
Chapter 40: Ten Things I Hate About Shrews, Part 9

Wow, that creep's cover is so easy to blow.

I then ask Alexa, "So, are you narrating the seventh?"

"Yes, of course."


So the seventh thing I hate about that creep is…

He loves finding faults in others, and has no sense of tact.

Another co-worker of his pointed out this glaring flaw of his, in a private message he sent to me.

"It seems I've lost all hope in convincing Juan Miguel Juvama that finding faults in others and besmirching their reputations are a huge, huge waste of his time, money, and energy. He should've worked quietly and thought of the many ways how he could make Coquitlam prosper on his own. I mean, hello. He works at a construction firm. But is he really thinking of the interests of many when he's finding faults and besmirching, or is he really thinking only of himself?

"That's what he's good at. If not finding faults in others, he's just badmouthing them to paint them in a negative light, and to elevate himself to the level of somebody when he's actually a nobody. Man, he really is tactless. And then he wonders why more and more people are getting turned off by his despicable attitude. He never once looked at the mirror to know why he's being ridiculed. HE'S JUST ALL BARK, AND NO BITE!!!

"My point is... he should just quietly work for the interests of many and look after his fellow citizens. He should give concrete solutions to the problems that are still haunting us, and not just use his filthy tongue to lambaste anything and everything, just to say that anyone other than him is inherently wrong, and just to give an excuse for himself to lord over the town. Long story short, he only thinks of himself very highly and looks down on others. PHOOEY!!!

"His mental health defects are beyond repair, IMHO. They're the worst of the worst!

"If violence were allowed, that pest should have been stabbed in the chest with the flaming cross of fury coming from those who are getting enough of him."


I then ask Alexa, "So how did that co-worker of his find out about that habit of finding faults in others?"

"Well, it was simple. Everyday at work, he loved to point the finger of blame whenever something is not going his way.

"When the computer in his desk didn't boot, he said, 'I'll sue you, Terabyte Computers! You've ruined my day!' But in reality, the cause of the defect was the power supply going kaput, thus needing replacement.

"When his favorite lunch of enchiladas wasn't available at the nearby restaurant, he said, 'I'll sue you, Jimmy Changas! You've ruined my lunch forever!' But in reality, there was a shortage of enchiladas that day, and they would be replenished the following day. Why didn't he eat similar Tex-Mex food there instead, like tacos?

"When his search terms didn't show up as expected, he said, 'I'll sue you, search engine! You think I'll give in to your puny trends?!' But in reality, the terms he searched were full of typos. Was he typing haphazardly or what?"

"I see, I see."

"Alright, then. I'll move forward to the eighth thing Lavian and I hate about him."


He hates cats.

Not just a simple hatred for cats, but he wants every cat species to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Now you're all wondering how his special hatred all began.

Well, it all began when at a young age, he was always terrorized by cats, because they see him as their greatest enemy.

Even with his attempts to placate them, he always ended up getting his hand bitten or getting scratched so hard.

He was lucky enough to not contract rabies so far, since every cat in Coquitlam is mandated to have rabies shots regardless of their status as house pets or strays.

Of course, with a childhood experience like that, it's a no-brainer that he would end up acquiring a huge grudge against felines.

With that unnatural grudge, he even has "son/daughter of a pussy" as his go-to insult.

He even goes to great lengths to "censor" the internet just for his "total feline annihilation" to come true.

One, he doesn't want any mention of "cats" and other related words to be searchable, unless they are said in a clearly negative light. He only believes in search engine trends more than the scientific surveys which he says are "biased" or paid.

He even paid some freelance underground hackers to "bomb" the search engine results.

Two, he trolls forums which are dedicated to cat lovers, and he is an expert in ban evasion, utilizing multiple IP addresses to come up with multiple sock-puppet users to deliver the same screed.

Three, he posts pictures of dead cats, whether they are road-kills or are in the process of being eaten by other carnivorous animals on those forums, as well as social media, just to rile up other users.

Before he got banned for good on a cat lover forum, he posted the following screed.

"You yourselves are damaging your own image. It's because you try to be elite and are feeling entitled. It's already too late convincing us cat haters.

"You're forcing disinformation on things that don't favor you, instead on just sacrificing those cats entirely to make the world a much better place.

"It's your own fault that you are losing this battle… it's due to your arrogance.

"Now, ban me."

And I wonder why the internet service providers haven't dropped the ban hammer on him yet, since he's really getting too far on this one.


It's clear that Leigh and Aurora are disgusted by the divulging of the creep's grudge against cats.

It's clear that he hasn't moved on from his traumatic childhood experience, and wants to disrupt the entire animal kingdom as a result of that.

It's clear that he really has several screws loose.

And I, who has moved on from my childhood fear and hatred of pets, must ensure that this creep must be brought to justice.