
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

Character sheet for Myles

Appearance: Myles has striking blue eyes and blonde hair, and he has a fondness for the color scheme of black and white. This can be reflected in his attire, which could consist of mostly black-and-white clothing with hints of color here and there. He also wears glasses, which give him a scholarly appearance and add to his love for science.

Background: Myles comes from a middle-class family, and he had a caring home. However Myles is also suffering from extreme Kleptomaniac which he keeps under wraps by putting bracelets in order to alert others and himself. Myles was a lab assistant before his untimely death, caused by an unfortunate accident where he slipped off a ladder and hit his head. However, Eobard Thawne, aka Reverse-Flash, resurrected Myles while attempting to recreate the day of the Particle Accelerator explosion. Due to the accident being done too early, Myles was reincarnated into his alternate self and took over. During this resurrection process, Myles also brought with him the Primal Force. However, the interference of the Speedforce has caused Myles a massive case of fake memories causing to slightly go insane as he tries to distinguish what is real and what is fake.

Personality: Myles' personality can be split into two distinct parts: his fake and original personalities. His fake personality is more joyful, altruistic, and aids the Flash in becoming faster despite being a villain. This persona was created by the influence of the Speedforce, which weakened Myles and trapped the primal force within him. His original personality, on the other hand, is cold, ruthless, and authoritative when in his supervillain persona. Do not mistake his ruthless nature for uncaring. Should his subordinates fail in executing his order due to outside forces he is willing to forgive them provided that they ensure not to make the same mistake twice. Moreover, He can be manipulative on certain occasions when he wants to recruit someone. Even willingly to put himself to harm in order to cement his place into the hearts of his henchmen. For what kind of master allows his servants to suffer when he has the power to protect his wards? This charismatic nature of his has given him the utmost loyalty to every criminal he recruits. However, he shares some small similarities with his fake persona, such as being optimistic, caring, and having a devil-may-care attitude when in his civilian persona. Ironically Myles is more of an Anti-Villain than an actual villain due to his code of honor. Moreover, Myles intention can be considered noble and selfless at times. Such as his desire to prevent the downfall of CW Flash.

Interests: Myles has a keen interest in animals, music, and science, which could be reflected in his lair or hideout. He could have a menagerie of exotic animals as his pets, musical instruments lying around his hideout, and high-tech gadgets and equipment that he uses for his scientific experiments.

Relationships: Myles has a crush on Caitlin Snow, but unlike his fake persona, who he extremely despises, he wants a relationship with her despite the knowledge of Ronnie's existence.

Goals: Myles' ultimate goal is to become the most powerful supervillain in the world, and push humanity to a greater era. He also wants the cw Flash to become as great as the comic counterpart, not to be mistaken for his fake persona's goal, it's just he really hates seasons 4-9. He will stop at nothing to achieve it. Using his scientific expertise to create high-tech gadgets and weapons to aid him in his quest for power.


As the avatar of the Primal force, Myles has access to incredibly powerful and raw energy that grants him a range of abilities. The Primal force is an ancient cosmic energy that holds all the abilities of the other cosmic forces on a wild and raw scale. This means that Myles' powers are not limited to a specific area, but rather he has the potential to wield abilities from various cosmic forces.

Myles' control over the Primal force allows him to manipulate reality itself, bending and breaking the laws of physics to his will. This gives him the power to manipulate matter and energy, create force fields, generate and control light, and move at incredible speeds. However it requires incredible willpower and drive for him to gain access.

In addition, Myles can access the abilities of other cosmic forces, such as the Speedforce or the Emotional Spectrum, and wield them with the raw power of the Primal force. This makes him an incredibly formidable opponent, as he can combine the abilities of various cosmic forces to create devastating attacks and overwhelm his enemies.

However, the raw nature of the Primal force also makes it difficult for Myles to control his powers at times. His emotions and mental state can greatly affect the manifestation of his abilities, causing them to be unpredictable and unstable. Overusing his abilities can also lead to his body overheating.

Here are the abilities that Myles Walley can possess as the avatar of the Primal Force:

Superhuman speed: Myles can move at incredibly high speeds, allowing him to travel through time and across vast distances almost instantaneously.

Time manipulation: Myles can manipulate time, allowing him to slow it down or speed it up to his advantage.

Superhuman strength: Myles has incredible physical strength, allowing him to lift massive objects and overpower opponents.

Enhanced durability: Myles is highly resistant to physical harm and can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures.

Energy absorption: Myles can absorb various forms of energy, including kinetic and thermal energy.

Energy projection: Myles can project energy blasts or beams from his hands or eyes.Flight: Myles can levitate and fly at high speeds.

Intangibility: Myles can pass through solid objects by vibrating his molecules at a specific frequency.

Invisibility: Myles can render himself invisible by manipulating the light around him.

Healing: Myles can heal himself or others by manipulating the speed force.

Dimensional travel: Myles can travel to different dimensions or universes.

Force fields: Myles can generate force fields that can repel physical and energy attacks.

Time travel: Myles can travel through time, altering past events and creating alternate timelines.

Probability manipulation: Myles can manipulate probabilities, increasing the likelihood of a desired outcome.

Teleportation: Myles can teleport himself or others across vast distances.Empathy: Myles can sense and manipulate the emotions of others using the Sage Force.

Energy constructs: Myles can create constructs made of pure energy, such as weapons or barriers.

Reality-warping: Myles can manipulate reality itself, altering the laws of physics and creating or destroying matter.

Density control: Myles can increase or decrease his density, allowing him to phase through solid objects or become incredibly dense.

Power negation: Myles can neutralize the powers of other metahumans using the primal Force.

Telapathy: Myles can control and communicate with technology using the Sage Force.

Superhuman agility: Myles has incredible agility and reflexes, allowing him to dodge attacks and move with great precision.

Force manipulation: Myles can manipulate various forces, such as gravity or electromagnetism.

Molecular manipulation: Myles can manipulate molecules, altering the properties of matter or transforming objects into other forms.

Telekinesis: Myles can move and control objects with his mind using the Strength Force.

Elemental control: Myles can control the elements, such as fire, water, or earth.

Precognition: Myles can see into the future using the Sage Force, predicting events before they happen.

Cosmic Awareness: Myles has an innate understanding of the universe and the cosmic forces that govern it, granting him great wisdom and insight.

AN: this chapter will be moved after three weeks.