
Milking Both Humans and Majins 

All the Wanderers and soldiers at the temporary camp were in a good mood as they celebrated their victory. 

Countless campfires burned, lighting up the night as they ate their meal and bragged about the number of monsters they had killed during the battle.

Contrary to the festive mood in the camp, the people in the command center had solemn looks on their faces as they seriously discussed how they'd deal with the aftermath of the battle.

"Before anything else, I would like to thank everyone for playing their role properly during this mission," Thirteen said. "I just looked at the report an hour ago, and aside from having hundreds of people suffering light and moderate injuries, no one was seriously hurt or died in battle."

The teenage boy glanced at everyone with a smile. 

"But the battle is not over yet," Thirteen stated before tapping his communicator.