
System overdrive

An age where gods rule the world. People are blessed by the system. Only one man isn't. This man, however, will change the world and the destiny of many lives.

Hi_am_idiot123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 3

A man can be seen laying on top of a mountain of corpses. He drops the head of a nameless man and looks up at the sky.

"So you are finally here." He smiles and jumps off. He stretches and gets ready to leave. Right before that, a demonic bird comes to visit him. A deep, raspy voice comes out of it.

"You have everything ready?"

The man nods and tries to make the bird leave. The bird doesn't budge.

"Look, I have everything ready. I just want him to make the first move. I will destroy the tree, and that will be your sign."

The bird nods and leaves. The man sighs and sits down. He gets a lighter and cigarette. He enjoys the view of the sky.

"Time to see what you have in store for me, Uzma."


It's been seven weeks or so since Uzma came to the great foundation. Him and the top players have gotten well decently. Mostly because he doesn't try to get on their business or anything, he is focused on one thing, and that's how to counter him.

"If I remember correctly, he uses a lot of spears."

He swings his sword, and he swings. This is the only thing he can do. To others, he is strong. He was even called a god by many. But he knows the truth. He is still weak. He keeps swinging. Each swing is a reason to keep going. He has to keep getting stronger.

"You sure look stressed out." Dacia hands him a water bottle. He takes it and drinks it. He doesn't know how long he has been swinging for. Must have been hours.


"Man, you sure aren't talkative unless it's something serious."

Uzma doesn't say anything and keeps drinking the water. If he is being honest, he wants her to leave. He sees no reason for them to talk outside of the "job."

"Have we met before?"

She asks him. This time, with kindness in her voice. He is taken aback from this. He doesn't know how to respond. If he answered honestly, the same thing would happen again. He just says no and ends it there.

"This is boring. Let's go somewhere."

"Fine, I guess I can kill time."

She gets up and leads the way. He follows her like a lost child. He just wants to get this over with in a way. His thoughts are coming back. He doesn't want to think too hard. He can't. Those memories are going to come back if he does.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh?!" Before he knew it. They are in front of an ice cream stand. She passes him his cone and sits down.

"You've had a troubled look on your face."

"Don't worry."

He is only thinking of one thing. He doesn't want her to speak. He knows what's going to come of her mouth. He doesn't want to hear those words again. Anything but that.

"How can I put this. I feel we met before.."


"I feel I know you. Like we had a deeper bond. It's weird. I feel you know everything about me, not just me. Everyone else, too."

He doesn't know how to respond. He stays quiet. His throat feels dry.

"Hello there, old friend."

A man with brown hair is in front of them. His handsome face can make anyone blush. His smile was the purest you saw. Uzma stares at him.

"Calm down. All I want is to say hello to an old friend." He takes out a spear. Uzma grabs it with his fingers. They stare at each other.

"Don't try Dacia."

She was about to take out her dagger. But for some reason, she can't move. Being near this man is like being near death itself. At any moment, she can lose her life. The man makes the spear disappear.

"Let's get this story going, shall we?"

"Don't try anything stupid. You're lucky I am holding back."

"I can say the same to you!"

"You know what's funny, Uzma. Remember that time you asked me why I do all of this?"

He doesn't say anything. Because he knows his answer.

"I do it for fun at this point."

Uzma let's out a small percentage of his magic. It makes Dacia tremble. This isn't a human. She doesn't know how to describe it. The worst part is that both of them are doing it. Uzma tells her to go back to the rest.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now run." Sparks fly. Both start swinging their weapons at each other. He forgot how good Uzma is. This makes the man smile. He spins his spear and lets out a fury of attacks.

Each strike is capable of destroying everything in its path. Uzma grabs the man face and takes the fight somewhere else. He throws him somewhere randomly. The man smiles at him.

"You didn't lose your touch after all!"

Both tighten the grip on their weapons, and they breathe in and strike. The area around them gets destroyed. The earth around them trembles. Uzma is trying not to use his full power. Both are holding back. They are just testing the waters.

"So, when are you going to take me seriously? Are we just going to waste time here?"

Uzma takes out a spear as well. He puts his sword in his inventory and goes into a stance. Both spin their spears, both weapons touch tips. The ground around them shakes once again. Both start launching heavy attacks on each other.

Their spears are about to break. Uzma starts to think. How can he get out of this? Easy. just go all out. He takes a deep breath. Before he can launch an attack. His right arm is destroyed. Uzma starts laughing, he regrows his arm, and punches the man in the face. He then stabs him multiple times.

Each wound is the size of a hole. The man just heals these wounds. This is why Uzma fears him. Everyone thinks he is the only person hated by the gods, not blessed by the system. There is one more, however. A man far more terrifying than him, a man who can kill gods with no effort. This man is named:


"Good to hear my name out of your mouth, PAL!"

Suddenly, multiple spears come out of thin air. Anax smiles at him. Uzma can't escape. He will need to do something quickly to minimize the damage. He tries to stab him quickly. Both get impaled in a second.

"I thought you would be more fun!"

"Stay where you are!" A white armored knight booms out. His sword in hand. Ready to strike at any moment.

"Hello Agapios, it's been a while!"


Before he knew it, Anax was in front of him. He js about to stab him.


Uzma's sword blocks the blow. He is still bleeding all over. Anax can tell what he did. He took out the spears one by one roughly. This is why he respects him, the only man who can keep up with a monster like him.

"FUCK SAKE. CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" Uzma screams out, his sword breaks and he takes the hit for Agapios. He tries not to cough up blood.

"Really, you really holding back? Why?"

Uzma smirks at him.

"They would get angry if I destroyed this country."

Agapios cuts Anax's arm off. His arm regrows, more slowly this time. He laughs.

"No matter how many times I get cut down, the holy knight class never fails to impress me!"

Agapios tries not to show emotion, but he is clearly surprised. In this world. People can be divided into classes, and each class has its benefits and disadvantages. Each class also has a "class skill." Depending what class you get is either by how you train or it's given to you. Holy Knight is one of those classes given to you. And a rare one at that.

It's common for players to hide their classes. So they don't know their weaknesses. So when someone says your class right away is uncommon, especially for a rare class like Holy Knight.

This means Anax knows every weakness Agapios has and more. The knight doesn't realize how much in danger he is in. But Uzma knows, after all. They are the same. Both are ------.

They went through the same hell together, and they ------ the same number of times. Wait, why can't he say it? It's a simple word, really, so why can't he say it? What's wrong with him? He gets a message from the system. The first message he has ever gotten since the first ----.
