
System user who also happens to be a Dimensional Chat Group Admin.

MC was no one special, but he wishes to be rich and spend the rest of his life peacefully. One day a semi-transparent blue screen appears in front of him. [Do you want to be strong?] "Nah, I am too lazy to train or walk the path to be the strongest or something." [...] [What about a harem of beautiful girls?] [You must want that, right?] "I am sorry, but I don't think I can handle a harem." [...] [You can be a King- No, an Emperor!] "No way, why would I want to spend my time to make other life easier?" [...] [You can be a God!] "That sounds way worse than the last one." [...] [You can be rich like no other] "Now we're talking! When do I start?" [...] [Do you want to open your Starter Pack?] "Can I sell it for money?" [...] [Host, your greed is beyond what I expected] "Hey! You promise me that I can make money!" [...]

SlothElephant2k18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

First World Travel Quest

After giving a speech to his system about how great, cool, and amazing Kamina is, Will check the chat group to see how is everything going for the other.

It was... surprisingly quite normal for a chat group filled with people from various worlds.

There is no internal conflict among them since all of them are quite chill most of the time.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin) is Online]

[Muscular Uncle]: Oh, you finally join us!

[World Class]: Hai! How are you doing?!

[Prehistoric Virgin]: So, what are you up to lately?

Seeing Will online everyone who is online greet him.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Nothing special, only the usual, causing a worldwide phenomenon.

While what Will says is true, he is being sarcastic when he said "the usual" but other don't see it like that.

For them, Will is serious with his words.

Plus the fact that he rarely online make them speculate that he is busy causing something affecting the whole world.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: So where is the other?

[Prehistoric Virgin]: [Delusional Hero] is hunting an underwear thief, [100% Miss] just gone offline to flirt with a girl at a bar, [Friendly Fire] is training some new adventure, for [Monster Bait] I don't know.

'Is underwear thief is something a Hero need to take care of?'

Will sweat drop after knowing [Delusional Hero] is on a hunt for an underwear thief.

Either her other personality love to put his nose on other problem or she as a women hate pervert like that do as they please.

Well, it's not his business.

[Muscular Uncle]: Hey [Greedy Dreamer] boy, do you mind if I call you that?

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: I don't mind.

[Muscular Uncle]: When can we go to another world?

Before Will can type a reply, a Quest appears.

[A special Quest with multiple objectives have been issued]

[World Strongest]

World destination: [Muscular Uncle]

Objective 1: Participate in Gigantomachy Tournament

Objective 2: Stop Ragnarok scheme

Participants: 3 members except those who already at the destination world.

Prize 1: Unlock a new function.

Prize 2: 1.000 Dimensional Coin for all participants

Prize 3: A Suprise Pack for all participants

[Prehistoric Virgin]: Seriously...

[Muscular Uncle]: Well, that was fast.

[World Class]: A road trip! Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!

[Muscular Uncle]: So anyone want to go?

[World Class]: Me! Me! Me! Pick me!

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Let me correct his question. Anyone want to go, understand what is going on, and good with mystery?

Will wasn't very familiar with [World Class], but he know she is very childish and too naïve.

Also if he join this Quest he doesn't want to bring extra weight and waste a slot of participant that can help them.

He can smell political problem, bringing her who use an exoskeleton to fight will raise many questions for sure.

The objective may sound simple, but something simple isn't specific and have too many variables.

They need intellectual people.

[World Class]: Aw... Fine I will go at another time.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Good. Now we need to know more about this Gigantomachy Tournament and Ragnarok.

[Muscular Uncle]: Okay, I will tell everything I know.

Gigantomachy is actually started by a Giant, a Dragon, a Golem, and a Slime. Their name is Chrome, Strum, Gio, and Droll.

No one truly know how it happen, all I know they accidentally met at Taurus Mountain range and debate who strongest among them.

So they fight. They cause many earthquakes and destruction with their fight.

King Lernean Typhos who's kingdom is not too far from where they fight ask them to stop.

None want to give up so he suggest them to fight one on one, in a special area. They all agree.

King Typhos gather many people from various professions to make an arena where they can fight, sadly the arena cost too much.

King Typhos then send latter to all kingdoms on the continent to came and watch what he called the "Gigantomachy" tournament, in the hope that he will be able to make some profit from their fight.

Many came to see the tournament, it ends with Strum as the champion.

Strum later was known as the strongest on the continent.

7 years later Strum return with 3 other creature that challenge him for his title.

He ask King Typhos to let him use the arena again.

King Typhos gladly comply since he can make so much profit.

Since then every 7 years Gigantomachy was held at Lernean, to see who is the Strongest on the Continent.

Will wasn't really sure about what so good from being called the Strongest on the Continent, but he like how King Typhos think.

Not only does he manage to stop the fight of powerful creatures he also make a lot of money from it.

That King was genius.

'Now what the connection of Ragnarok with Gigantomachy?' Will wonder.

[Muscular Uncle]: While Ragnarok is a group with a single purpose, to take over the world and change it the way they see fit.

But I don't see any benefit from winning Gigantomachy for them.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Wrong, they will send their strongest member to participate and win the tournament.

With The Strongest on the Continent on their side, they able to recruit more people to join their cause and cause fear to their enemies.

They also have the best chance to assassinate important figures that came to watch the tournament.

Which would end with chaos they can use for their own benefit.

Their backer also would gain benefit from the disappearance of their competitor or enemy.

Either way, this Ragnarok will use this tournament to become a bigger threat.

Of course, this theory is only Will speculation about what most likely would happen.

Still, this Ragnarok wasn't something easy to take care of since their goal is world domination.

As silly as it sounds, this kind of organization always has a strong backer, and many minions willing to die for their goal.

If that wasn't enough it was hard to understand their next plan since they don't think about risk and loss.

They are like a gambler that always All in on a poker table when their turn came.

Everything or Nothing, that is how they think.

Once again, something simple but can be complex at the same time.

[Muscular Uncle]: After I think again your right. So should we stop the tournament or should we tighten the security and registration?

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: No, let everything goes normally.

Will answer make other members that are online feeling confused.

Normally if people know there are threats they will prepare for prevention before anything bad happen.

But they chose to listen first.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: If you stop them from entering the tournament they will do make a crazier plan than what they already have.

If you stop them now you will lose your chance to land a heavy blow to them.

Prepare an ambush or trap for them.

What they know so far is their plan isn't discovered yet so they will proceed normally.

Use that to your advantage.

After Will explanation [Muscular Uncle] as gleefully and as loud as he can.

Will plan sound dangerous, but he can't deny the fact that "this is a great chance that you can't miss."

"What happen, General?!" A subordinate of his ask him with a shocked face.

"What happen you ask?! Nothing!" He answer with a high volume.

This of course make his subordinate get more confused than he already is.

"At least not yet! I will need to contact many Rulers after this. Tell my nephew that I am going to be busy!"

His subordinate want to remind him that he shouldn't talk too casually about the king, but he keep his words for himself since he know something serious about to happen soon.

Back to Will, right now he was thinking who should go for this Quest.

He need someone great at gathering intel, someone with great intelligence, and lastly someone with to participate in the tournament later.

Why did he care about this Quest?

Because there is new function among the prize.

Even if he doesn't participate there still a new function will be added.

Other than that he wants to know what is going to happen if he didn't join the Quest.

It doesn't matter if he participated or not, he still gain something from it.

[Muscular Uncle]: Let's discuss about this Quest further later. I still need to do prepare many thing.

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin)]: Me too.

[Muscular Uncle is offline]

[Greedy Dreamer(Admin) is offline]

With a lot amount of Dimensional Coin Will still can role around 10 more Gatcha, but he wasn't stupid enough to fall into that abyss ever again.


Hopefully not.

"Still, going to another world huh?"

The problem with going to another world is there might be alien agents that cause a foreign disease.

If anyone accidentally carries it and the cure for it can't be created there will be a new pandemic.

Also, the energy from another world might be different or it may react badly to people that not from that world.

For example, in world A people use Qi, while in world B people use Mana.

If the people from world A came to world B, it will be lucky if he or she still can use his or her ability, albeit with a few adjustments.

If he or she can't use his or her ability and became weak, it still wasn't the worse scenario yet.

The worse is if the world reject him or her.

Well, you still able to try to reject your humanity!

No, seriously if the world reject you, you might die, explode, turn into something that came out from Lovecraft's brain, or get called by the entity that protect and watch over the world for a tea party.

Whatever happen, you are screwed if the world reject you.

That is why you should thank Earth-chan for accepting your poisonous existence.

Joke aside, he doesn't know how the world will react to a Campione like him.

No, he even wasn't sure how his own Earth react to his existence.

So far so good, no sudden large-scale natural disaster which sign the arrival of a Heretic God nor an organization agent approaching him.

Well, he wasn't sure if he is being spied on or not.

Since he didn't get a visit or an invitation from an unknown figure the supernatural world most likely hasn't found any clue yet.

Next, is the wolfman.

Since he put it in a cryogenic sleep it still alive but wasn't conscious.

Will begin to think about who should go for this Quest when realize that his phone ring.

He see who is calling him.


Seeing the name of the caller Will get annoyed.

"Hello, big sis what problem did you cause this time?"

"Hah?! What are you talking about?! This beautiful and kind older sister call you not because I have a problem, got it?!" She denies his accuse with an angry tone.

Hearing this Will role his eyes.

"Then what do you want me to do?" He ask her back.

"Hehe... You see I need you to babysit your 5 nieces this tomorrow."

Will suddenly remember 4 brats he see when she marries her husband and the baby she gives birth to around 2 years ago.

And of course, the poor guy who has married 3 times in the past before he marries once again, this time with her.

"Okay, fine. But I want to know-"

"Sorry, gotta go!"

Before he can ask her, she cut off his call.

Just like how she always do in the past.

"I feel bad for her husband. Still that women are still annoying as ever. If we aren't family I wouldn't answer her call and want to take care of those brats."