
The Deadliest Seven-Year-Old in Solterra [Part 3] 

As much as Thirteen wanted to save the other children, he knew that it was impossible to outrun the Houdini Mustangs after they started running for their lives.

Also, Brutus, and Bruno, weren't exactly runners, so it was impossible for them to catch up as well.

Brutus walked towards the Barbarian, who still had two arrows sticking on its back to check if he was still alive.

After confirming that the enemy was dead, he walked towards the back of the wagon and peered inside.

The teenage boys and girls screamed in fright because they thought that the Troll was going to eat, or kill them.

The only people who didn't shout were Cristopher, Harry, and the timid-looking girl, whom Thirteen had met earlier.

After making sure that its Master was alright, Brutus made a gesture for everyone to come out.

"Let's go," Cristopher said. "Don't worry, he is a friend. He won't harm us."