
System Seller

When the richest man in the world know that all the power and money he achieved in his life are only a test that his parents put him for Inheriting the power of the two strongest gods.

Simo2013 · Guerra
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1 Chs

The Beginning


Inside the capital ,Which is known for its

mdemographics and bustle. but not today when many street is empty.

Why because today when the most famous

company in the world will be listed.

The first company worth a trillion dollars.

In front of a skyscraper, thousands of people gathered, if not say ten thousands people of various nationalities, whether they were the press, businessmen or citizens. all of them look at the men above the platform With worship and respect. This men is the boss of the company who make a legend In the world with his efforts and intelligent built the strongest company in the world without a help

or shareholders.

The Megatron Wei


the emperor Wei William

When the men stood up all the audience become quiet.

"Hello everyone I am glad that many people have come " William said and continue "but today the company will not be listed "

When the emperor said that many people shocked and begin to talk and ask what happened.

"Silence please I know that really shocking but that's true. this month when the company become the largest and strongest in the world. I feel happy for serval minutes and I have release that's is not what I really want. Many people here know that I am orphan

when I was young I envy the richest people who have many friends and wife and family and I thought that the money is the reason for that I chased after that and I worked hard for that and pushed many people who care about me for being afraid of betrayal and treason

and now look at me I am just lonely ghost who have no wife or children. many people would say your liar you just have to say a word and many beautiful woman would throw themselves in my embrace but for what for my money or something else but I could without Doubt it's not for love " The emperor paused and laughed many about the world or himself and say " for that today I annoce that the whole moeny would given to the orphanage and the poor country in the whole world and.. "

but before he could finish his speak the world seems like the time freeze and a arrogance laughter in his mind.when he heat that he felt like his mind would explode.

" Shut up the you want our child to feel such pain in our first meeting " When William hear that voice his body shaking and his pain diseapaire but he didn't know why he suddenly became cry.

"my child I thought that you would peaceful life but it's seem that would not be"

before the women could finish the arrogance voice come back " what peacefull you say how could the son of the law god leave like.. "

" I said shut up" the women said and stop the men from speak and turned to William and look at him with eyes full of love " William I have no time for that you have to make your decision "

William Said with confusion " what mother I am orphan and what decision "

the woman said " I am really your mother and this men is your father but we are in hurry you should decide the you wannt come back 20 years back in time but the earth will change and that's is not because of you or you want to fight and in some day if you have enough strength we will meet "

when William heard this he taught that is some prank but when he see the freezing time he know that is true he take a deep breath and said " I would trust my feelings that told me your really my mother and for back for 20 years back for repeat that life or changet I really want to do it but I shose the second I want to meet you and ask why did you throw me in front the orphanage "

" good haha good that's the spirit haha that's my son haha " the men become to laugh and seem to be very happy and said" so that your decision and I will respect that and for the reason for why we put you in this lowly planet I would tell you for give some motivation for working hard"

after that the Vising of William become black after several minutes or hours he cane open his eyes he find himself in a small room with tow bed's before he could figure what happened the dor opened and a fat boy who l seems in the age of 15 or 16 years enter the room and said " Will Will Will the one peace begin the whitebeard appear in Marin ford wake up hurry you will misset"

When William heare this he know he really come back in the past and this men is his roommate faty Wang. but a this time a sudden pain from the depths of his soul make him wanted to scream after that a tender voice in his head said " Hello The son of The Gods I am your companion in your journey "

mayby because what happened before William not shocked and said "companion . is this what my parents did "

the voice said " Yes I was created by the Creation god for help you"

" Creation god is this my father or my mother" William said

"Before that the you should hear the message that your parent leave to you"

"OK let me heard " William said with interest for the parent who appear of the air and send him back to the past he really want to know

after he heir the voice of his mother " William if you here that message you should make your choice to fight I am and your father really very glad for that . I should explain why we make you live in that lowely planet before that let me introduce myself I am The Creation God Who created The whole life in the world like the human And Your Father is The Law God who make the laws in the whole universe like the law of karma we are both among top ten in the strongest list of god and devil .you know that there are many strong god and devil but there something is the same thing about all of them but no me and your father is you

you should guessit yes all the god and devil can't have a child but you are the miracle in the universe and my miracle but if just my son without anything I will let your father take you but you are not simple you have the same power of creation like me and plus that you have the body of Nothingness of your father .

When you born the universe find you and wanted to kill you . your father use his power to cover you and I take you place when no-one

can find you. Why because tow reason the universe will not allow a person that he can't

control and the second the other gods or devils if they now that you are the son of tow god they would catch you and research why you are special and we can't fight the god world and devil world we don't have that power.

for that we did what we did and I believe some day you would come back and reunion

our family.

And I create A Helper for you and I put all my knowledge and your father in her and let her help you to use your power and explain the things that you don't know

by my miracle. I love you

after William read this he wanted to cry in the first time he feel the feeling of having a parents

"Oyy Will I am talking to you " fatty Wang said after seem no response

"OK OK let's see if Whitebeard can save Ace "

William said to The faty