
System user who also happens to be a Dimensional Chat Group Admin.

MC was no one special, but he wishes to be rich and spend the rest of his life peacefully. One day a semi-transparent blue screen appears in front of him. [Do you want to be strong?] "Nah, I am too lazy to train or walk the path to be the strongest or something." [...] [What about a harem of beautiful girls?] [You must want that, right?] "I am sorry, but I don't think I can handle a harem." [...] [You can be a King- No, an Emperor!] "No way, why would I want to spend my time to make other life easier?" [...] [You can be a God!] "That sounds way worse than the last one." [...] [You can be rich like no other] "Now we're talking! When do I start?" [...] [Do you want to open your Starter Pack?] "Can I sell it for money?" [...] [Host, your greed is beyond what I expected] "Hey! You promise me that I can make money!" [...]

SlothElephant2k18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Martha Clarke (Formerly Fitzgerald), Will's cousin is a young woman with a cheerful personality.

Will are very close with her since she is always honest and don't hide secret (Well it's more like she was bad at hiding secret).

She never forces anything on anyone and hates to be told what to do or what to be.

If there is anything he hates about her is that she is very childish and likes to play a lot.

3 years ago she marry with a man who has divorced 3 times.

Her husband also several years older, 10 or 12 years if he not wrong. Which makes him technically a loli-con.

Wait, since this is US of A he should be called a pedophile.

Joke aside that man amaze Will for marrying Martha, and even able to have a kid with her.

*Ding Dong*

"Wait a sec, I am coming!" Shout a young girl from inside the house.

The door open by a little girl, she looks 11 or 12 years old.

She has short red hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Oh, you are here! Come in! Come in!"

The girl quickly grab Will's left hand and drag him inside the house.

It's not like she can make him budge even a bit, but Will just let her.

After all, she is one of his nieces.

"Thank God you are here, take this note, follow it. I will be back at 07:05 PM." His cousin, Martha said to him while fixing her husband's tie.

Her husband, Harold gives Will an apologetic look.

"Wi-Will, I.. um..."

"Nah, it's okay, I understand that this Goofy forget to look for a nanny." He said to him with a kind smile.

"Hey! Why do you treat me differently?!"

Will ignore Martha's complaint and look at all of his nieces.

1st child, birth by his brother-in-law's first wife. Sarah Clarke. She is 11 years old girl with brown hair, styled in Bob cut.

Her dark brown stare at him intensely.

2nd child, also birth by his brother-in-law's first wife. Hannah Clarke. She is 10 years old girl with a naïve and pure look.

She, unlike her biological older sister, inherits her Mother's blond hair.

3rd child, birth by his brother-in-law's second wife. The girl who welcome him, then drag him into the house before, Odette Clarke.

She is an active 9 years old girl that prefer to dress like a boy rather than being seen in cute clothes.

And lastly, the youngest of them all, the daughter of his not so intellectual cousin, little Phoebe Clarke. 2 years old

She, similar to her mother and uncle has black hair, but she gets her Father's blue eyes, just like Odette, instead of her Mother's green eyes.

"Well, you brats remember from the wedding day, right?"

"Who do you call a brat?!" Sarah complain to him.

"*Sigh* Sarah, dear don't argue with this guy, he will only make you get angrier." Martha advise her step-daughter.

"Martha, the taxi is here!" Harold shout at Martha as he get into the taxi.

Martha give a kiss on the forehead to each of her daughters before joining her husband in the taxi.

Will carry Phoebe who want to wave at her parents.

"Dada! Mama!" Phoebe shout at them

"Bye! Don't cause a problem for brother-in-law!" Will follow not long after her.

Suddenly Will phone (His normal phone) play Woody Woodpecker laugh.

Which mean his cousin send him a message.

He take out it and see if she really send a message to him.

[You son of a puppy!]

Will chuckle seeing this.

The Martha he know would give him the middle finger, but she doesn't want to be a bad example for her daughter so she send him a message instead.

Just in case her daughters see her message she replace Bitch with a puppy.

Will feel a small hand patting his cheek.

"Hum? What's up Phoebe?"

Phoebe lookup.

"*Chuckle* I mean what do you want?"

"Ho? Ho? Ho?"

Fail to understand what does she want, Will tilt his head.

He give his other nieces a questioning look.

"I think she tries to ask who are you?" Odette answer him with an unsure tone.

'You just ask me now?'

"Well, I am the person who your silly mother will call when she need someone to give her a hand, but can't find anyone soon." He reply while indirectly mock his cousin.

"Gho busta?"

"I think she call you Ghost Buster." Once again Odette translate Phoebe question.

Will was surprised that they know about Ghost Buster until he remember that there was a remake version.

"Do you guys the 80's version?"

"The what now?"

Odette question answer it.

They only watch the remake.

"Forget it. Let's get inside and see what your mothers wanted me to do."

As they enter the house Will feel Sarah still stare at him intensely.

When he peek at her, she looks in another direction.

'Are they really step-daughter and step-mother, not biological parent and child? They are too similar!'

Will begin to finish all the job on the list with Sarah and Odette help (Which is close to none, but he won't tell them).

While Hannah watch over Phoebe.

It was at 04:15, they (More like Will) have finished everything on the list.

"Ah! I am tired!" Odette say as she fall on the sofa.

"That is why you should just help Hannah, just like I told you to, brat." He say to her before sit next to her.

"Uncle, how can you look find?"

Odette begin to check on her uncle's body.

'As the peak of humanity, this much is nothing for me, but there is no way I can tell her that.'

"You are still a kid, of course, your stamina is lower than mine." He give her an excuse.

Odette doesn't seem to be happy with his answer climb to his back.

Her hands circle his neck and her legs on his body.

"If you are so strong carry me!"

Will smirk at her and stand up.

He begin to carry her around the house.

Phoebe see this and ask to be carried to.

"Un-coh! Un-coh!"

"Don't want to! Uncle is my ride!"

Not want to get down Odette tighten her hold.

Not getting what she want, Phoebe begin to cry loudly.

To stop her cry Will carry her with his arm.

'So this is wow it feels like, to actually have a family, huh?' Will wonder in his mind.

A smile appear on his face.

[Time Skip]

All of them were watching TV, waiting for Martha to come home but Will can feel Sarah keep looking at him.

He stand up and walk to the kitchen.

As he expect Sarah follow him from behind.

"So what do you want to ask?"

Sarah was surprised by Will sudden question.

He doesn't look back and open the refrigerator to take out a carton of milk.

"Why Mother Martha never want to talk about anyone from her family except you?"

"Even she and Father marry, her only family members that present is you."

Will almost laugh, he even spill the milk in his mouth a bit.

He swallows all the milk and wipe his mouth.

"Just that?"


He take a deep breath and sigh.

"The truth is, our family are like machines, only do the thing they must do."

Fail to understand what Will words mean Sarah tilts her head.

"A husband has to work and make money for the family. A wife has to take care of the children, clean the house, prepare food, etc. While children have to grow and prepare to be like their parents in the future."

Will's face change and give the sense of melancholy in Sarah eyes.

She want to know what has experienced, which make him show a face like that.

"I grow up under the illusion that I am a worthless human because of my parents. I was lucky I have my friends and that Goofy, they teach me how to accept myself."

"But she has it worse. She doesn't have anyone to help her, she is on her own. Hate to admit it, but I look up to that Goofy."

"But don't tell her that, she will use it to tease for months if she ever know I say that."

Sarah chuckle at her new uncle's behavior.

Still, there is something she keep in her heart.

"But, they are your family right?"

Will hand pad her head gently.

Her question so simple, so pure, so innocent.

Something that can only come out from the mouth of a child.

"A Family is not tied by blood, by deal, nor by agreement. Family is people that accept and welcome each other."

Will get on his knees and hug her.

"The rest of you can join us."

From behind the rest of his nieces run at them and join the hug.

"A group hug! Let me join!"

Shout Martha who just came home.

[After that]

"Uncle if you visit in the future buy me a cake!"

"Forget it. This stingy guy won't even waste a single penny!"

Will was about to go home, but instead of saying goodbye to him, Odette making a request to him.

Of course, his favorite family member use this chance to mock him.

Which earn her a hand chop at her forehead.

"I am not stingy, I am just greedy." He say to her with a kind smile.

"What's the difference?!"

"Also, buying a cake for my nieces is not wasting money, I am spending it for her."

Martha remember 4 years ago she asked him to buy a cake for her birthday.


Will and Martha were playing Uno, the result is Martha's victory with 12 cards on Will hand.

As the agreement before they play, the winner has the right to give one order to the winner.

"Will buy me a cake for my birthday!"

"Eh, why should I?"

"Just buy it for me!"

He open his palm in front of her, waiting for her to give him money.

"Buy it for me using your money!"

He nod at her.

He did bring a cake, but it was an instant cake he made by himself.

"But why did he make a cake, instead of buying it for me?"

"It's more special if I make it for you."


She wasn't sure should she be happy that he make it for her because she know he just doesn't want to pay for a cake and make an instant cake instead.

At least the cake was good.

[Back to the present(Future)]

"Yeah... sure... But hey, if you don't feel comfortable living at that house, you can always join us here."

"Nah, I am cool. Later brats!"

He quickly run before Sarah can complain to him.

Martha was laughing until she realise something.

"Wait, me too?!" She shout with her left hand pointing at herself, while her other hand still carry little Phoebe.


[How Will remember 4 years ago]

Like usual Martha ask him to play Uno with her.

But this time she make a bet.

The winner can give the loser one order.

Will let her win by keep adding cards to his hand, even though he has several good cards.

For example 2 skip cards, 1 reverse card, 1 wild card, and 3 draw 2 card.

"Will buy me a cake for my birthday!"

He of course quickly regret it and try to make her pay for the cake.

Sadly she force him to buy one.

Will agree, since she buy him cakes for his birthday since he was 7.

But he got a stupid idea.

He want to make one.

After losing so much money to buy the ingredients he give up and buy an instant one.

He was so embraced by it, but he doesn't show it to her.

He swear he will make a cake and give it to her in the future.

[In the future]

"Uncle if you visit in the future buy me a cake!"

At that moment Will see a chance to show how great his cake is.

Which is at the level it was good enough to be sold at a bakery.

As Will walks away from his cousin house his face turn ugly.

"Here we go again. Return to my personal hell."