
Chapter 134: Aurora Realizes Her Feelings / 2 Become 3, Part 11

Once she utters the word "forever", the sparkler she holds has its light expired.

Indeed, what she just did is a confession that is made at the right place, and at the right time.

As Leigh and I let go of our own sparklers, we then give Aurora a well-deserved hug, while still keeping her kitty secure.

Yes, it's ineluctable that she had to say it at some point.

Yes, it cannot be avoided that she will voluntarily join Brave Ad 65 as its third member.

Yes, it is in the cards from the day we gave her a second life that she warmed up to the affections of both a man and a woman, who are both in love with each other.

Aurora then asks the questions that we need to answer to affirm our relationship… as a tighter-knit circle of friends.

A throuple, if one wills.

"Do you see yourselves being more than friends with me?

"Do you only like me as a friend, or do you think you can have a romantic relationship with me?