
Chapter 9: Selecting weapon

Stepping out of the clinic were Lexmus and Trigon who has been healed of all bruises on his body.

"Sigh, I'm sorry for what happened Trigon. If I had interfered earlier it wouldn't have resulted in such a thing." Lexmus said with a guilty expression, he felt like it was his fault.

"What do you mean?" Trigon couldn't help but ask.

"Well... You see. Zapper, as they call him is my cousin's brother and I thought he was just playing with you. I didn't expect it to turn worse."


Trigon was speechless and heartbroken at the same time. So the person he took as a friend didn't help him since he spotted his cousin among those bullying him?

Even when he was kicked and slapped he took it as them playing with him.

_Humans!_ Trigon shook his head inwardly.

"It's okay, I didn't expect you to do much for a stranger like me anyway. I guess I need to go and sleep. I can't afford to go sightseeing today at least your cousin 'plays' with me again."

"Hey... You're not angry with me, right? I said I'm sorry." Lexmus called out to Trigon who was moving away without bothering to look back again.

"Come on Trig! I know I am at fault," Lexmus says as he runs forward, stopping before Trigon, "Okay, can I get you a weapon as a form of apology?"

Trigon slowed down as he heard those words, he knew the reason he got bullied was due to not having any weapon or strength to protect himself and now that someone wants to get one for him for free, should he still be angry over such a minor incident?

"Fine! I will take the weapon as an apology." Trigon grumbled, making Lexmus smile in happiness.

"Great! Let us head to the store and stop making that face, you look like someone who was offended a million times."


In the heart of the bustling academy, settled within ancient stone walls adorned with mystical runes, lies "Arcane Armaments Emporium." The shop's exterior boasts detailed wood carvings depicting legendary battles and mythical creatures, captivating passersby with a sense of wonder.

Stepping inside, Trigon and Lexmus are greeted by shelves lined with a mesmerizing array of weapons that incorporate medieval craftsmanship with magical enigmas and futuristic marvels. The air is stained with the scent of metal, leather, and faint hints of arcane energies, creating an atmosphere that invigorates the senses.

Glittering swords with gem-encrusted hilts could be seen lined up on different shelves, while ornate staffs crackling with contained lightning or different elements could be seen on another shelf. Bowls of glowing crystals emit a soft, ethereal glow, illuminating racks of enchanted armour that shimmers with protective spells.

"Those are called Core, those crystals are beast core which contains the very essence of beast lives. As long as you killed a beast, you can get one from them." Lexmus explained.

At the counter, a wise old mage with twinkling eyes could be seen offering advice on weapon selection, matching each student with the perfect blade or wand to suit their unique abilities and aspirations. Behind him, a massive tapestry depicts a grand battle between a three-headed dragon and knights could be seen.

Looking at Trigon who was looking at the tapestry, Lexmus whispered to him.

"Rumors have been circulating among the students of a secret back room where extraordinary weapons of untold power are said to be kept under lock and key, accessible only to those deemed worthy by the academy's council of elders."

"Really? How can one be deemed worthy?" Trigon curiously asked.

"I don't know much but I know having high talent and skills is definitely required." Lexmus shrug as both of them continue heading towards the counter.

Among the shelves of ancient tomes and spellbooks, peculiar gadgets from distant galaxies catch the eye of Trigon. Laser blasters hum quietly with energy, hovering drones are kept aside, waiting for students to come to purchase them, and sleek exoskeleton suits give enhanced strength and agility to those bold enough to wield them.

Hidden within a separate shelf covered In protective runes, a collection of artifacts exuding an aura of forbidden magic could be seen.

"Aren't those forbidden weapons and magic equipment?" Trigon asked.

"They are," it was not Lexmus who answered this time but the old man, "They are the ones taken from students due to how dangerous they are."

"Wouldn't it be nice if you people lock them behind doors? Leaving it here will tempt most students." Lexmus pointed out.

"Hahaha, indeed it might be the best idea but the school elders knew why they did it in such a way. Anyway, what brings you novices to my store?"

Hearing the question, Lexmus pointed at Trigon and said, "I am here to get my friend a weapon."

"A weapon huh, let's see. What type of weapon? Sci-fi or medieval? Should it be coated in runes too?" Asked the old man as he looked at Trigon.

"Currently I would prefer an ordinary weapon. Once I get enough points, I will come to purchase a much better set of weapons," Trigon halted, scratching his head in embarrassment, "I don't know the type of weapon that will suit me."

Hearing his words, the old man looked at him, his thoughts unknown and finally, he spoke, "You are too calm for someone of your age, your heart holds a deep hatred for bullies, you wish to pound them to death and I know the best weapon that suit someone of your character. A gauntlet."

Saying so, the old man pointed towards a certain section at the left side which was quite dark and said, "Gauntlets aren't that popular so they are fewer in number. Go over there and pick one."

"Okay, sir," Trigon replied as he headed towards the shelf covered in shadows, with a simple collection of gauntlets, their presence a stark contrast to the gleaming weaponry that dominates the store. These gauntlets, though few in number, exude an appreciable ordinary air.

Taking his time, Trigon looked at them one after another and for some unknown reason, he did not feel like picking any of them. Just when he wanted to turn back, he spotted a set of gauntlets left behind at the end of the shelve right on the floor.

Subconsciously, Trigon went closer towards it and saw the rust that had crept its way across the cracked metal surface, etching patterns of decay that hint at its ages. Dried bloodstains, dark and foreboding, have congealed into somber hues that contrast sharply with the tarnished metal, making Trigon wonder how many live it must have smashed into chunks.

Picking the gauntlet which gives off a sinister aura. Trigon looked at It.

Crafted from darkened metal that gleams with an unsettling luster of shadow, its surface is full of rocky cracks and holes that mar its once-smooth facade. Dried blood could be seen on its knuckles.

At the knuckles of the gauntlet, deadly spikes could be seen, giving Trigon a chill, their razor-sharp points glinting with a cruel promise of pain and destruction which for some unknown reason reminded Trigon of his thought of bringing pain to Zapper.

_System, inspect._


Rank: Planetary (broken, can be considered Earth rank.)

Abilities:???? (Fix it to awaken its abilities.)

Strength: +3

Defence: +2

Speed: +0

{Overall System remark: this weapon suits the host and the system recommend it.}

_Say no more, I want this!_ He yelled inwardly as he felt his heart swirl in happiness.