
System Genesis: The Programmer's Awakening

Author note: I will stop posting for a while. I'm rewriting a few chapters to make the story flow better, after getting some comments on it, and will try to com back as soon as I'm done. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. [ Compilation successful ] Raven Noir has completed the perfect game system, a masterpiece of programming unparalleled in human history. Unbeknownst to him, this achievement marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey across multiple worlds. When a certain entity takes an interest in his system and bestows it upon him, [@#$#@ has taken a keen interest in your system, drawn to its unparalleled perfectionism] [@#$#@ decided to bestow upon you the very system you created] [@#$#@ wishes you the best of luck on your journey]

aab172 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The Goblins Threat

After Raven defeated the wolves, he went to another tree far from the place he was at.

He knew that the smell of the dead wolves would attract unwanted attention and might put him in danger.

After finding a splendid tree, he started climbing it to be at a suitable distance from the forest ground, trying to be as stealthy as possible.


'Time to check the stats I gained from the previous battle'


After he unmuted the notifications, the system windows started popping up one after the other.


[You have killed a thorned rabbit

Your strength has increased by 0.001]


[You have killed a thorned rabbit

Your agility has increased by 0.001]


[You have killed a thorned rabbit

Your agility has increased by 0.001]


[You have killed a thorned rabbit

Your dexterity has increased by 0.001]


[You have killed a thorned rabbit

Your agility has increased by 0.001]




[Congratulations on your first time defeating the bloodfang Wolf ]


[You have killed a bloodfang wolf

Your strength has increased by 0.05]


[You have killed a bloodfang wolf

Your strength has increased by 0.05]]


[You have killed a bloodfang wolf

Your agility has increased by 0.05]


[You have killed a bloodfang wolf

Your stamina has increased by 0.05]


[You have killed a bloodfang wolf

Your strength has increased by 0.05]



"So each monster can increase my stats differently, and each one can increase stats similar to its body."


"And to think that the way of killing it doesn't matter is great. Well, as long as I'm the one who fired the spears, I'm very glad I made it this way."


"Status window"



Name: Raven Noir.

Species: Human (from Earth).

Title(s): System Maker.

Lv: 1

{HP: 700/700, MP: 50/50}

Stamina : 10.05

STR: 8.151

DEX: 9.001

AGI: 8.053

CON: 6

WIS: 10

INT: 15

MAG: 5

Status Effect: null

Skill(s): ?, Deadly shot

Achievement(s): none

Mission(s) completed: none

Mission(s) initiated: First mission]


Raven was checking his status window and the notification while relaxing on top of a tree. Then, he heard something unusual.


"What are these metal clashing sounds I'm hearing?".

Raven mused, his curiosity piqued.

The cacophony of screams, shouts, and growls mingled with the unmistakable clang of metal on metal, echoing through the dense foliage.

With a silent resolve, Raven made a decision. Whatever lay ahead, he was determined to investigate.

For in this new world of unknowns, every sound and every shadow held the potential for discovery, for danger, and perhaps even for opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, Raven prepared himself for what lay ahead.

With a swift leap from the safety of the branches, he descended to the forest floor below, his senses alert and his heart filled with anticipation.

The clashing metal sounds grew louder with each step, guiding him towards the heart of the chaos.

As he moved closer to the source of the disturbance, Raven's pulse quickened, his instincts sharpening in anticipation of what awaited him.

Little did he know, the encounter that lay ahead would challenge not only his strength and skill but also his perception of this new world and his place within it.

Raven followed the noise and came upon a chaotic scene.

A group of aggressive goblins surrounded a human family. The father, wielding a sword with unsteady hands, fought desperately to defend his loved ones.

His strikes lacked finesse, but his determination was evident as he faced off against the encroaching goblins.

Beside him, his two daughters cried out in fear, huddling close together, while his son stood bravely in front of them, arms outstretched in a protective stance.

Despite his young age, the boy showed remarkable courage, determined to shield his sisters from harm.

Amidst the fray, a lone goblin fought alongside the family with a sad look on his face, defying its kin as it defended the humans from the rest of the goblin horde.

On the outskirts of the conflict, the mother's hands glowed with a mysterious light as she chanted incantations, trying to shield her family and the lone goblin from harm.

Raven watched the scene unfold, feeling a surge of empathy and determination.

He knew he had to help them, even though he was just a newcomer to this world. With a silent vow, he prepared to join the fray and lend his strength to their defense.

As Raven hastened toward the struggling family, his senses heightened, taking in every detail of the chaotic scene. With each step, he calculated his approach, ensuring he didn't miss any potential threats or opportunities to assist.

As he closed the distance, Raven retrieved one of his spears, holding it at the ready while he observed the unfolding battle. The father's valiant efforts, the children's fear, and the mother's protective magic all painted a vivid picture of the family's plight.

With a determined grimace, Raven steadied his aim, focusing on the nearest goblin threatening the family.

He took a deep breath, his movements precise and deliberate, and launched the spear with all his might, aiming to eliminate the immediate threat and provide much-needed relief to the beleaguered family.

As Raven's spear sailed through the air, his heart raced with anticipation, hoping to deliver a decisive blow to the menacing goblin.

However, to his dismay, the spear missed its mark by a hair's width, only managing to scratch the goblin's side.

Undeterred by the near miss, Raven pressed forward, closing the distance between himself and the struggling family.

With each step, he remained vigilant, scanning the chaotic scene for any signs of danger or opportunity.

As he drew nearer, Raven could see the father's valiant efforts to fend off the goblins with his sword, despite his limited skill.

The children's cries pierced the air, heightening Raven's resolve to protect them.

With a determined grit, Raven prepared to engage the goblins directly, knowing that he couldn't afford another missed opportunity to help the besieged family.

Adjusting his grip on another spear, he prepared himself for whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to make every strike count.

As Raven sprinted towards the family with lightning speed, his heart pounded in his chest, fueled by a potent mixture of adrenaline and determination. With each stride, he closed the gap between himself and the desperate scene unfolding before him.

The children's eyes widened in astonishment as they caught sight of Raven's swift approach. Their faces, etched with fear and desperation, lit up with a glimmer of hope as they realized help was at hand.

With his muscles coiled like springs, ready to unleash their power, Raven retrieved another spear from his back, his movements fluid and precise even in the midst of chaos. As he poised to launch the spear, his focus narrowed, blocking out all distractions except for the task at hand.

With a swift and practiced motion, Raven hurled the spear towards the nearest goblin, his aim honed by relentless training and unwavering determination. As the spear hurtled through the air, it seemed to slice through the tension like a knife.

The spear found its mark, piercing the goblin's chest with deadly accuracy.

The creature let out his final scream before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

Raven's heart swelled with relief as he defeated the first goblin, but he knew it was no time to celebrate his short victory while the family was still in grave danger.

He prepared himself for the next attack, took out yet another spear, and aimed at his next target.

As Raven fought alongside the family, a sudden wave of warmth enveloped him, sending tingles of energy coursing through his veins. Surprised by the sensation, he glanced around, searching for the source of this unexpected magic.

His gaze fell upon the mother, her outstretched hand glowing with a gentle light as she chanted incantations under her breath.

Raven realized that she was casting a magical buff aimed at bolstering his strength and resilience in the midst of battle.

Gratitude welled up within him as he felt the effects of the spell taking hold.

With a nod of appreciation towards the mother, Raven redoubled his efforts, channeling the newfound energy coursing through him into every strike and parry.

With each movement, he felt the magic empowering him, amplifying his skills, and turning the tide of battle in their favor.

As he fought on, fueled by the combined strength of his own resolve and the mother's protective spell, Raven knew that together they stood a chance against the relentless onslaught of the goblins.

With the family's safety at stake, he was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

As Raven, the father, and the lone goblin fought side by side, their determination grew stronger with every swing of their weapons.

The father, though unskilled, fought with all his heart to protect his family. With each strike, he showed bravery that inspired Raven.

The lone goblin, driven by a sense of duty, defied its kin and stood by the humans' side. Together, they formed an unlikely alliance against the goblin horde.

With Raven leading the charge, they fought with fierce unity, exploiting every opening in the enemy's defenses. Despite the odds, they pushed forward, relentless in their pursuit of victory.

As the last goblin fell, a wave of relief washed over them. They had won against all odds. With the threat gone, Raven took a moment to catch his breath, feeling a sense of pride in their shared triumph.

With the goblin threat vanquished and the family safe once more, Raven couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious magic the mother had bestowed upon him.

As he glanced at her with gratitude, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye.

As Raven and the family caught their breath, a mysterious figure started to emerge from the shadows, casting doubt on their hard-won victory.