
System user who also happens to be a Dimensional Chat Group Admin.

MC was no one special, but he wishes to be rich and spend the rest of his life peacefully. One day a semi-transparent blue screen appears in front of him. [Do you want to be strong?] "Nah, I am too lazy to train or walk the path to be the strongest or something." [...] [What about a harem of beautiful girls?] [You must want that, right?] "I am sorry, but I don't think I can handle a harem." [...] [You can be a King- No, an Emperor!] "No way, why would I want to spend my time to make other life easier?" [...] [You can be a God!] "That sounds way worse than the last one." [...] [You can be rich like no other] "Now we're talking! When do I start?" [...] [Do you want to open your Starter Pack?] "Can I sell it for money?" [...] [Host, your greed is beyond what I expected] "Hey! You promise me that I can make money!" [...]

SlothElephant2k18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


"So, ahh... Big Wolf guy. Is this usual?" Will ask with a tired look on his face.

"Not really, I know something like this exists, but this my first time seeing an actual one."

The man who now a wolfman opens his mouth and begins to breathe roughly. His tongue hanging outside of his mouth.

From his eyes, you can see madness and a strange desire to bite, tear and eat raw meat.

The wolf breath begins to stabilize, but it still gives the feeling of wildness.

Not wanting to know what it wait, Will throw several cross-shaped shurikens at him- No, to it.

That inhuman creature is no longer human, is it even something human to begin with?

The wolf didn't dodge nor it tries to block the incoming attack, it just takes whatever coming with its hairy body.

It survives without any major injury.

Some pierce its skin and flash.

Does it mean anything?


The wolf dash to Will, mouth opened.

It wants to devour the human in front of it.

It wonders how his blood would taste.

What texture his meat has.

Is his bone tough or crunchy?

Doesn't matter, what matters is it can eat him.

Will stab a spear to the wolf's mouth.

'It's tastes like blood, a familiar taste and another one mixed.' It thinks.

Sure, it can taste its own blood (It has tested it after all), but there is something different.

It realizes the spear taste like iron but wasn't quite right.

The wolf takes a bite of the spear.

"Idiot, don't just stand there! Kill it!" The girl scolds Will who froze on the spot.

She looks at his face, he is as pale as paper.

As a person who lives a peaceful life Will wasn't used to see too much blood.

Sure he has tested his combat style using his blood, but to see so much gore in one day was too much for his mind.

He wants to throw up, he wants to pass out, he wants to stop thinking and enter the land of Morpheus.

Everything was so messed up.

All he wants to have money and have an easy life.

'To have an easy life I must work hard, yeah I need to get into trouble.'

"Oi! Stay focus!" The girl screams at Will.

Will's mind steadily calms down, but then he realizes the wolf launch itself at the girl.

Its big furry body hit the girl.

She falls to the ground and doesn't get back up.

Not giving Will a chance to check her condition the wolf jump at Will and try to slash him.

"I regret taking this God d@mn Quest!" Will shout as he dodging the wolf claw slash.

He looks behind and sees the girl lying on the floor, unconscious.

If he can reverse the flow of time he will return to 09:00 PM and stay home.

Too late for that.

The moment he takes this quest-

No, the moment he gets this stupid system and uses it, his normal life is gone.

He swears to avoid unwanted attention as much as he can, but for now, all he wants is to defeat this stupid wolf.

"Instal [Man of Steel]!"


At that moment the supernatural world was alarmed by a sudden spike of divine energy in America.

No one can detect its source's exact location since it's too strong to locate, it's dwarfed the strongest creature on Earth.

The device they use broke, most of those who use clairvoyance ability gone insane.

Everyone wants to obtain power, but they are too afraid to search.

Who or whatever that is, queal to that of Gods from the old age.

To make it weirder it disappears not long after it appears.

The wolf knows the things it faces was nothing it can defeat.

Right now it has the mind and mentality of an animal, it didn't have something like pride or ego anymore so it doesn't hesitate to flee.

But Will won't let it.

He is too furious to do so.

"Like I would let you!"

Will chase the wolf and arive behind it almost at the same second.

A crack with a spiderweb-like pattern was left at the spot where he stands before.

Not wanting to kill the wolf he freezes it.

Finally, Will have time to breathe.

But that won't be for long, he needs a way to hide his power.

'But how to hide this massive energy?' Will wonder.

(AN: Will Wonder, doesn't sound like a bad name for me.)

[You get 10.000 Dimensional Coin for Causing chaos in the supernatural world]

[You get 1.000 Dimensional Coin for Causing worldwide phenomena]

[You get 500 Dimensional Coin for Making 10 people gone insane]

[You get 1.000 Dimensional Coin for Making 50 people gone insane]

Will wasn't happy to know this information.

[Causing chaos in the supernatural world] is the worse and hardest Quest he can find. To make it worse the requirement to finish it was [Unknown].

So even if he dumb enough for trying it, he didn't know where to start.

But he just finishes it.

"What the heck just happen?"

[System doesn't have an answer for that since there is no function to know that]

"So what is my best choice?"

[Use the Gatcha]

"I give up. RNG Lord (If you exist) please give me something to solve my problem. If you do I will build a temple for you."

[You receive Create Water]

[You receive EA fragment]

[You receive Kamina shades]

[You receive Dress Break]

[You receive Manipulation of density and sparseness]

[You receive A bottle of water]

[You receive Debate Club]

[You receive Dull Blade]

[You receive A chocolate bar]

[You receive A lollipop]

Seeing the result Will wasn't happy, since none of them sounds helpful for his condition.

So he was forced to try again.

[You receive Probe]

[You receive Black Bull magic knight robe]

[You receive Butterfly knive]

[You receive A lollipop]

[You receive A Toga]

[You receive Hot Spring Noble Phantasm]

[You receive Nobi Nobita Glasses]

[You receive Bambo Sword]

[You receive Jaja Bear]

[You receive Create Salt]

He gets more useless things this time.

But since he didn't have any choice he tries again, this time he hopes there will be something that can help him.

[You receive S.S Naked Sun]

[You receive Perfect cooked meat]

[You receive A chocolate bar]

[You receive Batcar]

[You receive Name Concealment]

[You receive The World]

[You receive Taser]

[You receive A Minotaur Horn]

[You receive The Golden Turd]

[You receive One-Eyed Blue Dragon]

Will see several interesting names, but right now his intention was focus to on one.

[Name Concealment fit with what host need]

"Instal it, now!"


After Will understands it he quickly uses it.

[Name Concealment]: An ability to hide one true name and abilities.

It also causes others to have a hard time uncovering the user's identity and secrets.

It is also able to able to edit the memory about the user and erase recent memory (2-3 hours).

If those who are weaker try to use clairvoyance skill or ability on the user, they will find nothing.

"Save! *Sigh* Now what should I do with these two?" Will ask himself.

After checking the girl's conditions he was glad that she was alive but badly wounded.

He can send the girl to the hospital, but... She didn't look like your normal civilian with her combat equipment and weapon.

The wolf is not something he should leave here since it will become the news headline in America tomorrow morning.

"A frozen solid wolfman was found at *** **** city, can this be a sign from God?"

"Can this be something done by aliens?"

"Many experts believe the wolf to be some kind of mutated animal."

Yeah, that most likely attract too much attention from Normal people's view and the supernatural world.

So what did he do?

He takes the wolf into his inventory.

Now he has one problem.

"But why you don't take the girl too?"

Easy, whatever her organization is, they will realize she is missing and look for her.

And if they accidentally meet the only in this world Campione who happens to live in this town, the town where the girl saw, put the puzzle together, and you get Will get hunted like some rare exotic and extinct animal.

"Why didn't he just change her clothes?"

Simple, he is a guy and she is a girl. Plus he didn't bring any girl clothes with him.

Why would a guy bring girl clothes everywhere?

Well, maybe he will begin to bring girl clothes with him from now on.

"Now what should I do with you?"

"Rouge!" A voice shout from behind.

"Hey! I am not a rouge!" Will shout back.

Will admit he isn't the kind of a gentleman type of a guy, but that doesn't mean he will let anyone call him a rouge.

He is just a guy who loves money.

The owner of the voice is a girl with golden hair.

She ignores Will and goes to the side of the girl who fights the wolf with Will before.

She does several simple checks to make sure the girl is alive or not.

After knowing she is alive, the girl with golden hair sighs in relief that her friend is not dead then injects her with a syringe.

The syringe contains a thick red liquid.

She looks in Will's direction and finds out that he was already gone.

"*Cough* *Cough* Jean is that you?"

"Rouge! I am so glad you are alive!"

Jean, the girl with golden hair hugs her friend as tight as possible in fear that if she doesn't do that her friend will disappear again.

"Je-Jean, I am okay now. More importantly, did you see 2 Lilithian? One can turn into a humanoid wolf and the other one can manipulate his blo- Ouch!"

Before Rouge can explain more her head receives a knock from Jean's fist.

Rouge looks at her face and sees the face of an angry demon.

"You go without me, you face 2 Lilithian, on your own and you end up injuring yourself pretty badly. Yet, you still believe you can do as you please?!"

"Do you know how worried I am?! There was a sudden energy wave before! Who knows what kind of being it belongs to?!"

Rouge knows she shouldn't go on her own and face danger without back up.

But she wants to know why 2 Lilithian fight each other and work with her.

Also, she wants to know what energy wave Jean was talking about since she doesn't remember there any energy wave before she wakes up.

Sadly it seems she won't get the answer anytime soon.

"I will discipline you again later."


With Will

"So the girl's name is Rouge huh?"

Since he didn't want to give any explanation to anyone Will chose to escape the scene.

Her friend will help her somehow. He wishes she did and able to do so.

If not...

'Argh! I want to sleep! I will pass the trouble for me who will face it in the future!'

With that though Will begins his journey home.

But when he sees the Quest still have 12 minutes he chose to walk around his neighborhood to complete it.

And it works.

He has suffered because of this Quest, there is no way he would just give up when he almost complete it.