

"What are you doing in here" she heard a cold angry voice in the small dark room."w-w- who is there " she stuttred looking around to see who is it, and 'click' the lights came on, her eyes widened in horror on realizing the locker room she ran into. She tried hard not to drool on his shirtless sweaty body and tatoo's,cause she ran away from a dog only to end up in a lions den. Such bad luck."a..a ..a"she said trying to find the right words." Am sorry I'll leave immediately" she said trying to bolt out of there but her arm was held in a firm grip. His dark eyes starring down at her with a sinister smile. "You wanna go just like that"he asked and tilt his head, her heart dropped into her stomach. She just got into a more bigger trouble. Jasmin snow a simple carefree girl,daughter of a multi billionaire who craves for a new environment, a new life a new highschool,where no one knows her as the billionaires daughter,she wanna have true friends.her wish finally came true as her family of three moved to new York ,and there she begins a new life in a new school,she thought she could finally have peace,but everything changed when she came across the wolves. Who are the wolves ? Will she find the peace she desires or will she be entangled in the games of love deception and lust. Find out in this interesting ride of teen highschool love

pixie_dust16 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

chapter twenty two

Right there jasmyn realized that she has a deep problem, she took a deep breath and decided she can't let this feeling continue, it's overwhelming and strange, she has never felt this way before.

She took a deep breath and calmed her beating heart, burying this strange feeling.

"Yeah I won't let her go easily"

She answered.

Teddy gave her a long stare, before taking a sip from his soda.

"Even a dog won't eat the way you're eating right now"

Jasmyn gritted her teeth, the so called feeling she felt earlier was now replaced with anger.


Brandon called in a cautioning tone. While Tristan raised his brow at Teddy,

Jasmyn felt anger, how could Teddy say such a thing to her.

She abruptly stood up, her faced laced with with anger.

"I gusse a dog shouldn't sit with the almighty Teddy Lee "

Said jasmyn angrilly as she turned to leave, but Teddy caught hold of her wrist and pulled her to his laps.

Jasmyn gasped as his action was fast, that she didn't find any time to react.

Every one gasped, practically half of the school witnessed Teddy pulling jasmyn to his laps, every one was surprised, Teddy Lee publicly flirting with a girl, it's a huge news, the students were all surprised, some were even taking pictures

"Oh my God are they dating? "

"Teddy Lee is willingly holding a girl"

"Damn my eyes are painting me, did Teddy just pull a girl to his laps"

"Damn am jealous,,"

"Oh my God, I wish am the one"

Sawyer was surprised, the last time teddy did this, it was clearly a mistake, but now, she could see it was very intentional.

But the wolves weren't surprise at all.

Infact they were all smirking..

"Jasmyn's heart accelerated, it was beating loudly in her ribcage.

Teddy swiftly placed his hands on her belly, and he buried his face in the Crook of her neck, inhaling in her rosy scent.

"Teddy let go of me, every one is watching"

"I don't care, and I'll do worse if you try getting up"

"That's what you're good at threat and blackmail "

Said jasmyn with a sneer.

"You're mad at me"

He stated.

"Let me go teddy, a dog shouldn't sit on your legs,"


He said bluntly,

"Teddy let me go what do you want others to think, you're a celebrity for Christ sake"

"And so what"

"Teddy. let. me .go, "

she gritted picking her words.

Teddy smirked and caressed her belly, making her cringed, she's very sensitive there, and his caress feels ticklish, his fingers finds it way to unbutton her shirt and his hands came in contact with her bare belly.

Her eyes widened in shock. Then he whispered in her eyes,

"Am sorry jasmyn, I was just teasing you, now I'll only let you go if you're no longer mad at me."

His voice was low and husky, giving off a sexy vybe.

Jasmyn was getting heady and giddy, why does he affect her this way.

She took a deep breath.

"Am no longer mad"

"Are you sure? "

She nodded. Teddy let go of her waist, and use both his hands to button back her shirt,

Jasmyn slowly stood up and sat down on beside him, with a flushed face, Sawyer smiled at her.

Teddy had a smug look on his face..

Then he whispered in her ears ,

"I was wrong earlier you look cute just like a hamster"

Jasmyn blushed hearing the compliment coming from teddy.


Iris was pacing to and fro in her living room with a worried look.

A man walked in with a tired look,

"How did it go?"

Asked Iris worriedly.

"Not good honey, all the shareholders were selling their shares at a cheaper price, two companies cancelled our contract, and worse our backbone, the snow corporation cancelled all Contracts with our company, from the look of it, we are going to go bankrupt"

Iris heart sank, why is all this happening, their company was doing just fine, two days ago, what suddenly went wrong, why?

She fingered her hair in frustration, now that the snows have cancelled every thing that had to do with their company, no company will want to work with them anymore, why are the snows targeting them, but the name snow rang a bell, it was the surname of her ex husband, psst how could she even think Jason is the owner of such large business firm, it's impossible.

This is bad real bad, why is this happening to them.

A girl that looks around the age of 18 walked into the living room,

"Mom dad, am so excited, I did more research on the school you promised to enroll me, it's the most prestigious school in New York, and the famous wolves also school there, mom I can't wait"

The girl shrieked happily hugging her mother, Iris gave her husband a conflicted look, how would she tell her daughter who is so excited to go to the most prestigious school with enormous tuition, that her parents are on the Brink of bankruptcy.

Jason was at his office, his face looks grave, the pain he's feeling right now, is nothing compared to what he felt ten years ago, his eyes were red from anger.

He just investigated Iris, only for him to find out that she is married to sabastien Micheal, and has a daughter with him who is 19 years old. The news shocked the living day light out of him.

Does that mean she was cheating on him all along, and even had a daughter with another man while married to him?

"He felt so angry, so heart broken and he felt that all the love he once had for her was all a joke.

Does that mean his daughters have a step sister?