
chapter 58 - Weird Island

"Do you really have to go? Why don't staying for a few more days?"

Maharani said after she heard Taufik wanted to leave.

"You know I can't, I'm still on My journey with them...

Taufik said, pointed at Kaela and Arman.

...so I can't"

'Even If it were not for my journey, I would never stay here'

Taufik said in his mind.

Maharani who heard Taufik's reasons looked at Arman and Kaela, especially Toward Kaela.

During the few days that Taufik stayed in her Palace, Maharani was especially close to Kaela.

She Saw Her right now is not because Maharani Worried About Kaela, But She afraid of what would happen between Taufik And Kaela in that journey later.

Maharani's worry was not without a reason, she worried because she heard it with she heard it directly from Kaela that she had a thing toward Taufik.