't want to see red?" I ask.

"Are you making fun of my condition?" she asks in return.

"Of course not. Just that it doesn't take long for tables to turn."

"And what tables might those be?"

"You had your knife to my throat just this morning."


"And now you are at my mercy."

"Is something wrong with your eyes? In which sense do you see me at your mercy?"

"In the sense that I could at any time raise a gun to your body and you won't have any chance to defend yourself." As soon as the words leave my mouth, something sharp presses against my leg. I look down to see Erna holding a knife to my ankle. I raise my gaze to meet hers and she smirks at me.

"I will never be at a disadvantage. I swore that to myself years ago and I plan to stand by it." She says with a new found determination and a shine in her blue eyes.

"Well, I also swore to not let my guard down around you." I say, tilting my head to the side.

I tap my leg that is being held by her and a snake slithers out of my pants and hisses at her.

"What the fuck?" she shouts and backs off.

"Meet my pet."

"You are very childish, you know that?"


"Who the fuck carries a snake with them?"

For some reason my mind goes somewhere else and I answer, "Every man carries a snake, Scarlet. I just prefer to carry a real one."

Her face turns red at my implication. So she understands jokes well. Good Girl.

"If you two are done eye fucking each other, you mind paying me some attention?" The man who was harassing Erna earlier speaks up. With his hand blown to bits, his body looks so incomplete and quite disgusting in my humble opinion.

"You are still alive?" I mock him and his face turns red before he waves his bloodied hand in front of me.

"Do you even know who am I?" he asks as if he is some bigshot I am supposed to know and care about.

"Nope." Erna answers and I choose to stay quiet.

"How can you not know me?" he says and Erna chooses this moment to look at me. Something passes between the two of us. Like a quiet understanding or an inside joke and I know she feels it too when she bats her eyelashes and looks away. And where I expected to hate the feeling, I surprisingly welcome it.

"Look, we don't know you. We don't want to know you. You stay here for one more second and I will make you regret it." Erna's voice has turned several degrees colder and I am not surprised in the least. I knew she was close to her limit and if I hadn't intervened, she would have definitely killed the guy by now.

The guy as expected doesn't move to exert his dominance.

One second Erna is by my side and in the next she is gone. She is agile and if my guess is right she was just gathering her strength all this time by delaying taking action.

The knife in her hand is now settled against the man's neck.

"Gun or knife? I will let you choose." she asks him and I wonder if the actual choice is how does he want to die? By a man or a docile woman. But why give him a choice?

Erna, you confuse me.

Not like I want to know her because I think I know enough. Or maybe I just don't want to because that would mean actually knowing her. Like really knowing her under her hard exterior. Under the facade of the ruthless killer, Scarlet.

"As if a bitch like you would ever be able to hurt me with that puny knife." The man says and I can't help but grimace as he tries to provoke Erna. This man is really… really stupid.

Erna laughs. She fucking laughs. And then she raises her hand that is holding the knife and runs the tip down his arm. The man doesn't even flinch under the aura of a seasoned killer

I think I am going to have to run a background check on him, in case we stirred a pot we shouldn't have.

As I am lost in my thoughts, I hear a piercing scream that makes me look up to the source of it. Erna is withdrawing her hand from his neck from where she stabbed him. There are gurgles of blood in his mouth as it drips down the sides of his lips. He lifts a hand to his neck in a feeble attempt to stop the excessive bleeding but even he should know at this point that he can't. He is going to die and that fact will remain unchanged no matter what he does at this point.

I look at Erna, expecting to see her squealing.

But no, she looks horrified.

And then she looks up to me.

And mouths, "Run."