

"You are too overpowered. Your existence poses a great threat to my son and daughter of fate. I had no other choice but to kill you." This was the voice of God he heard when he was about to enter the door of death. "A tragic oped character, sigh, its a very popular trend right now. The normal cliche of losing all your loved ones, an illegitimate son of a noble household, possessing overwhelming magic, good looks and what not. But as I kept writing I realised I made you way too oped, to the point your existence became a threat to the plot." The voice of god spoke to him again. "...Are you the one who killed my family?" He asked back with a blank expression. "Yes." Spoke the voice again. This simple one sentence angered him to the point he fought harder against his predestined death. He was enraged. The death of his family was orchestrated by this damn god, his life made miserable and painful, so he had to rise again, back on his two feets so he could destroy the god's world. And so he did. He rose again, defeating his death. Then he had his revenge by almost destroying the world. Almost!!! Before he could lead to the death of the Male and the female lead a thing called system was bounded to his soul. He was forced to leave his world and enter many different worlds. "Well, Unfreeze the OOC!" He demanded with a malicious grin on his face. He had to have his revenge. But most important of all, he had to be the one incharge of his characters. "......." The system shivered at his words, its invisible eyes bulging out. Unbeknownst to him, a GOD had embarked on a journey to a portal of unknown origin right at the time when he was entering a new world. "Oh fuck!" He cursed as he realised a dangerous point. "This is not the protagonist! Who is he?" Novel cover: Drawn by me aka @pushisinung

pushisinung · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
112 Chs


A sudden voice spoke amidst the heated debate. Everyone turned their heads to see the face of the person who has spoken those outrageous words. But when they saw who it was all of them shut their mouths.

Long light blue hair, glossy and wavy. Violet eyes fanned by long lashes. With a red petal mark on his neck. Everyone knew who he was.

Xiao Ming frowned. "Sheng Yan what do you mean? Its clear as day that Lord Mao has indeed tried to sully Yue Ling's body."

Nulis was dumbfounded by how partial this world was towards this damn white lotus. He saw his partner walking over as he spoke, his voice loud and clear.

"An offence Such sexual harassment cannot be taken lightly. For this matter, before drawing any conclusion its important to hear the complete story of both the parties."

Ivar stared at the crowd of people. "Did anyone asked Lord Mao or gave him the chance to explain what exactly happened? Or did any of you saw the entire thing from the start to the end with your own eyes? Or did Yue Ling say that Lord Mao was sexually harassing him?"

The love interests frowned at his words. How dare this ger! How dare he try to sully their angel's purity.

Ivar then dropped the bomb. "Who were the first people to arrive here?"

The crowd looked at each other.

"It was us." Spoke somone. They raised their hand. It was a group of three people. Two girls and one boy.

Ivar faked a pause. He then asked them. "What exactly was the scene when you three arrived here?"

The three looked at each other before speaking.

"When we were walking by we saw Yue Ling fall into Lord Mao's arms. Lord Mao was encircling one of his arm on Yue Ling's back."


The boy continued to reply. "It seemed Yue Ling tripped on his leg. And Lord Mao prevented him from falling onto the ground."

Evryone began whispering.

Ivar kept a very serious expression on his face. He then emphasized his next words louder. "You mean Lord Mao didn't pull Yue ling towards himself but it was Yue Ling who tripped on his leg and lord Mao who happened to be near him saved him from the fall?"

The three people glanced at each other, their faces confused as they replied slowly.

"Y....ye...yes...that's what happened when we saw it."

The head master and the teachers were taken aback. Turning to Yue ling the head master asked. "Yue Ling, is it true that you tripped and Lord Mao helped you?"

Yue Ling blushed hard as he replied shyly, scratching his nape. "Ye...yes...Lord Mao helped me from hitting the ground."

Ivar snorted at this rotten white lotus. Thanks to him it was going to be easier for him to instigate his plan.

"Yue Ling if that was the case then why didn't you say so? You should have spoken up for the person who saved you from falling down?"

Yue Ling was surprised when Sheng Yan threw that question at him. He found that everyone was staring at him, their gazes locked onto him. He blushed even harder as he hid behind Xiao Ming's body.

Ivar paid him no heed. His target today was the crowd not that white lotus.

"Then how come you guys were accusing Lord Mao of such a heinous crime?"

Everybody froze. They looked at each other. Everyone displayed the sudden confusion they were going through. Right. How did they suddenly started to accuse Lord Mao of sexual assaulting their angel? They looked at each other.

"Ah!" One of them exclaimed. "It was him! It was him who started it first. He was the one who shouted that Lord Mao was trying to violate Yue Ling."

Evryone stared at the person being pointed out.

The person who was recieving the attention of the crowd suddenly became nervous.

"I....I...." He stuttered. "It was because.....Yue Ling kept bowing his head saying he was sorry, with a face as if he was wronged...so I just assumed that he was being bullied...so I just..."

"Wait." Ivar interrupted him. "Did you just said that you assumed? Without knowing the whole story you assumed that Lord Mao was harassing Yue Ling?"

"!!" The person was rendered speechless. Oh my god! He thought to himself. Realising that his reply was putting him on a tight spot he just hung his head down.

"Wait is that what happened?"

"Eh? Then....Lord Mao really didn't do anything bad to Yue Ling?"

"Wait....why did we even got so riled up into this whole thing?"

The love interests could feel the thoughts of the crowd shifting elsewhere.

"Hah. Enough. If the thing has been cleared let's just leave at that. Its just a small dispute." Lord Chen was distressed to see his love being on the spotlight.

Ivar slanted his eyes at this damn love interest. He raised his brow at him.

"A small dispute? Lord Chen, you do realise that if things were to take its course the way they were Lord Mao would have been punished severely and kicked out of the academy, with his reputation tarnished! The question of person's life was on the line and you think it's just a small dispute?"

Lord Mao who was feeling touched by Sheng Yan's words began to cry. He started sobbing deeply touched by him.

"I...I...." He choked as he spoke. "No body wanted to listen to my side of the story. They all kept yelling that I sexually assaulted Yue Ling when I didn't even do that and without given the chance to speak even the head master was going to punish me...sobs..sobs..."

The crowd heard him relieve his grievances. Even the grand master flinched.

Ivar kept the momentum going. "If the story of the enitre incident wasn't brought to light Lord Mao would have had his life ruined for the worst. An innocent person's life would have been ruined just because of a momentary misunderstanding. Is it a joke to you all?"

The crowd began to doubt their thoughts. What Sheng Yan was saying was indeed right. They one sidedly decided that Lord Mao was the bad guy without giving him a chance to speak. Moreover they even said bad things to lord Mao who was known for being a kind humble man. If, perhaps, if Sheng Yan hadn't come they would have caused an innocent man's life a huge damage. They would have ruined an innocent man whose fault was that he helped Yue Ling from a fall. Now that they thought about it...it was strange.

Why didn't Yue Ling tried to clear the misunderstanding then? Why didn't he speak a word when Lord Mao, the man who had helped him was being falsely accused? Their eyes steered towards Yue Ling, their questioning gaze obvious to the love interests.

Even the head master was alarmed. He have realised that he was being very biased and narrow minded in this case. "Yue Ling...why didn't you tell us that Lord Mao was innocent?"

"That's right. Why didn't he stand up for the man who helped him?

"Why didn't he say anything even when the head master spoke him to do so?"

"Why isn't he replying."

Yue Ling was once again dumbfounded. He have never been questioned like this before. Everytime something like this happened the fault lied on the other person. Like how Miss Xin was the one at fault for bumping onto him or how Lord Yu was the bad guy who tired to seduce him. It was always like that. But now that he was actually being asked, his mind was in a mess thinking how to reply. He shut his eyes tight, hugging Lord Jing tightly.

Then he shouted loud and clear.

"I...I...it was because everyone was saying Lord Mao was in the wrong so I...I...just.....I am sorry. I am sorry!"

Clap. Clap. Clap. Ivar was very pleased with this white lotus's reply. Very good! It was beyond his expectations! The answer was going to add more fuel to the fire.

When Yue Ling began to apologies saying how sorry he was, repeating the same sentence over and over again, everyone got uncomfortable. It was as if they had done something bad to him. Also, the princes were glaring at them as if they had done something very bad to Yue Ling when all they did was ask for an explanation from him.

"Hah. Let's call it off." Lord Mu irked at the crowd. His eyes grazed past the initiator of the while thing. Sheng Yan! That snake!

Xiao Ming glared at the crowd. "I will take Yue Ling back to his home. He needs rest."

The princes left with Yue Ling. Before leaving they glared at the crowd of people, their eyes leaking with hostility.

Everyone flinched.

"What exactly happened?"

"I don't know."

"The princes....did we do something wrong?"

"Wait...did Yue Ling..."

The eggs of doubts have been planted. Once the thing called human doubt was to take root it would only keep on growing.

Ivar was very pleased with the outcome of this ordeal. That white lotus bitch in heat made it easier for him to achieve this satisfactory result. Now....the halo of the protagonist could be shaken off little by little.

"Nulis, did you plant those worms into those bastards?" He talked in his mind.

"Yes. It was a piece of cake given that they were so distracted and mentally defenseless." The system replied.

Ivar felt his lips curl up. Good job!

"Than...thank you so much. Wuwuwu.... If not for you I....my life would have been ruined. Thank you so much master Sheng."

Ivar heard a crying man speak to him, thanking him deeply. Lord Mao kept on bowing his head to him, emphasizing on how he have saved him from the ruins of hell.

The head master and the teachers watching shook their heads. They were about to ruin an innocent man. They were so Coles to doing so! So close!

"Wait...I feel like this kind of scene have happened before."

One of the people from the crowd spoke.

When he did so a long pause silenced them.

No one spoke out what they were thinking about.

But what they were thinking in their petty little head made Ivar's mood rise drastically.

Pang! Zingggg!

"Bar! My babe!"

Ivar felt his body shake up. Before he could barely contain himself his body was already running towards that voice...towards that person who was finally standing before him.

"Wang Lei!" He shouted frantically as he ran towards his man.

When they closed the little distance between them Ivar threw his body at the taller man, his arms encircling around his Wang Lei's broad shoulders. The other person also encircled his arms around Ivar's lean waist, pulling him closer to himself, hugging him tightly in his embrace.

"Hng...Wang Lei..." Ivar purred happily. His cheeks were blushing with a light shade, his red lips curving up beautifully, forming a beautiful smile. He parted his face to look at his man. When he did so, his eyes were rippling with an indulging, sweet look, his gaze soft, the cold face of his current body lighting up with a bright look as he smiled at his lover.

"Wang Lei...I missed you!"

His smile was so radiant, shinning under the gleaming sunlight as if he was going to melt with it.

Guang Wang Lei could hear his bar purring at him lovingly. He put his other hand around Ivar's back while his other hand tilted his Kitty's chin towards him.

"Kitty kitty....I missed you too." He was also beaming with a sweet intoxicating smile.

The crowd who saw this froze.

Everyone froze when they saw the two people embracing each other tightly.

Sheng Yan, the ice king was smiling so radiantly as if he was a flower in full bloom melting into the sun rays. The beautiful smile on his face was something they couldn't even imagine in their wildest dreams. That cold Sheng Yan was making such a warm, sweet, enchanting face.

What's more shocking was the identity of the other person.

The infamous bloodthirsty emperor was making such an indulging face directed towards the person he was hugging.

What the fuck! Did their eyes finally went nuts?

Well here is the next chap! Hehe. Our pair finally reunited.

pushisinungcreators' thoughts