
Chapter #59

AN: This chapter is slightly +18 as Zeno will be slaying a Succubus in a brutal and gruesome way.


Zeno stopped galloping after he made some considerable distance from the keep and dismounted his horse.

His current attire was that of a signature Witcher from the school of the wolf, similar to Eskel's armor from the third game but black in color.

"As I thought, the armor is really uncomfortable on the eyes." Zeno thought out loud.

Even though the armor was a part of his body, it didn't offer any improvements to his defense compared to something comfortable looking.

Since Zeno didn't actually care about looking like a witcher nor his reputation. So, he didn't mind looking like a peasant and got his clothes changed.

Biomass shifted and changed colors as it took the form of clothing that he had worn most of his life... Well, previous life.

[Ouryuu? Are you crying?] System asked after hearing some muffled sobs.

{It's just that, it feels like he is truly growing up.} Ouryuu sniffed and wiped his eyes.

'...' Somehow Zeno felt a bit proud.

[Yeah, too bad it only feels like that...] System was ruthless.

{...} Ouryuu

'...' Zeno.


After having a change of clothes Zeno tucked his Wolf Medallion under his shirt and went on with his way.

His first stop was a small village at the outskirts of Ard Carraigh. He wanted to hear the latest news and decide whether it was okay for him to enter the city.

Considering it hasn't even been a year since the sacking and his rather terrifying message he didn't have much hope.

Unfortunately for Zeno his chances of getting news from nearby locals have been shot down as he started to smell human blood.

'Not just one person... The smell is too heavy, it is as if an entire village has been killed off...' Zeno analyzed as he took in deep breaths.

While analyzing the number of victims through the smell with the help of System Ouryuu start to pray for their souls.

It was at that moment an annoying sound made its appearance and was surprisingly helpful. <I can smell a succubus nearby!>

'...' Zeno was dumbfounded.

{You don't mean that a succubus slaughtered an entire village?} Ouryuu asked, his first impression of the goat-like monsters were nice since they all seemed peaceful creatures.

[Nah, I can see it happening. After all, a succubus sucks the life energy from her victims. The peaceful one's make sure their snacks survive to feed them for another day but not all people and creatures are sane.] System said while pulling some documents about succubus'

Seeing the situation Zeno decided to dismount and make a plan of action. First he released some male pheromones that will attract the succubus.

The smell is natural and could only be picked up by succubus'. Zeno spent many nights with them while coming up with this smell.

<I am not letting you kill it before fucking it!> The dragon declared.

Zeno could feel the resounding smacking sounds in his head as System and Ouryuu slapped him across the mental space.

Zeno didn't mind them fighting and lit a small campfire before putting a piece of meat shaped biomass on it before he got comfortable on a nearby rock.

His horse snorted and neighed before going over to some nearby grass to have a snack herself.

"You're just a horse Jean! Leave the witchering to me." Zeno snorted at his mare before turning the meat over.

Yes, Zeno named his mutated mare Jean, for no reason...

'God dammit I don't even watch AOT.' He wondered why he bothered but couldn't find an answer.

Soon the pheromones worked their charm and the succubus made her appearance, her upper body was truly a work of art and the horns added more charm for Zeno since he was a dragon.

'Horns are coming off as normal to me! And I just noticed this! I need help...' He was crying inside but he looked surprised at the newcomers' arrival.

"Hello young man, I couldn't help but smell your meat. Do you mind sharing, it smells so thick and youthful!" Succubus spoke with a sultry tone.

Zeno stilled for a second, it looked like he was stunned by the beauty of the goat legged female that came out of nowhere.

The truth however was much different...

'bwahahaha! What is this under budget porn!?' Zeno roared with laughter.

[*Judging the succubus in contempt.*] System's eyes were cold

{Pfttt!} Ouryuu was barely holding himself.

<What are you laughing at!? It was hot... It was hot right?> Dragon was getting desperate.

Meanwhile the succubus came closer and cupped Zeno's cheek with her hand and let out a charming smile.

Her magic was already working as his Karmic Virtue made her attempts all but useless.

At this range Zeno could smell all the blood on her. And he also realized that what he was smelling wasn't just blood but the remnants of her victims, still clinging to her with vengeance.

'Well, it is going to be one hell of an hate fuck...' Zeno sighed.

{You're going to sleep with this monster!?} Ouryuu was shocked.

[Look at this objectively, can you guarantee that this guy won't cause problems when we reach Ard Carraigh and it's Enchantress filled court?] System explained.

<Damn, who was in the court this year? Sabrina? I hope it's the blonde version.> Dragon salivated.

The rest shoved visible disgust at his behavior but they couldn't focus on him due to succubus reaching for Zeno's 'meat'.

"Wa... Wait! Let's eat first." Zeno pretended to stutter and pointed at the meat over the campfire.

Succubus let out a disappointed sigh but her expression changed once she gave it a good sniff.

The meat that is actually his biomass was filled with aphrodisiac, specially made to work on Succubus'.

Zeno really had to sacrifice himself to get the necessary knowledge to produce such concoctions.

'She might be magical but, in the end, her lower part is that of a goat.' Zeno sighed as the succubus devoured the whole thing by herself.

"Oops! It was so tasty that I ate it all... Allow me to apologize, with my services." She let out a fake gasp and apologized before crawling towards Zeno.

Zeno fake gulped as her hands grasped his dragon and gave it a little stroke.

It was her turn to be surprised as Zeno made sure it was believably big in both length and girth.

"Damn, you just might be worth my time." Zeno heard her muttering as she freed the dragon.

Zeno, who had been rather bored, acted as if he could no longer control himself and grabbed her by the horns before shoving the whole thing down her throat.

During a normal hunt, this succubus might have reacted badly to such behavior as they were actually creatures with pride but she felt her groins burn with luts.

Just looking at the blonde youth in front of her she felt like she should let him do whatever he wants, life force be damned.

'Ah? Is this love?' Was her final conscious thoughts as she lost herself in aphrodisiac induced lust.


Next morning or a week later Zeno could be seen praying at a mass grave at the village he was planning on going to.

Zeno wasn't sure about how much time he spent 'slaying' the succubus but he figured it should be a week considering the condition of the bodies in the village.

Zeno sighed as he sent the souls of the dead to the afterlife and received their thanks for slaying the monster.

Though the wolf whistles were a bit too much in Zeno's opinion he was still glad that none of them resented him for taking so long.

He thought about the consequences of his actions as he finally witnessed what happens when he doesn't restrain himself during sex.

'There is no way I can do something like that to my loved one's...' Zeno finally started to feel afraid of his instincts.

Still, this also gave him the determination he needed to resolve this issue, he hadn't taken him seriously as he acted all stupid.

He looked at the dragon in his head, he was laying lazily, his eyes were now blue since Zeno got some control over him but Zeno will never forget what he is capable of.

Zeno's mare approached with some hay in her mouth. She wouldn't run away as she was mutated and was slowly getting smarter.

Zeno was hoping to make her into an actual Witcher with silver front hooves for monsters and steel back hooves for humans.

"Well Jean, it is time we should be on our way. Also let's see if there was a bounty on that succubus's head." Zeno stroked her mane and mounted her.

Jean neighed in displeasure, she was forced to watch Zeno the whole week and was a bit disgusted to have him on her back.

'Small sacrifices.' Jean thought and started running at a trot.