
chapter 250- Horde Of Beast

"How's the situation, Sir?"

"... It's a Nightmare"

Sir Ignus replied with a worried face while looking at the dust cloud far away, created by the Horde of beasts running towards them.

"From the direction they came from, it seemed like the city of Ashdown had already fallen, while our strength had not fully recovered. Due to the previous Viking attack, the only troops that could move at the moment were, the troops led by that bastard Hans, he was nowhere to be seen when the Vikings attacked the city, and only appeared at the very end, I hate to admit it but his rank is higher than mine, just because his Background, he's coward to the core," Sir Ignus continued.

"Oh~ Was he also the one who ordered the gates to be closed?"

"... I don't have a choice"

Sir Ignus answered, then a soldier approached him and whispered something to him; hearing this, Sir Ignus nodded his head and then looked back at Taufik.