
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · Anime e quadrinhos
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185 Chs

The Blight

1000 years ago, the world was once called the world of Tilleria.

A world with 9 large main continents with over 70,000 lands in total.

But the entire world was currently in war, all races all over Tilleria fought for years in blood. It was a beautiful and chaotic world.

One day, a star fell from the sky, and an unfortunate small country was destroyed, burned down completely.

This event shocked the world. Many famous mages and scholars went to investigate it, but besides the ruins of a country, they failed to find anything.

Weeks later, the mages concluded that the 'Starfall' was a natural phenomenon and that it was not going to happen again in a while. According to them, it was normal for stars to fall occasionally.

There was nothing to worry, they said.

Until the Blight appeared.

Terrifying manaless beings that devoured everything they touched.

In just one day, they ate a small city. In one week, half a country was devastated, and in one month, the entire continent had been destroyed.

They devoured mana and swallowed souls. Magic was almost useless against them, not even powerful World Items is enough to kill them all and only the strongest mages and warriors were able to cast spells strong enough to threaten the monsters.

Before the terrifying enemy that threatened to destroy all life on the planet, the main races formed an Alliance to combat them, a new international organization was formed known as the United Tilleria Coalition.

Humans, Beastmen, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Fairies, Dark Elves, Dragonlords, and other Demi-humans. The races sent their most strongest combatants filled with tons of gear, Magic Artifact, and World Items and their most powerful armies to face the monsters. For the first time in history, all races in the world joined hands into one.

The war was incredibly harsh. The number of deaths could be counted in billions, and the countries destroyed surpassed a hundred.

Two-thirds of the world powerhouses perished in battle. They sacrificed their lives to stop the Blight from advancing.

And then, the hero, the summoning hero from another world that still lives today ever since the first great war 1000 years ago also faced them.

Not just him, the other 6 Great Apotheosis Demigods enough to rival Gods fight alongside him against the plague of the world.

With their power enough to fear the Gods, all of them defeated billions of them but with the Blight's reproduction level, it was endless, sacrificing most of them killing more than 96% of the Blight.

But it wasn't enough as the numbers grew every week onto the number that the sacrifice was in vain.

But hope is still not lost as the gods then sent an oracle.

They have sent thousands of their finest warriors of Angels facing the dark creatures… which was still not enough.

Finally, the Gods intervened.

The Blight, invaders of another world rejected by the mana. Only by annihilating them completely, turning their bodies into nothingness, could peace be returned to the world.

So, the gods made the biggest sacrifice possible.

Many gods in the heavens stepped forward to bring an end to the cursed plague.

Ten gods fell in the day that years later would be known as Godsfall.

Each one of them used a very powerful magic spell in the continents affected by the Blight, burning their molecules in the process and finally erasing every trace of the Blight completely.

But the powerful magic used destroyed the land completely. The mana in a 4/5 of the world turned chaotic, making the climate harsh and killing the creatures unable to adapt.

Fearing the Blight's resurgence, the remaining gods, some of them were the Blue Goddess and the Sun God themselves, created an invisible magical barrier around the continents to block access to that part of the world.

The Forgotten Lands.

A place forgotten both by the gods and everyone, where only cursed creatures lived.

With the year war ended aside, for the damages from the war, it is incredibly high. Thousands of knowledge made by the famous scholars and mages created over the past centuries were erased, forgotten. Even they forgot the very name of their world.

After the war, it was called the Forgotten Era but it was short after the remaining leaders, one of them, 'Giornio Von Fordalt' decided to rebuild their once powerful nation back where it was.

This is where the Era of Rebuilding began.

With over 9 continents and 70,000 islands in the world of Tilleria, there is only one continent and few dozens of islands are left.

It was newly named as the continent of Fordalt.

So that's how it was named.

After the war, the world entered a period of peace. The numerous deaths were enough to stop even the remaining of the most ambitious ruler from desiring war.

600 years later, an unknown organization with many names experimented on the surviving Blight, which is unknown on how they got it. 

The experiment however went wrong resulting in one of their bases destroying even the Blight they used.

Another 400 years, it is where the present was.


Back in the deck of the Airship where Artemis faced Crow.

Crow jumps back and swings both of his hands sending out many huge wave of Demonic Energy, destroying anything in its path at Artemis which he dodges with ease.

He activates his energy sword and cuts Crow in thousands of pieces.

But the instant regeneration of his began as it recovers his body in half a second.

"Sometimes your instant regeneration pisses me off."

"What about we'll just skip it towards the end."

Closing his eye for a few moments, he opened them once again.

Suddenly, the Demonic energy within his body surged out in all directions. After which, slowly, it started converging towards his right eye. With the wind, it opens his silver hair that covers his right eye. Revealing the dark and terrifying dark and red eye with ancient symbols around it.

Opening them once again seem like it could destroy someone's soul just a glance.

Few moments of silence in the ship's decks where nothing happens, the one who broke the silence was Artemis.

"Does something have to do with the eye?"

"Fascinating, I knew you metal demons have no souls, but these is the first time anybody resist the Requiem Moon Eye"

[Requiem Moon Eye] is a rare skill that only Crow could use, ONLY him. 

This skill has an ability to control the souls of anyone reach such levels of fine control that they change it whatever they want. Anybody who made eye contact with the person, if that happens, their soul will be in Crow's control.

He can turn anyone into his slave, or he can threaten someone and destroyed their soul from existence.

It is also could suck the soul out of the person and use it to strengthen the user.

There is really no defense nor anything to evade from it unless you need a world item to defend yourself against.

However, the only downside is that he only looks at one person at a time, and the one that could resist the Requiem moon eye is a being with no souls obviously.

Artemis however, like what the Sun God mentioned, Artemis has a fake soul, an artificial soul, which made sense to Artemis because in the human civilization back then, he learns that creating a copy of one's soul is rather simple for them. With their advance technology, creating it is not entirely impossible.

With it, the human government could easily create Elite soldiers, Drones, and spies of it to infiltrate enemy organizations and different parties. But sometimes it can also be for crimes as well.

With this revelation, Artemis realize he is a copy of his original human's soul.

While seem very shocking, he already didn't care about it.

That is why Artemis' computer soul was able to resist Crow's eyes.

"My soul always has been" Unbeknownst to Crow, Artemis transformed his hand into the same rail cannon that disintegrated the hanzo demons that used their Phantom magic back in the city of Bulhin.

Crow senses the weapon, he looks down and sees the barrel of the weapon touch his chest, he looks back at Artemis calmly..

"Damn… your kinda fast."


As he activates the rail cannon, the body of Crow's instantly disintegrated into red particles.

"That is a nice fight, crimson reaper. Maybe one day we'll meet again… or maybe not."

With no other words, he sent out back inside deep of the ship.


When he arrives back in the spatial room, what he sees wasn't expected.

The room is full of black unknown mass, dead bodies were everywhere and few were hanging by the liquid black string in the ceiling.

It is like he witnessed the aftermath of a horror movie.

A̸̪͑h̴̏ͅ,̷̗̏ ̶͖͠t̵̗̂h̸̻͆e̸̅͜ ̸̮͝f̴͉̾e̷̮̿e̶̖͆l̶̜̍ȋ̷͈n̶̳̿g̴̳͒.̴̕ͅ ̴̤́Í̴̻t̸͙͘s̷̪̓ ̵̺̚b̶̗̎ȇ̷̟ẹ̷͛n̵͂ͅ ̴̣͛ạ̴̃ ̸̥̋l̶̹͂ơ̴̭n̵̙͗g̶͔͊ ̴̥̑t̴̪̄ì̶̹ṁ̸͎ḙ̶̿ ̷̗̋I̸̯͆ ̸͈̃é̵͓v̴̲̎e̸͔͋r̴̡̈́ ̴̦̈́m̸̨̏è̷̗t̶̯͑ ̵̥̍o̵͉͆ṋ̵̾e̵̟͛ ̸̮̚o̷̻̎f̴̠̔ ̸̙̋y̸̟̅ó̵̠ụ̶͝r̷̨̕ ̵̙̕k̵̼̍ì̴͚n̵̥͂d̴͈͆

Artemis looks at the source of the voice, in front of him was a creature he felt familiar with. He suddenly felt a memory behold him, showing the same creatures in his dreams, but it's figure is a humanoid.

For some unknown reason, deep inside him felt hatred, vengeance inside him, but on the outside, Artemis was calm while surrounded by a massacre a few minutes ago.

"Where is Pandora?"

T̴̆͜h̶̡̀e̶͙͝ ̵̢̇e̴̙͋l̴͠ͅf̵͈͆?̵͝ͅ ̵̱͝Y̸͔͛ő̶ͅù̸̟ ̵͎̋à̶̜ḻ̸̂r̴̮̀ĕ̸̺ā̶̲d̸̺̄y̷̨̚ ̷̬͝t̷̤̐ā̵͔l̸͇̍k̸̦̋ ̸̠͐ẗ̷̼́o̸̠͝ ̷̠̾h̷̤͂ĕ̵̩r̶͙̃ ̶̡̏à̵̤l̵̡̽r̴͙̓ȅ̴̱a̷̩̐d̶̦͝y̵̪͆

Artemis now realized the monster inside Pandora was that thing.

"Huh, they definitely opened Pandora's box,"

Suddenly, the hatred feeling inside him grows, it's not his human emotion but another person's feeling. It's like something was trying to take control of him.

But he resisted it for a moment.

Unfortunately, something kept interfering his systems and this time it is too strong, not even him could resist it.

It is as some sort powerful virus trying to tale control over him.


Unfortunately for Artemis, he lost his will to fight for unknown reason and was already too late, at the same time his eyes turns blue.

The Devourer fused elf look at the now blue eye Artemis, the blue eyes, which the Devourer immediately recognized, the same being that it once fought. The being it felt hatred and rage on it.

A̷͕̿h̸̡̊,̸͕̈́ ̸̨̛y̶͈͝o̵͈̔u̵͔̚ ̷̢͑ã̷̲g̵̥̽ȃ̵̲i̵͍̍n̵͕̓.̸̙͛ ̴̭̈́Ï̸̲ ̷͈̌n̵̫̐e̸̘͝v̶̠͌ḛ̷̎r̶͖̀ ̷̺̆k̴̦͝n̵̘͆e̵͔̽w̷̮̑ ̶̫̈́y̸͍̚ỏ̷̫u̸̫͠ ̸͇́w̸͇̓e̸͉͊r̶̥̄ȩ̵̾ ̴͔̃h̵͉͝e̷̞͂r̸̫͘ê̴̮ ̷̤̍ḁ̷͌s̶͖̅w̶̡͐e̷̫̕l̴̰̽l̵͈͊,̴͍͑ ̶͚͠ÿ̴̗ơ̴̧u̵̹̔ ̷̡̀b̷̰̾i̴͇̊t̴̖̐č̸͉ḧ̸͍

Artemis now spoke, it's not him but another entity controlling him, instead his usual cold voice, a familiar voice sounded him. A feminine one.

"And I never knew you were now here eating whatever in this world you fatso. Zack isn't ready to face you, I'm not letting him remember the war…not yet for now."

S̸̤͘ǫ̸̆ ̵̺̍ţ̷̂h̵͈̄a̴̜͂t̴͚̾ ̵̪̓l̶̮̈́ȯ̷͓w̷̟̔ḻ̵̂ÿ̸̬́ ̴̦̐b̵̳̏ȅ̵̺î̵̮n̷̢̛g̷͔̀ ̵̲͋w̸͙̓a̸̯͛s̸̮̈́ ̷̘̓t̶̜͆h̷̞͐à̴̱t̷̝͊ ̷̮͘g̶̩͘u̴̠̓y̸͕͋,̴̟̚ ̷̖́I̷͉̓ ̴͙̕c̵̘͐ạ̴̊n̶͚͆'̵͎̋t̷̝̾ ̴̨̏b̵̯̏e̷̙͝l̵̞̋ȉ̸̤e̵̓͜v̴̗̀e̶͚̅ ̵̫̊y̸̠͒o̸̦͐ü̷͎ ̷̫̔á̸̢l̸̹̊s̷͉͋ó̶̹ ̶̞̒m̷͎̃ả̵͖d̸́ͅe̷̬͛ ̸͔̀h̴̦̽ī̷̞m̶̠̑ ̷͔̅a̷̙͝ ̴̭̚s̷͖̚o̴̝͂u̴̝͝l̷͈̅ĺ̵͜e̶̼͆s̵̨̈́s̴̨͛ ̶̼̆b̴͚͝ḛ̵̕i̴̘̚n̵̡̅ḡ̶̝ ̵̙̋ả̷͖s̷̮͂ ̵͕̅ÿ̷͙́o̸͋ͅu̶͍̎.̴͔̃ ̷̺̈́I̴͕̓ ̵͕̊d̵̬̾o̴͉͂n̸̥͆'̶̭͒t̵͚̎ ̴̪̈k̶̡̏n̸̈͜ơ̶͖ẉ̸̄ ̷̳͐y̷̤͛ọ̶͘u̴̺̿r̷̦̋ ̶̻̉r̶͔͂e̵͉͂l̸͇̆a̶̞͗t̶̘̅í̴̡o̸͔͌n̸̫͛s̴͓͛h̷̺̅i̴̙̇p̷̨͐ ̶̞̊w̵͕̃i̸̹͋t̷̟̎h̷̡̑ ̸͈̍h̵̢͋i̵͖͒m̵͕̄ ̴̳̇b̵̡̓u̸͚͌ṫ̴̬ ̸̡̾i̴̘̇t̸̤̒ ̷̗̈î̵̘s̸̾ͅ ̵̣̋q̴̺͐ů̸̝ḯ̸͍t̴͖̐ẻ̵̘ ̷̹͑á̵̠ ̸͕̅b̴̤̽ā̶̗d̵͔̽ ̷̣̊t̴͔̏h̵͕̕ì̶͉n̶̲̒g̶̊͜ ̴̭̍t̴̼͌o̵̧͛ ̴̗̋d̴̲́o̷̡̿

"Oh now you're lecturing me about what is bad or good? You little insect. I WILL BURN YOUR KIND TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!"

W̵̼͝e̵̬̚l̵̫̀l̸̯͘,̶̣͑ ̴̯̃i̸̙̔t̶̬̍ś̸̻ ̴͎̽à̴͔ ̴̬̓ṕ̴̞l̶͈̒e̷̟͗a̸͇̾s̴̬̾u̴̐ͅr̷͚͠ë̷́͜


The possessed Artemis bellowed and jumped away. One second later, a tentacle hit the place where he/she was just now.

He/She kicked the floor. His/Her body leaned forward and rushed towards the devourer-fused elf and activated his/her energy swords. Then, he/she slashed upwards!

But contrary to his/her expectations, his/her attacks failed.

Instead, the energy blades seemed to dissipate when they touched it's body!

The possessed Artemis expression changed. Without hesitation, he/she jumped back while evading the attacks of the tentacles.

"Damn it. I forgot to change the settingd." The entity inside Artemis cursed under his/her unnatural breath. 

Cursing his/her luck, the entity jumped aside and evaded a few tentacles coming towards him/her.


The devourer-fused elf shouted crazily. Its body moved quickly through the room thanks to its tentacles making it faster, using the walls and the roof as springboards.

With a twisted smile, it extended one tentacle and thrust it towards Artemis.

Artemis snorted and dodged it. He/She then dissipated the blade and focused on other weapons.

At the same time, he/she activated another weapon in his/her system, the nanites in the artificial tissue turns into waves of metallic sand came out of his/her body, only leaving himself/herself exposing the robotic body body behind the flesh, he/she then used his/her mind to command the metallic sand.

In an instant, it turned into tens of chains and spikes. The chains and spikes filled the room and chased after the abomination closely.

But the Devourer did not seem to be bothered by that. It continued attacking the android while evading the chains. And even when the chains touched it, it used its strong body to break them and continue the chase.

Countless tentacles pierced towards him/her, blocking all his/her routes of escape.


An energy blade appeared, cutting each tentacle cleanly.

Artemis grunted. 

"Do you think your little tricks can stop my attacks? I'm a Valkyrie. The High Council Commission develops me to kill insects like you!"

With these words, his/her energy swords lit up and cut towards the abomination.


The abomination roared in an intelligible voice. Its tentacles formed a shield in front of it to stop the blades. At the same time, it tried to devour the energy of Artemis' energy swords.

But suddenly, the energy on Artemis' Energy swords changed. It became incredibly berserk and destructive, burning through the tentacles of the creature and piercing towards its chest!

"Ë̵͉̞̉e̴̛̤̐e̸͒ͅẹ̸̯̇e̷̠̟̒e̷͙̎͐k̸͕̆͗k̵̝̭͛͌!̸̲́!̸̋͜!̴̲́" The Devourer roared in pain. It jumped aside and hurriedly moved away while looking at Artemis with a frightened expression.

The fact that it did not manage to absorb his/her energy frightened it. It felt as though Artemis' energy was poison for its body.

And in fact, it was worse than poison.

What Caitlyn designed in Artemis' body is one of them and it is also a way to counter the devourers' energy absorption.

"It is called Neutronial Energy motherfucker!"

Neutronial Energy. Everybody knows that part of the atoms are Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. Neutronial Energy however has so much Neutrons on the atom, about 12% were the atoms beside Neutrons, Protons and Electrons however were replaced by other types of different energies like Argent Energy, and few others into the atom, with that much Neutrons, everybody knows it creates a very VERY powerful radioactive energy. Mixing with Argent Energy and other rare type of ingredients will make it more powerful and deadly for Devourers.

Create and utilize such energy will took alot of resources, time, and knowledge that could fry a human brain cell, the energy was not very possible for our Earth to make one, it will took a millennia.

But with Kayden S. Freeman's discovery, he creates something that revolutionize their entire civilization.

Aside from that, as for creatures like Devourers, people who has knowledge about these organisms well knows they could devourer a star like the sun. However, Neutron stars however weren't Devourers favorites which only burns them to cinders which they are also part of Neutronial energy. They are the fruit of death for them.

Neutronial energy were one of the main energies that could effect against the Devourers and were the MOST effective against them compare to the other energy that could effect against them. Unlike other energies like Plasma, radiation, magic, or Argent energy would do nothing but boost their growth and power significantly.

Most Neutronial energy can be utilized to weapons to completely kill Devourers. With this, any devourer touch or absorb the energy was basically courting death!

I̸̬͠ ̶̼̻̽c̴̹͚͘a̷̼̎̊ń̴͚'̸̱̕t̸̨̖̏ ̶̘͗̚b̴̧̗̃̍e̵̛̪l̸̛̘̹̃ȋ̷̧̙͘e̴͍͗̕v̴͕͋ê̸͙̗ ̸͎͇͌ÿ̸̝͝õ̷̘u̶̳̼̿͊ ̶̩̈́̚a̸̙̱͌l̸͎̹͂̀s̷̡̭͗o̷͔͂̌ ̸̘͍̈h̶̹̎͝a̶͇͈͛̓ṿ̵̲̉̆e̷̲̿ͅ ̴̞̅̀t̸̰͚̅h̸͙͖͠ṏ̴͇̟s̵̺̆é̸̫͍͘ ̷̦̤̊͘a̸̜̋n̷͖͋̅n̸̗̱̂ö̸͎́̚ȳ̶̼̕i̴̗̥̅̑ṋ̵̃̊g̸̺͋̇ ̵̢̏t̴͇̟̎h̴̹̾í̷̮n̶̯͖̔g̵̮̗̿s̸̱͎̓͌!̶̀͜

The devourer-fused elf crouched down. Its cut appendages twisted on the ground, but Artemis used his/her blades to cut them into bits and burn them to nothingness.

"Dirty creature, die!" Artemis in a female voice called out and rushed towards the devourer.

The devourer cried again. Recognizing the danger, supported by its tentacles, it went away and destroyed the wall.

But a metallic wall rose in the middle of its path. Then, the wall turned into chains that tried to restrict its body.

The devourer growled. Its tentacles clashed against the chains, devouring the energy on them. Then, it pulled its arm back and threw a punch!


Astonishingly, its punch broke through the metallic wall!

A shadow appeared at that moment. Using the wall as cover, Artemis appeared suddenly beside the devourer and slashed with its Energy sword, cutting through several of the devourer tentacles.

Once more, the devourer growled in pain. This time, it opted for jumping up. It planned to destroy the roof to escape!

But the entity inside the Android was not planning to give it that opportunity. With a flash of light, Artemis appeared above it, brandishing his/her two energy blades crisscrossed.

Out of options, the devourer-fused elf could only sacrifice many of its tentacles in exchange for its life. The remaining escape path it could find was.

The door.

However, Artemis already went in front of it.

"You do realize that I designed this body to move fast in faster than light speed?"

The devourer has no choice but to run as fast as it can to escape.


It ran towards Artemis' direction at a speed ofa  Demigod, it wasn't planned to face him/her but to escape.

"I won't let that happened"


The punch filled with shocking destructive force met the devourer, creating a powerful destructive shockwave that blew away part of the Airship!


The devourer screamed in pain. It's already weaken body was unable of enduring Artemis' punch and flew away, crashing against a wall!

Artemis walked towards the devourer and looked at it.

The devourer appears to be feminine. What the entity inside Artemis knew, Devourers weren't humanoid in nature, this is the first time she/he ever saw a Devourer in this kind of feature.

Whoever experimented with them were both geniuses and being reckless.

Half of its head melted revealing Pandora's beautiful face. 

When the Devourer opened Pandora's eyes, the first thing it saw was Artemis' blue eyes.

Artemis puts out his/her energy sword and activates it ready to slain the abomination.

"W̷̩̐ȧ̵̼i̵̟͛t̸̯͋ ̸͕̐s̵̈͜t̸̺́o̵̦̓p̶̙̏,̸̛̺ ̵̣̾s̸͚͘p̴͔̋ȧ̷͉ṙ̷̩e̷͖͝ ̵̞̏m̷̹͐ē̶͈"

"Why would I spare a disgusting monster like you?" The entity inside Artemis said in a cold voice.

I̷̙̔f̷̭̅ ̵̘̄y̵̙͑o̵̱͘u̸̼̽ ̵̖͠k̸͚͋i̶̦͑l̸̛͇l̶̛͇ ̵̰͊m̸̼̌ë̴̲́,̷̿͜ ̴̦̏y̷̯̓õ̷͕u̶̜̾ ̶͎̏k̷̗̊i̷̫̔l̵̖͆l̵͈̑ ̴̩̐t̸̼̄h̴̻́ẻ̵͕ ̷̤͗è̶͓l̶̳̃f̷̬͠

"She's alive?"

Ȍ̴̩f̴̝̑ ̴̯͑c̸͚͘ŏ̶̱u̷͔̾r̴̠̃s̵̨̆è̴͜ ̶̹̓s̴̹͂h̷̤͊e̴͉͌ ̴͔̅i̸̝͌s̵̯͠,̷͖̈ ̵̡̋t̸̛̯h̵̜̒ö̸ͅs̸̢̾è̴͇ ̴͇͊ḻ̵͛o̴̡͝w̶͈̄ẽ̴͕ṟ̵̊ ̴̺̎b̶̟́ë̸͙i̴̡͛n̷̖̈́g̸̺̍ṡ̵̪ eXpeRiMeT ̵̮͘Me lOnG aGo d̷̻͌i̵͇͠d̸̻͝ ̶̜́s̶͍̉o̸̤̍m̴͍͝ȇ̴̝ṫ̶̙h̶͎͝i̵̥̚n̶̰͂g̴̟͘ ̵̺̚t̸͙́ȍ̵͜ ̴̤́h̶͇̅e̸̫̿ȓ̶̥ ̶̝̔s̴̩͑ő̵̠u̴͍͐l̵̛͈,̷̺̈́ ̵͖͂m̶͕͝a̸̺͗k̸̹̀ȩ̶̈s̶͙͛ ̸͍̅m̷̝̚ȅ̴̱ ̸̞̃c̵̜̍o̵̗͒ŭ̸͕ļ̸͠d̸͔̿ṉ̸̄'̴̲̈́t̴̻̕ ̵̠̽e̸͕͒a̷̦̔t̴͔͗ ̶̪̆ḯ̶̘ţ̸̉,̸̜̓

The entity could tell if the Devourer-fused Elf is lying but seeing the expression of it makes it true.

"What's in it for me?"

Y̷͎̅ó̵͍ű̵̯ ̷̥͆č̶͖à̸̖n̶̞͑ ̷͇͐k̸̲̋e̴̛̙e̷̝̅p̵̠̊ ̴̼͋t̴̪̓h̶̤͗ê̸̤ ̸̡͗ě̸̫l̸̞̑f̴̱̆,̴͔̾ ̸̺̃f̶̌ͅo̶̥͑r̴̖͐ ̸́ͅI̷͚̔ ̷̳͝w̵̲͝i̷͖͠l̵̪̈́l̸͙͛ ̵̙͘b̶͕͗ë̵̤́ ̵̬̊c̶̡͋ò̵̺ṋ̷͘t̴̩̃ȉ̶͓n̶͓͆u̶̯̾i̶̡̇ǹ̵̫ĝ̵̫ ̶̍͜s̵̱̉ẗ̴̡ų̴͗c̸̡͛k̶̼̋ ̷̰͝i̵̙͆n̸͓̄ŝ̵̖ḯ̴͎d̷̨̅ẻ̴͉ ̶̹̏h̶͚̃e̴̥͛ŕ̴̬ ̷̛̩m̴̪͠ī̴̪n̸͕͝d̴̛͕ ̸̈́ͅf̷̺̍o̷͖̿r̴̭̀ ̷͚͛t̵͔̍ẖ̷̊è̸̡ ̷̡̌r̵̤͘é̸͍s̴̰̒t̴̯̽ ̴͈̃ỏ̴͔f̶͔̽ ̵̮̿m̴̯͐y̵͖͠ ̶̼͝l̵̥̎i̸͈̕f̶̑͜ȩ̷͠

T̸͈͘h̵̘͂e̵̞͗ ̵͆ͅo̶̼͝n̴̖͋l̸̬̈́ý̷̭ ̷̦͐t̴̛͉h̵̬̐i̶͒͜n̵͇̅g̷̩͝ ̸̻̋Í̴͈ ̸̟͆w̴̠̾ǎ̵̘n̴̯̒t̵̯̃ ̷̨̓i̴̛͜ś̶̥ ̴̨́t̶̼̉ỏ̸̝ ̴̌͜ļ̷͠i̶̯̊v̶̢͝ē̴̦

"How do I know you're not lying?"

I̸͚͛ ̴͍͌d̷̥͌õ̷̖n̵̳̈t, ̵͉͆y̷̱̒o̵̳̽ǘ̶͇ ̵̻̅p̴̞͊ȅ̶̮ȏ̷̲p̷̼̏l̴̀ͅe̶̼̽ ̵̨͂c̷͕͂a̵̝̐l̴̬͆l̷̙̈ ̸̟́u̶̝̓s̶̱̉ ̵̟͒Ḋ̶̘ẹ̴̄v̵͉̈o̷͎̚u̴͚̔r̸̺̿e̸̛̩r̵̜̉s̴̱͝ ̶̢̓d̷͍̋ỏ̴̥n̴̥̿'̶̤̋t̷̨̊ ̶͙͘l̷͉̎i̵̬̓ẻ̵̞.̶̖͌ ̸͓̔Ì̸̝ ̶̼̚k̶̔ͅn̸̫̐o̷̱͘w̴͖̐ ̷̟͊w̵̜̚e̶̬̓ ̸̖͝ď̵͓i̶̙̒d̶͈̽ ̷̻̚i̶̻͛s̸̱̓ ̴̜͑è̶ͅv̵̎͜į̴̆l̸͉̈́,̷̪̎ ̷͎̈b̸̨̕l̶̜̑a̴̖͛m̸͍̀e̶̝̋ ̷̱̍ḿ̵̘ö̷͙t̴͇̓h̸͕͆ë̴̲́r̶͇͐ ̶͓̋n̷͎͝ȁ̴͔t̷̫̄u̶͈̿r̵͍͝ḛ̷̓.̸̼͌


While the entity has a hatred towards Devourers, the words of it are true. He/She hates to admit it but it is correct.

"Son of a bitch." 

The entity inside Artemis cursed out loud before found a diamond-shape crystal on one of the bodies of the mages, he/she took it and walked towards the down Devourer.

W̶̦͗è̸͎ľ̴̬ḻ̸̅,̷͉̈́ ̸̤͒í̴̯t̵̾ͅs̸̙͋ ̵̹͒n̸̦͑i̷̟̇c̶̗̑ẹ̸̽ ̶͓̑t̶͇͊ö̸̹́ ̶͎͌m̷̹̄e̶̯̓é̸̳t̸̟̎ ̴͔̈́y̷͍̒o̸̝̊ū̷͎ ̴͈̈́a̷̪͆g̷̪͠a̸͙̾ị̴̾ṉ̸̈́,̸̺̎ ̸̛̪D̵̯͋r̴̦̅.̴͔̐ ̶͕̂C̶̹͌y̶̹̆n̴̻̽d̸̰̔e̴̯̚r̵̗̐

"Yeah, yeah, long time that I've seen you again, ERI-874."

P̷̖͝ľ̵̞ḙ̵̛ä̵̰́s̸͕͑e̶̥̚ ̵̻̇d̶͙̽ö̴̭́n̴͎͑'̵̝͋t̶̪̅ ̴͎͂c̴̫̃a̸̺̋l̵͗ͅl̷̹̇ ̷̩͂ḿ̵͜e̴̥͝ ̷̙͠m̷͖̏y̸̻̅ ̵͚̄o̷̩̾b̷͖̒j̶̰̑é̸̼c̷͙̄t̶̝̋ ̶͔̏n̴̻̕ụ̴̍m̵̩̿b̵̢̕e̴͕̿r̶̫͂ y̴̩͝ő̷̥u̴̘͛ ̶̩̾h̶̳̀ư̸̼m̶̡̈a̵͚̓ṇ̷̑s̵̟̀ ̸̦͐c̴̜͂a̸͈͋l̴͙͌l̶̜̐e̷̥͝d̸̮͋ ̸̮͛m̵̼̉é̸͎.,̴̟̆ ̸͉́I̸̞̾ ̶̭͐h̷̯̋a̶̧͝ṭ̷̿ê̸͚ ̴̹̒i̵̝͌ť̶̞

"Shut up and get back to sleep inside her."

His/Her hand crushed the artifact and as the crystal breaks, the energy flows towards the Devourer but instead consuming it, the parts of the Devourer are disappearing into blue particles leaving Pandora who is still unconscious, clean.

The entity inside Artemis gave out a sign. Finally, it is over.

As he/she was about to pick up Pandora's body, he/she heard a footsteps echo in the room.

Immediately, he/she materialized a futuristic revolver at the figure on the door.

Artemis has night vision that could see the dark, when it activates its night vision, the entity inside Artemis was surprised on who it was.

As the figure came out of the shadows, it revealed itself to be none other than Crow.


References of Crow:

Granger - Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

The Hunter - Bloodborne

Alucard - Hellsing

Hajime Nagumo - Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest