
Chapter 111: The Aquarium and the Sketchbook, Part 4

Alright, looks like the orchestra is ready, indicated by the conductor coming up on front.

The opener is Mozart's famous serenade Eine kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music).

All four movements are included, clocking the entire performance at 20 minutes.

Up next is a more energetic number, "Sabre Dance" by Aram Khachaturian.

From the title alone, and the frenetic movement of the string players, we can all imagine swordsmen fighting at each corner of the ballroom.

The mellowness is back, this time with Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring".

It's normally played during Christmas, Easter, and at weddings, but to have this song played among the underwater creatures via the speakers that are placed in every conspicuous corner of the entire establishment brings a strangely appropriate air of calmness.

While the song is playing, we take a look at the sketchbook once more, this time inspecting each pencil sketch more closely.