
Taboo: Harem of milfs

Upon reaching the age of 18, Jonathan's life undergoes a dramatic transformation as he uncovers his lineage as a descendant of a powerful witch, ultimately emerging as the strongest warlock.

Luciferjl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


After about ten minutes, Monica returned with a copper jug full of water and a plate of fresh fruits.

She placed them on the table beside Jonathan's bed, noticing he was awake.

"How is your leg, young master?" she asked softly, genuine concern in her voice.

Jonathan tested his weight on his leg, flexing it slightly. "It's fine now," he replied, offering her a reassuring smile.

Monica helped him to his feet, despite his protests that he could manage on his own. They walked together to the balcony connected to the bedroom. The cool night air greeted them as they stepped outside, and Jonathan took a deep breath, savouring the fresh scent of the forest.

The balcony offered a breathtaking view of the sprawling forest below and the winding mountains in the distance, their peaks touched by the setting sun's last light.

As they stood there, enjoying the tranquility, a sudden, powerful roar echoed through the forest, followed by the eerie howls of wolves. Monica started, her eyes widening in fear. She instinctively hugged Jonathan, seeking comfort in his presence. Jonathan, equally startled, wrapped his arms around her, feeling her tremble against him.

"These noises," she whispered, her voice shaking. "They scare me every night. It's been months since I came here, and they still terrify me."

Jonathan could only smile; holding such a beauty in his arms felt like an unexpected stroke of luck.

He didn't know that coming to his village would bring such moments; if he had known, he might have come earlier.

"It's alright, Monica," he said gently, trying to comfort her. "We're safe here. Those animals seem far away." He tried to move back.

Monica, still hugging him, looked up at him and pouted playfully. "Why? You don't like hugging me?"

Jonathan smiled nervously, unsure of how to respond. "No, it's not that. I just thought you might think I was taking advantage of the situation."

Monica chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You can stay like that if you want."

Jonathan blushed slightly, his heart racing. "Okay," he said softly, enjoying the warmth of her embrace.

Monica then looked at him curiously. "Young master, do you have a girlfriend?"

Jonathan sighed and shook his head. "No, I don't."

Monica looked genuinely surprised. "Why?

Who wouldn't want to be the girlfriend of such a handsome stallion?"

The word "stallion" didn't miss Jonathan, making him smirk. "Well, my grandma made me promise I shouldn't be with any girl until I was 18."

Monica chuckled, teasing him gently. "So you are a grandson who never crosses his grandmother. You are a Grandmama's boy, then."

Jonathan laughed, not denying it. "Yeah, I guess I am."

Their laughter mingled, a lighthearted break from the earlier tension. As the night deepened, stars began to dot the sky, casting a gentle glow over the forest and mountains.

Monica looked up at the stars, still holding onto Jonathan. "It's beautiful here," she said softly.

"Yeah, it is," Jonathan agreed, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.

Jonathan, still feeling the warmth of Monica's embrace, asked, "You said you've only been here for months. Are you not from this village? What do you mean by that?"

Monica shook her head. "No," she replied softly.

He looked at her curiously. "Then where are you from?"

She glanced around, hesitating for a moment before suggesting, "Let's move to the bed." Then they both walked back inside and settled onto the bed. After they lay down, Monica leaned back against the headrest and began gently running her fingers through Jonathan's hair.

"I wasn't born here," she began, her voice calm and steady. "I'm originally from the pheonix. I met Gele at university, and we fell in love deeply and quickly. Right after graduation, Gele proposed to me."

Jonathan listened intently, intrigued by her story.

"My parents didn't approve of our marriage," Monica continued. "They had different plans for my future and didn't think Gele was the right match for me. But I loved him too much to leave him. So, I decided to follow my heart and came with him to this village. We've been living here ever since, and I work from home."

Jonathan was surprised by her revelation. "Gele and Pino studied in the city? I had no idea."

Monica nodded, smiling softly. "Yes, and your grandmother was the one who provided for their education. She wanted them to have opportunities that weren't available here in the village."

Jonathan felt a new sense of respect for his grandmother. "I didn't know she did that. She's always been so selfless."

"She has," Monica agreed. "She's an incredible woman. Because of her, Gele and Pino had the chance to pursue their dreams."

Jonathan lay there, processing the new information. "It's amazing how interconnected our lives are," he said thoughtfully. "I never realized how much my grandmother has done for everyone."

Monica continued to comb through his hair, her touch soothing. "Your grandmother has a big heart, Jonathan. She cares deeply for her family and this village."

The night air carried a chill, but Jonathan barely noticed as he lay beside Monica, her fingers gently combing through his hair. Her soothing touch and the twinkling stars overhead lulled him into a sense of tranquility, despite the eerie howls echoing through the forest.

Suddenly, the sharp crack of gunfire shattered the peaceful moment. Jonathan was startled, his eyes wide. "What was that?"

Before he could react, Monica moved with startling speed, pinning him down and restraining his movements. "Don't, young master," she warned, her voice low but firm.

"Why? It was a gunshot!" Jonathan protested, trying in vain to wiggle free from her surprisingly strong grip.

"They'll take care of it. Don't worry," Monica assured him, her eyes scanning the room with a focused intensity he'd never seen before.

Jonathan's mind raced. "But Grandma is downstairs! I need to go to her!"

"They're just some bandits," Monica said dismissively. "You don't have to worry."

Monica's bosom pressed against his chest as she held his hands, pinning them down on the bed. Her legs spread over his, holding them. Right now, her whole body was pressed onto him tightly.

Jonathan started to feel the arousal inside him, and he even forgot about the chaos. Soon, he found himself getting hard. Jonathan's heart raced as he tried to focus on the situation at hand, but Monica's closeness was distracting. He struggled to push away the conflicting emotions swirling inside him.

His penis started to grow into its full firmness, poking out through his pyjama pants. On top of that, he didn't wear anything inside.

Monica started to feel something poking her stomach, and soon she realized what it was.

Her face flushed red, but she couldn't get up. She couldn't let Jonathan go down, and if anything happened to him, Alessandra wouldn't be happy.

She stayed as she was, and then her arousal started to build, feeling the hardness between them. Unbeknownst to her, she started grinding herself on his member. As the tension between them grew, Monica's body responded to the sensation of Jonathan's hardness against her. She struggled to resist the urge to move against him, her mind clouded with desire.

As quickly as the chaos erupted, an eerie silence fell over the village. Moments later, the bedroom door opened, and a woman in her thirties stepped inside. Monica immediately released Jonathan and rose to greet her.

"Amelia, is it over?" she asked urgently.

Amelia nodded, her expression grim. "Come, see for yourselves."

The three of them descended the stairs, and Jonathan's heart dropped at the sight that awaited them. In the village square, a group of men lay bound and subdued, their weapons scattered around them. A few unmoving bodies were scattered among the captives, and Jonathan felt a surge of fear and anxiety grip his chest.

His eyes frantically searched the scene until he spotted her—Alessandra, his beloved grandmother—sitting calmly in the front yard, a shotgun resting across her lap. Jonathan rushed to her side, his mind reeling from the night's events.

"Grandma, are you alright?" He asked, his voice trembling with concern.

Alessandra met his gaze, and in that moment, Jonathan saw a glimpse of a side of her he had never known—a fierce, uncompromising determination that belied her gentle demeanour.

As Iago and the other villagers sorted through the aftermath, Alessandra turned to Monica. "Take Jonathan upstairs. In the morning, we'll need to journey to the shrine."

Jonathan's head spun with questions, but the weariness in his grandmother's voice left no room for argument. As Monica ushered him back inside, he couldn't shake the feeling that the world he thought he knew had suddenly become something much larger, much more mysterious, and potentially dangerous.

I need your support and encouragement to continue the story and update regularly.

Luciferjlcreators' thoughts