
System error

Chapter 0: prologue

The year is 2074. After the AI had greatly improved the world, the mafia had still been lurking in the shadows. Gaining the power to combat police forces trying to defeat them. The mafia on the path to failure resorted to desperate measures.

Chapter 1: the deal

New Tokyo, a small alleyway hidden from the bright lights, a fateful decision is made.

"How much do you want?"

"100000 right here."

"100000! For what?"

"For the blueprint, "

The masked man wore a large suit,

"do you want it?"

"Fine. Here."

The hooded crook handed over the money and took the USB. When he arrived at the bosses lair he handed over the USB and stood back.

"Thank you, "

The boss plugged the USB into his computer and the machines began to whir.

" let's begin, shall we? "