
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · Anime e quadrinhos
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73 Chs

Chapter 38: The Hunt Begins

Chapter 38: The Hunt Begins

Myles Walley, known to the world as Tachyon, stood in the heart of his hidden lair, surrounded by holographic screens projecting a flickering checklist. Each entry represented a potential recruit, a formidable supervillain from the DC universe. With a mischievous grin tugging at his lips, Myles activated the holographic interface, his blue eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"All right, folks, let's see who's on the menu today," he exclaimed, his voice laced with an informal tone that reflected his playful nature. The checklist materialized before him, and Myles dove into his analysis, a dance of intrigue and amusement.

His expressive face revealed a rollercoaster of emotions as his gaze roamed the holographic names. His brow furrowed as he read the first entry, Poison Ivy. "Nah, too green for my taste," he muttered, a playful wink accompanying his remark. While he admired Ivy's botanical prowess, her plant obsession failed to ignite his perverse desires.

Moving on, he encountered Harley Quinn, her image radiating an intoxicating combination of beauty and madness. Myles's eyes widened, his pulse quickening. "Now there's a real spitfire," he mused, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. His mind wandered into deviant fantasy, only to be jolted back to reality as he reminded himself of the task. "But nah, I don't need that level of chaos right now. Maybe next time, Harley."

The holographic checklist continued, showcasing a parade of villains and villainesses, each with unique attributes and quirks. Myles's reactions were as vivid as his thoughts. His fingers drummed against his chin as he considered Circe, the sorceress with a seductive aura. "Hmm, tempting, but magic and I don't mix well."

His eyes shifted to the next villainess, the enchanting enchantress herself; Enchantress, Myles's expression twisted with intrigue and caution. "Hmmm, powerful, but a little too... unpredictable for my taste. I prefer my chaos with a hint of control."

His eyes widened with surprise at the sight of Cheetah. "Whoa, look at those curves! But alas, the whole 'cat' thing doesn't do it for me. Sorry, sweetheart, nothing personal just can't have you scratching my boys." Myles's disappointment was tinged with a hint of longing, quickly masked by his charismatic grin.

"Next, we have Poison Ivy. Now, she's got quite the green thumb, but I think she'd prefer plants over people. Pass." He swiped her image aside, his fingers dancing through the holographic interface. Myles couldn't help but appreciate Ivy's natural allure, a flicker of desire igniting within him for a moment.

Moving on, he came across Catwoman's profile, and his eyes widened with perverse fascination. "Oh, Selina, you naughty little kitty. Your agility is impressive, but your heart always belongs to the Bat. Perhaps another time, my feline friend," he purred, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. Myles revealed in his audacity his desires, both perverted and unapologetic.

As he proceeded through the list, his reactions ranged from respect to annoyance. Lex Luthor elicited a nod of approval. "Now there's a mind worth tapping into," he remarked, recognizing Luthor's genius intellect. On the other hand, the mention of the Riddler had him rolling his eyes. "Seriously, guy? Leave the riddles to the professionals."

Myles scanned the images with a mix of amusement and annoyance. His gaze fell upon the Trickster, and he chuckled heartily. "Ah, the Trickster! Always good for a laugh, but perhaps too much even for me. We'll save the pranks for another day.".

As the name "Killer Frost" materialized before him, Myles raised an eyebrow, a gleam of admiration shining in his eyes. "Ah, Killer Frost, you're a chilling beauty. I can respect that icy demeanor, but let's save the frostbite for my enemies, shall we?"Amidf his playful perusal, Myles's henchmen, diligently at work repairing a broken window nearby, couldn't help but overhear his remarks. They exchanged amused glances, their loyalty to their charismatic leader evident in their eyes.

"Boss, you sure know how to pick 'em," one of them chuckled, a playful tone infusing his words. "You got a taste for danger and a sharp eye for the ladies."

Myles shot his henchman a wink, a playful smirk curling his lips. "Well, boys, what can I say? I'm an expert in both villainy and appreciation."

The banter continued, laughter echoing through the hideous as Myles engaged with his henchmen, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and mischief. Amidst the chaos and dark ambitions, he proved to be a good villain boss, treating his henchmen not as disposable pawns but as valued comrades.

With the checklist momentarily forgotten, Myles relished in the lighthearted reprieve, his charismatic personality shining through.

His henchmen were more than mere minions; they were his confidants, his criminal partners, and a bond of trust and twisted kinship was forged in their interactions.

And as the broken window was fixed, symbolic of the fractured boundaries between good and evil, Myles's eyes returned to the holographic checklist, his mind buzzing with possibilities. The hunt for recruits continued, promising more encounters, desires, and twisted adventures.

"Come on, boys, break time!" Myles declared, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He tossed a handful of pizza into the air, causing his henchmen to scramble and catch them, their laughter filling the air. At that moment, Myles embodied the role of a crime boss who knew how to balance authority and funny, their loyalty rewarded with fleeting moments of respite.

Inside Hartley Rathaway's high-tech laboratory, a symphony of beeping machines and buzzing energy filled the air. The brilliant Pied Piper was engrossed in his work, tinkering with an intricate device to enhance Grodd's telepathic abilities. Sweat trickled down Hartley's forehead as he focused on the delicate wiring, his concentration unyielding.

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Myles Walley, the speedster villain himself, holding a steaming pizza box in one hand. Hestrolledd in, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "Hey, Hartley, mind if I interrupt your brainy session? Got something to satisfy those villainous taste buds."

Hartley accepted the box, a reluctant smile forming. "You know, for a villain, you're terrible at being terrible."

Myles feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Hey now, I prefer to think of it as... selective villainy. Besides, if our partnership is to thrive, we need the best devices, the sharpest minds, and the tastiest pizza."

Hartley playfully scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Considerate villains, the true scourge of the underworld. What's next, Myles? Are you going to offer a helping hand to the Flash when he trips?"

Myles chuckled again, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Well, don't let my reputation crumble, Hartley. It's bad for business. But let's just say, when it comes to our performance, I want us to be at the top of our game."

Hartley laughed, setting the box of pizza aside. "Touché, Myles. I suppose even villains need their priorities straight," Hartley replied, his tone laced with amusement. "But honestly, sometimes I wonder if you're more interested in our success than your own villainous schemes."

Myles smirked, leaning against a nearby console. "Well, Hartley, you've caught me. I might have a soft spot for my partners in crime. After all, a well-oiled machine is only as good as its components. And I want our team to be at the top of their game."

Hartley arched an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, what you're saying is, you're considerate because you want us to succeed. How delightfully villainous of you."

Myles chuckled, the sound echoing through the lab. "You've got me there, Hartley. But let's not forget, villains can still have a sense of ambition. It's just that mine is accompanied by a sprinkle of camaraderie. It's more fun that way, don't you think?"

Hartley sighed, a mock look of exasperation on his face. "You know, Myles, sometimes I feel like you're the only villain who'd show up to a supervillain convention with a basket of muffins for everyone and probably something that involves blackmail."

Myles grinned, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Oh, don't tempt me, Hartley. I just might do it someday."

Hartley suddenly released an exasperated Latin complaint as they bantered, his frustration evident. "Ugh, amabo te, Myles!/Ugh, please, Myles! This machine is giving me a headache."To Hartley's surprise, Myles smirked and responded in fluent Latin, his fluency unexpected yet impressive. "Fortasse opera non facile est, sed iterum, Hartley, perfectionem desidero./Perhaps the work is not easy, but again, Hartley, I desire perfection. Have some faith in your genius."

Hartley's eyes widened, surprise and amusement dancing within them. "Well, I'll be damned, Myles. The speedster speaks Latin too. Is there anything you can't do?"

Myles shrugged nonchalantly, his grin widening. "The list keeps getting shorter, my friend. But hey, let's focus on making this device a masterpiece. And once we do, we'll give those heroes a ride they won't soon forget."

The outskirts of Central City stretched before Myles Walley, a solitary figure walking down the road with purpose. The echoes of his footsteps harmonized with his melodic voice as he sang the haunting lyrics of "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man, the words carrying through the stillness of the evening.

His eyes scanned the deserted street, ensuring no prying eyes witnessed his next move. Satisfied, he grinned, adrenaline coursing through his veins. With a burst of speed that defied mortal limits, he vanished from the mundane world, a blur of motion propelling him into the unknown.

Entering the Primal force was an experience entirely distinct from the embrace of the speedforce. As Myles hurtled through the dimensional barrier, reality quivered as if the fabric of existence momentarily trembled beneath his presence. The air crackled with raw energy, charged with a primal aura that transcended comprehension.

The portal to the Primal force shimmered before him, a gateway to cosmic forces unknown, its majestic hues dancing with ethereal intensity. Myles's heart quickened, anticipation mingling with trepidation. This was his domain, a power intimately connected to his very essence. And yet, each encounter with the Primal force evoked a kaleidoscope of emotions within him.

As he stepped into the swirling storm of raw energy, the atmosphere shifted, enveloping him in a whirlwind of sensations. The primal air was thick with ancient power, whispering secrets from forgotten eons. Myles felt the weight of his past lives, the echoes of countless souls who had danced within this cosmic realm. Time and space wove together within the Primal force in a tapestry of unrestrained potential. Realities intertwined, shimmering threads intertwining before his eyes. The laws of nature bent to his will, granting him access to force transcending comprehension boundaries.

Myles's emotions surged, a storm within his being. Awe mingled with arrogance as he revealed his newfound dominion over this alien force. Elation swirled with a sense of responsibility, knowing that the Primal force demanded his utmost respect and understanding. He was an avatar, a conduit for the cosmic powers that lay within, and with that role came great weight and consequence.

Reality itself trembled, if only for an instant, as Myles passed through the portal, leaving a fleeting mark on the world he left behind. A distortion of light and energy rippled through the air, a testament to the profound impact of his passage. For a brief moment, the laws of physics wavered, dancing on the precipice of chaos before returning to their familiar state.

And in the wake of his transcendence, Myles found himself within the Primal force, surrounded by the essence of creation and destruction. Myles's eyes widened within the ethereal depths of the Primal Forcd as he spotted a figure amidst the swirling cosmic energies. White, a demon of immense power and mischief, conversed with a human-like entity. Curiosity piqued, Myles couldn't resist the opportunity for some lighthearted banter.

"Hey, White! Long time no see!" Myles called out in a friendly tone, his voice carrying through the pulsating energies of the Primal Force. "Who's your friend?"

White's eyes widened in panic, and with frantic gestures, he signaled for Myles to run. Confusion knitted Myles's brow, but he instinctively trusted his demonic ally. Before he could comprehend the situation, a towering humanoid, seething with anger, materialized before him, wielding a colossal blade that shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

"What's the matter, White? You seem a bit jumpy."

Before White could answer, a towering humanoid figure emerged from the cosmic mists, its imposing presence sending shivers down Myles's spine, the creature glared at Myles with fiery eyes, a grimace etched upon its face. It raised a massive weapon, ready to strike.

Myles's reflexes kicked in, his instincts honed by countless battles. He dodged with a hair's breadth, the weapon whistling through the air, narrowly missing him. Shock and terror gripped him as the humanoid unleashed a torrent of rage upon him.


Myles stumbled backward, his heart pounding in his chest. "Wait, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt anything!I didn't even know who you are! Please, we can just talk about this."

The humanoid scoffed, its voice dripping with venom. "We have nothing to talk about ya piece of shit. Prepare to be obliterated in ten thousand different ways! Or 'Prepare to get fucked!' as you humans call it. "

Myles's eyes widened, his mouth agape with disbelief. But White's voice pierced through the chaos before he could speak.

"Run, Myles! Run from the big man! He won't stop until he tears you limb from limb!"

Myles wasted no time, his instincts taking over as he sprinted away from the enraged humanoid. The cosmic landscape blurred around him as he dashed through the primal energies, his fear fueling his speed. The pursuing figure's bloodcurdling screams and war cries echoed in his ears, sending shivers down his spine.

Apologies spilled from Myles's lips, mingling with confusion and genuine terror. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cause any trouble! I don't even know what I did! I'll never do it again, I promise! Just let me go!"

But the enraged figure paid no heed to Myles's pleas, fueled by a righteous fury that seemed boundless. Myles's panic escalates with each passing moment, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest.

In a desperate bid for survival, Myles pushed himself to his limits, the sheer adrenaline of the chase lending him newfound speed. He dodged through the swirling energies of the Primal Force, praying that he could outpace his pursuer.

And as he fled, Myles couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity. Here he was, a speedster villain, being chased through a cosmic realm by a vengeful humanoid, all because of a harmless attempt. A comedic twist of fate left him both baffled and terrified.

How had a friendly greeting turned into this nightmare? And who was this human figure, embodying the primal forces with such vengeance? It was then that a realization dawned on Myles. White always referred to the Primal force as the "big man."

And so, Myles raced through the twisting corridors of the Primal force, his heart pounding, his breath ragged. He couldn't help but think that this encounter had worsened. But deep down, amidst the confusion and terror, there was a tiny spark of amusement. After all, who else could claim to have angered the very embodiment of cosmic power?

Author Note:

Hey there, fabulous readers!

I just wanted to drop a quick note to check in on all of you. How's life treating you today? I hope you're having a fantastic day and that everything's going swimmingly. Before I go any further, I want to thank you for reading my story. Seriously, you're the best! Your support means everything to me, and I'm so grateful for every one of you.

I've had a blast writing this story, and I hope it brought some joy and excitement to your day. It's been an incredible journey, and I couldn't have done it without you tagging along.

Okay, I won't keep you any longer. I just wanted to send you all some positive vibes and well wishes. May your days be filled with sunshine, laughter, and all the good things life offers.

Thanks again for being amazing readers. You rock! Sending you big virtual high-fives,