

A soul drifting thought the void when it suddenly gets awoken by a Being calling it's GOD. The Soul is then given wishes and he is immediately transported tho hell......yeah ik, funny huh? He is then met with a Fallen Devil called herself Alisa, where she is his new boss and gives him missions to accomplish, Anddddd those missions takes place in other galaxies, realities and spiritual planes and such. So may our Protagonist stay safe and fuck as many girls as he can........:) And please, there might be some racist lines in there or bad stuff like N#zi type shit. This is only for jokes and entertainment, please don't take it seriously pleaseeeeeee!!!!! And maybe let me know what u think about it, Is it good or is it bad. Instagram: joyboy_2023 Snap: Joyboythesun

Joyboy2023 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 7

Satoru thought,"System can you tell me the story of Taimanin? I know it's messed up ful of hentai and stuff but I don't really know anything about it."

As Satoru awaited the system's response, he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about the Taimanin storyline. He had heard rumors and whispers about the series, but he wanted to know more about the actual story behind it.

The system replied, "Ah, Taimanin. It's a dark and gritty tale set in a world where demons and humans coexist. The story follows a group of skilled female warriors known as Taimanin, who are tasked with protecting humanity from the forces of evil."

Intrigued, Satoru leaned in closer, eager to hear more. "Tell me, are there any notable characters or villains?"

The system continued, "The Taimanin face numerous challenges, from battling powerful demons to infiltrating criminal organizations. They often find themselves in dangerous situations, where their skills and determination are put to the test. As for notable characters, there is Asagi Igawa, the main protagonist and a skilled Taimanin. She is known for her unwavering resolve and her determination to protect humanity. And then there is Oboro, a powerful demon who walks a fine line between good and evil, adding an intriguing dynamic to the story."

Satoru nodded,"Who is the ultimate and most powerful villain that I have to keep an eye on in all the Taimanin franchise? And which world of the Taimanin series are we in?"

The system paused for a moment, processing Satoru's question. Finally, it responded, "The ultimate and most powerful villain in the Taimanin franchise is none other than the notorious and enigmatic Dark Lord. This malevolent being possesses unimaginable power and seeks to plunge the world into eternal darkness. His motives are shrouded in mystery, but his desire for chaos and destruction is unmatched."

Satoru's eyes widened with intrigue. "The Dark Lord, huh? Sounds like a formidable adversary. I'll make sure to keep a close eye on him."

The system nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Satoru. The Dark Lord is a force to be reckoned with. His influence spans across multiple worlds within the Taimanin series, each with its own unique challenges and dangers. Currently, we find ourselves in the world of Taimanin Asagi, where Asagi Igawa and her fellow Taimanin comrades fight against the forces of evil."

Satoru leaned forward, eager to learn more. "Tell me about this world. What kind of threats do the Taimanin face here?"

The system continued, "In Taimanin Asagi, the Taimanin face a multitude of threats. From demonic creatures lurking in the shadows to corrupt politicians and criminal organizations, they must navigate a treacherous landscape. The city is a breeding ground for corruption and immorality, making it the perfect battleground for the Taimanin's relentless pursuit of justice."

Satoru couldn't help but be impressed by the Taimanin's bravery. It sounds like they have their work cut out for them. But the question is should I let the tragedy of Asagi and the others happen like in cannon or should I interfere, But what about the butterfly effect? He thought.

As Satoru was beginning to have a thinking spree, the Taimanin Organization began see suspicious activity.

GOSHA VILLAGE(Taimanin HQ)-Gosha Academy

Asagi Igawa the leader of all Taimanin, the current academy's principal, and government mediator, is sitting in her office going through the reports of recent demon attacks.

Asagi Igawa sat in her office, surrounded by stacks of reports detailing the recent demon attacks. Her eyes scanned the pages, her mind focused on the task at hand. The Taimanin leader and academy principal had seen her fair share of battles, but something about these reports caught her attention.

Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the magnitude of what she was reading. A massive number of rogue demons had been killed in a single night. It was unheard of, unprecedented. Asagi's surprise quickly turned into suspicion. Who could have possibly taken down such a large group of powerful demons?

A sense of urgency washed over her as she realized the implications of this discovery. If there was someone out there capable of eliminating rogue demons on such a scale, it could mean a new player had entered the game. And if that was the case, Asagi needed to find out who they were and what their intentions were.

Leaning back in her chair, Asagi pondered her next move. She knew she couldn't ignore this development. The safety of her fellow Taimanin and the city itself depended on her uncovering the truth. With a thoughtful look in her eyes, she made up her mind.

"I need to investigate this," she muttered to herself. "I won't rest until I find out who is behind these killings and what their motives are."

Asagi Igawa picked up her phone and dialed one of her trusted subordinates. She needed to gather more information before heading out to investigate the recent demon killings herself. After a few rings, the call was answered.

"Hello, this is Asagi. I need you to contact Mizuki Shiranui and ask her to come to my office immediately. It's urgent," Asagi said, her voice full of seriousness.

Her subordinate acknowledged her request and assured her that they would relay the message to Mizuki right away. Asagi hung up the phone and leaned back in her chair, contemplating the upcoming conversation.

Moments later, there was a knock on her office door. Asagi called out, "Come in."

Mizuki Shiranui, a skilled Taimanin and one of Asagi's most trusted allies and sexiest succubus in Gosha, entered the room. Her long, flowing hair and piercing gaze gave her an air of confidence, seductiveness and motherly. Asagi motioned for her to take a seat.

"Mizuki, thank you for coming so quickly," Asagi began. "I have a favor to ask of you. I need you to assist me in investigating the recent demon killings. Something doesn't sit right with me, and I believe there may be a new threat emerging."

Mizuki nodded, her expression a little sadistic and serious. "Of course, Asagi. I'm always ready to support you in any way I can. What do you need me to do~?"

Asagi explained her plan to Mizuki, outlining the areas they needed to investigate and the leads they needed to follow. She emphasized the importance of discretion and urged Mizuki to be cautious.

"We can't afford any missteps," Asagi said firmly. "The safety of our comrades and the city depends on us uncovering the truth. Are you ready for this, Mizuki?"

Mizuki's eyes sparkled with mischief, she licked her lips. "Absolutely, Asagi. I won't let you down. But when we find this person, do I get to play with them~?